Stolen 08 custom hayabusa please read!

I'm getting that empty pit in my stomach that I know you have, toolmn. You should pressure the track with civil litigation as well as criminal conspiracy. Bring as much to bear on this case as you can because it sounds like C-Bird is a dangerous connected thug who fears nothing.
Funny thing about his name; decades ago my home was invaded by thieves in the middle of the night who fled when we woke up. One of the burglars was named C-Dog and he got caught. How'd he get caught? The genius dropped his baseball cap outside the house while fleeing, and it had his name stenciled on the side.
thanks guys, it was him that I talked to, talked to him twice now, with the same result that he didn't do it, maybe he did, maybe not, I didn't see it personally but have several eye witness's did and they have stepped up now... Like in my previous threads I started this to find my bike and not to inacurrately accuse anyone... Keep the tips coming and once again I appreciate everyones help and support...

This is a messed up case. I would turn over all you have on C-Bird, including his phone number to the cops. And let them do an investigation on him. With all the eyewitnesses...they may be able to make a case. Bike or no bike.

What makes this worse is that he's in my back yard :banghead: Fuggin scumbag. I know riders from all over this area. So I'll keep a sharp eye out for you bro. Good Luck!
Thanks guys...

Unfortunately i don't have the bike back YET, but will have some nice updates over the next couple of days as the action process has started... Hard to believe that the parties that are responsible are watching and still think they have gotten away, boy do they have another coming...YOU PICKED THE WRONG BIKE TO STEAL AND DEFINITLY THE WRONG PERSON TO STEAL FROM!!!
Is this thread for real, or somebody's idea of a joke soap-opera?

Get real! If there ever was a bike, it's long-gone by now. No proof, even if you could get a LEO interested - which is highly unlikely.

I had a bike stolen once...PoPo wouldn't even stop by...if I wanted a "police report",I had to personally go by the police station and file for one. Motorcycle theft is a non-prosecutable offense for all practical purposes, because there is no investigation.

Of course this is for real, why would i put up a false thread on 13 websites and thanks for your :2cents: its obvious the situation here is different...
Is this thread for real, or somebody's idea of a joke soap-opera?

Get real! If there ever was a bike, it's long-gone by now. No proof, even if you could get a LEO interested - which is highly unlikely.

I had a bike stolen once...PoPo wouldn't even stop by...if I wanted a "police report",I had to personally go by the police station and file for one. Motorcycle theft is a non-prosecutable offense for all practical purposes, because there is no investigation.


I would be very surprised if you ever see that bike again, at least in it's original form. It has been almost a week now and no response is a bad one! From the way you are pursuing this seems that you only had liability on the bike?
Is this thread for real, or somebody's idea of a joke soap-opera?

Get real! If there ever was a bike, it's long-gone by now. No proof, even if you could get a LEO interested - which is highly unlikely.

I had a bike stolen once...PoPo wouldn't even stop by...if I wanted a "police report",I had to personally go by the police station and file for one. Motorcycle theft is a non-prosecutable offense for all practical purposes, because there is no investigation.


Funny you should say bike theft is a non-prosecutable offense... That is a big reason for this thread !! These POS douchebags think they can take any bike they want, because no ones gonna do sh*t about it... Well, it's time we start beatin heads in and puttin these A-Holes outta business..... :beerchug: