new 07 stolen

(heavybusa @ May 11 2007,14:04)
Good list you have here.

Paging alarm - GREAT invention, if you are close enough to stop the criminals.

Heavy chain - You may have a tough time putting this in your pocket, but yes a great idea

Disc Alarm - Just noise, and could potentially damage your rotors if forgotten. Plus you have to carry it.

AND none of these offer a discount on your full coverage insurance.

Please keep in mind that no one is saying that the RoadLoK is the prevention against all theft. It is a deterrent and works as good if not far better that most everything on the market.

And Vic is 100% accurate in saying that No bike is safe when parked outside, just asking to be taken .
I`d say all measures is better then nothing.[/Quote]

I don`t have roadlok, only because it will not fit my extended swingarm and galfer brake rotor.

This is not necessarily true.
State Farm gave me 10% discount for Scorpio.

Sentry Insurance (My previous one) also offered discount for alarm and/or immobilizing device.

One time I forgot to turn my scorpio down and I almost get beaten up (local bar) the good thing I was able to provide bike registration to concerned bikers. and I really appreciated how they did it..

RoadLok will not fit mine extended swingarm, I already researched that possibility. Maybe it`s not 100% true and I can modify mi swingarm a little but it it to expensive to gamble. If someone can give me RoadLok for free then I can verify it for sure. ;)
(GoldenChild @ May 09 2007,13:59) 2 guys with good arms and backs and a roadlok is useless too.A thief will get whatever he wants if he wants it bad enough..Worst part of the whole deal is you can't mame him/her if ya catch them in the act,hey see that screwdriver on the ground(LOL)...

Years ago my brother-in-law had his bike stolen from right under his bedroom window, and he had a huge chain that was cemented into the ground, plus another laced through the frame and wheels. We estimate it took four or five people, they cut the cemented chain and then they lifted it into a pickup or a van.

I hope you get it back, that blows...
Amazing how a thread can turn into a bad infomercial.

Let's put a common sense twist on this.

You and a friend decide to steal a Busa. You head out with his truck and find two perfect Busas sitting in a parking lot. One is chained to a parking block and the other is sitting there free as can be with a roadlock on it. If I was a thief I know which one would end up in my truck!

Bikes are stolen by being picked up and put into a vehicle with 4 wheels, simple as that.

Whether a bike moves a foot or not at all does not make a difference when it's picked up and thrown in a truck all within 20 seconds.

The fact that I can hear my alarm while at a hotel AND hear the pager makes it a hell of a lot more valuable than any locking device.
If I hear an alarm go off in a parking lot and see a couple of guys lifting a bike, I will personally do something about it. I guess some of you guys wouldn't.

It does not take 8 guys to put a Busa in a truck or van. I've put heavier bikes in a truck bed with the help of just one friend. Is this the part of the late night infomercial that turns black & white while showing 8 crack heads sweating and toiling trying to get a Busa in the back of a truck?

As far as the whole back end being worthless or not riding it later? I have a plasma cutter that begs to differ with you.

It may be a good product and a good design but it offers no more protection than a standard disc lock.
Turbo and I have the same alarm system with the pager
I will attest that it works
I was on the second floor of a hotel on the opposite side of the building -- when Thrasherfox started his busa (open pipes) my alarm went off on the keychain. I could not hear his bike from the room either
To each his own, no one answer will please everyone.

The only thing that is a constant is that there is no way to protect a bike 100% so as riders we must do what it takes to protect our investment.
(Vic_E55_2001 @ May 11 2007,21:10)
(heavybusa @ May 11 2007,14:04)
Good list you have here.

Paging alarm - GREAT invention, if you are close enough to stop the criminals.

Heavy chain - You may have a tough time putting this in your pocket, but yes a great idea

Disc Alarm - Just noise, and could potentially damage your rotors if forgotten. Plus you have to carry it.

AND none of these offer a discount on your full coverage insurance.

Please keep in mind that no one is saying that the RoadLoK is the prevention against all theft. It is a deterrent and works as good if not far better that most everything on the market.

And Vic is 100% accurate in saying that No bike is safe when parked outside, just asking to be taken .
I`d say all measures is better then nothing.

I don`t have roadlok, only because it will not fit my extended swingarm and galfer brake rotor.

This is not necessarily true.
State Farm gave me 10% discount for Scorpio.

Sentry Insurance (My previous one) also offered discount for alarm and/or immobilizing device.

One time I forgot to turn my scorpio down and I almost get beaten up (local bar) the good thing I was able to provide bike registration to concerned bikers. and I really appreciated how they did it..

RoadLok will not fit mine extended swingarm, I already researched that possibility. Maybe it`s not 100% true and I can modify mi swingarm a little but it it to expensive to gamble. If someone can give me RoadLok for free then I can verify it for sure. ;)[/Quote]
I have an extended arm and you can get a moded lock in most situations.

Thanks again for the input, there really is no wrong answer just different tastes
When i can, i'm gonna do a Roadlok. It'll have to be the version for an extended swingarm though.
Let me know when you are ready paul, Daryl and I spent some time working on the extended version.

I have had no problems with it.
Have we heard if they recovered your bike???

Layered theft deterent, Alarm, RoadLok, disc lock and whatever else it takes. You can't stop them but you can slow them down or make someone else's bike a more tempting target.
(dmrowe @ May 16 2007,17:16) Have we heard if they recovered your bike???

Layered theft deterrent, Alarm, RoadLok, disc lock and whatever else it takes. You can't stop them but you can slow them down or make someone else's bike a more tempting target.
Great question!!!

and very true words!!!
How do these Roadlocs work? Also I have an alarm system on my bike but lost the remote to activate it....can I get a remote reordered with serial umbers and all? or do I need to get a new system?
(05BusaLe @ May 09 2007,19:25) Roadlok is nice, But I have the skateboard thugs round here!
2 Guys+2 Skateboards=1 Missing bike
It's not as hard to catch to guys running down the street carring a busa or taking one for a ride on a skate board