Stolen 08 custom hayabusa please read!

thanks guys, it was him that I talked to, talked to him twice now, with the same result that he didn't do it, maybe he did, maybe not, I didn't see it personally but have several eye witness's did and they have stepped up now... Like in my previous threads I started this to find my bike and not to inacurrately accuse anyone... Keep the tips coming and once again I appreciate everyones help and support...

Stepped up as in speaking with police giving sworn statements?
Yes stepped up and alot of info to turn over...

Come on guys I know you are watching! NO ?'S Give me the location of the bike, block your number and call me or send word to me somehow...
TIC TOC TIMES RUNNING OUT ON THE CLOCK It's not gonna get any easier then that Trust me...
What the F, if people new the name then no one who saw had the balls to stop him????WTF??? I dotn know if id be more piss at the thief or the cowards...
Is that someone anonymous who registered to help you (and anyone else) out?

That's awesome. Hope he's found beaten with the location of your bike carved into his forehead.
yeah i would assume, i have never heard from him/her or of him/her till that post. Def happy to see how everyone looks out for each other...
Walk up to his house, knock on his door, and blow his azz off

thats the chorus to a song i know:whistle:
I really hope it works out for you, but you need to be aggressive instead of just calling the guy out on a message board.
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as said before street justice my friend and i really hope this bounty hunter is going to help you 10 out of 10 to him or her what a low life punk this a@#$%$ hole c or what ever he calls himself
What's funny is this guy is going to be able to GOOGLE himself and see his profile on every Hayabusa web site~!~ :laugh:

At the very least (even if he turns out to be innocent of this, he still has a lifestyle and a convicted thief) people in the area will know who he is and that he is a bikaphyle~!~ :rofl:
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afraid my buddy that ran it and left the key in it, bad habit of his... and my xm box covers the ignition so the key aren't in view until you get right up on it...
With that being said, I am sure there are many people that would have loved to take your little toy for a spin. It just happened to be Alvin this time. As pretty of a bike that is, I think I would have invested in a Lojack. Hope you get it back. Any luck with the traffic cameras?
NJ, I love your bait bike plan. What it you put C4 in the bike with a remote trigger? You'd wonder where the bike went, press the trigger, and then you'd know. :laugh: :beerchug: