I have full...

Here is the update and my rant. My insurance company finally came through. I really hate the insurance game!!! I learned a lot, but I don't wanna go through that again. My insurance company wouldn't talk to me until the 30 day period was up. I called them, but they wouldn't call me back. It appears that only one woman handles claims for all of the US. After 30 days went by, things sped up a little, but still had to play phone tag. I was told to fax in a form listing add ons to my bike. The form was designed to handle cars/trucks, but who is keeping count. Why I couldn't send the form ahead of time is beyond me. The process was then transferred to the Settlement Dept. A different woman was responsive, and reachable. She had a company search around for the asking price of a comparable 2000 Busa. They had value ranges of $6500 to $9000. The insurance settlement was the average minus the deductible. I am also claiming the stuff under my seat (jacket liner, and tire kit) I had to send in my title and keys, and then they deposited funds in my account. I'm not sure if they will cancel me out or not, but I'm quitting them on the next Busa.
I also found if you threaten to report them to your state insurance regulatory agency, they will get the molasses out.
I plan on finding the right one for me in the next few weeks. Would like an 02 black and blue cause it matches my gear from the 2000 blue and gray. I hope my Christmas stocking has one that is stock except for chrome rims and an exhaust. I will buy the lojack before I leave it unattended!
Thieves and insurance company socks!
another one?! F*ck, here i was thinking the thievings had ebbed. Sorry to hear about your loss man. But, on the bright side, you should check out the blue paint jobs on the 09's. Much faster and meaner.
USAA does not insure bikes. Like you said, they subcontract out. Which makes for headaches. My 2005 GSX-R600 was stolen while I was insured with USAA (through Foremost). They did run me around a bit. I had to get all the price quotes, which I did my best to find high end ones, and I had to call them a few times. Once I got an actual claims person things went smoothly. He called me, made sure I knew what was coming, and how to speed the process.The name of the game is USAA. They told me that they would cancel my insurance if I removed it from my policy because they no longer insure motorcycles in SC.....but I was grandfathered and if I bought a new to me one the would have to switch and insure it. They buy there insurance through Progressive.
+2 Thieves SUCK!!! Not to jack the thread but were can I purchase and how much does it cost for LOJAC?