Dang that's messed up Bro ... and you've got to make 'em pay dearly for that ... maybe go to the nearest Army/Navy surplus and pick a flame-thrower and wax that azz!
attack of the killer african bees....I read an article last week, they are saying the killer bees have made it to southern Arkansas....ouch!!! Going to have to gear up for lawn work!!
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That sucks....
I got stung by putting on my sneakers one day. They were sitting on the porch and I put them on. Next thing I know it felt like I had a sticker in my foot. I started to take my sneaker off after the pain started shooting through my foot. Surprized the hell out of me. Of course I squished it.....
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I hate bees.......I'm just like a little kid when I've got that can of wasp spray in my hand.....KILL>>>KILL!!! My wife thinks I'm nuts.........................
Some years back i dug up a tree ans hit a yellow jacket nest. I was only stung about 25 times. I was given Benadryl and almost dies from an alergic reaction from the Benadryl. To this day i can not go near the stuff. Only thing that I am alergic to. Glad you are recovering. Now stay away from those fl;ying insects. I am sorry NO MORE YARD WORK FOR A YEAR PLEASE.
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