Stuff I passed on the freeway.

Mikey D

Yesterday was a banner day for junque on the freeway.  I have a 35 mile trip to my side job and I seemed to have passed an inordinately large amount of unsecured cargo etc...

- A truck 2 vehicles ahead gave birth to a fresh batch of 'gators, one large 4 footer and a bunch of babies bouncing around.

- There was a leaf spring (Yes! a freakin leaf spring!) in the fast lane.  The truck (low-rider w/ offset wheels) hit it and cut down his front right tire.  Only my cat-like-reflexes (and the fact that I wasn't riding this guy's bumper) saved Suzie & myself from a similar (and potentially disastrous) fate.

- There was a patio umbrella in the emergency lane.  Yes it was open, and yes I got a big o'll burst of adrenaline when I saw it shift around when the cage in front of me passed it.

- There was a broken down Hardley on the HOV cloverleaf.  Blue w/ silver flames and ape-hangers.  I stopped to see if he needed any assistance. He said it had gas and spark but just died and wouldn't start. He had a cell & there was a tow coming to get him.

- There was a full sheet of OSB in the middle lane.  I think it was 1/2" but couldn't tell at speed.

What did you get to avoid today?
Sand on the road and the threat of freezing with 32 degree windchill

But Damn mickey sounds like you had a action packed day was that on the way to work or on the way home? one things for sure one way to wind ya up before or after work thats for sure
Sand on the road and the threat of freezing with 32 degree windchill

But Damn mickey sounds like you had a action packed day was that on the way to work or on the way home? one things for sure one way to wind ya up before or after work thats for sure
That was on the way to work. The way home was another story...

Wow, you better stay awake, sounds like your in a commercial for frwy object avoidance. Glad to hear you had you "cat like" reflexes on high alert that day.

Well, not that many objects here, that I have seen in one day.
Did see a shovel in the middle lane the other day. About a month ago I got to see (had to see) a deer try and do a frogger imitation and try to get across the frwy, he made it to the middle lane. A little import hit it head on, and completely crushed the front of the car, not a good scene.
On a bike, hitting a deer at frwy speed, no thanks

When I am in my car I think about thoes things on the frwy and would I have seen it in time.

Ride safe, stay awake, a swerve hard.
I've had to avoid, suitcases, ladders, rakes, moving boxes, clothes.. and the suitcases, clothes and moving boxes all fell off the same darn truck. Hey buddy.. tie that crap down in your pickup BEFORE you get on the highway.. putz.
I was following a Truck w/ Boat on trailer (about 75 mph), when his cooler lid in the back of the boat decided to take fight lessons. Thanks to swerving I avoided a pretty nasty disaster.
Damn there seems to be alot of $hit on the roads around y'all. I do not see much of that around here. Well maybe I do I just don't remember because I have not been riding the bus in like 5 months.
Turtles, Bobcat (Furry Type), Baby Ducks (And their Escort), Deer, Elk (Back in Colorado), plastic bags, Cigarette butts, SPIT, Road Cones, Old People...

Really all sorts of stuff over the last few years, but not a whole lot of inanimate stuff to dodge and weave around here in Tampa, now that I think about it the roads are kept pretty clean, just well stocked with idiot cagers...
Damn Mikey...sounds like someone set up a little "road course" for you!

In VA...animals of every kind...old people here too...Harleys...
Not a lot to dodge on the highways except for the monster potholes that dont get filled until August or so. Rev you know what I am talking about.
Just think how bad it's going to be when the government allows Mexican trucks on our roads

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driving home one day last summer and came up on a 20' aluminum hulled inflatable boat pulled by the coast guard it had came off the trailer ,the driver ( a  young recruit)looked pretty nervous. also swerved to avoid an extension ladder ,a camry had already ran over it and it was stuck between the axles.

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Hrmmm....not much to avoid, except for idiot drivers.

Sometimes there's shirts, shoes, hats, plastice bags, flattened toads, chickens, roadkill dogs, cats, moose, elephants, turkeys and other stuff.

Just another day in Paradise, I guess.
33 degrees when I went to work at 5:30am....Dodged a couple gators...and some dumb ass tailgating me! A**HOLE! I guess I could have out powered his taurus driving ass but it feels so good having a clean driving record!
I once unsuccesfully tried to dodge a chicken... haha

hmm... deer.. boxes... a tree limb... nothing too exciting though (knock on wood)
nope...we all but made those extinct.

Actually, we do have an small flightless bird here. It's called ko'ko' in our native language and known as a "rail" in english. Pretty cool, huh? Here's one of them.
