brian knowles
2002 Busa with 27k miles no mods, when I first start it in the morning it starts on 3 cylinders and takes about two minutes to fire on the dead one, acts loaded up like the old two sroke dirt bikes used to do, runs o.k. once warm with a surgeing problem around 3k rpm, put clean and strong thru the gears. Its storing no codes and when I pull the plugs the number 2 plug is always black all the rest look perfect. the injector on this cylinder will always have a drop of fuel hanging from it and I can see a trail down the intake trac, well the others always appear dry, does the fuel system on this bike stay pressurized when bike is shut off like a car for faster restarts? Is this injector leaking into the cylinder the whole time it sits? If it sits for a couple hours and I restart it, it acts flooded again but cleans out after a minute or so. If it is just a leaky injector causing the start problem why wont the plug burn correctly and appear the right color after it has been run? Is it causing a rich run condition on this cylinder? also bike appears to be losing coolant but I have never seen or smelled anything. Help please