WWJD "What Would Jesus Do"
hahahaha you guys need to lighten up. I'm not discussing MY religious beliefs here... far from it actually - since our government gets further and further from MY religious beliefs with each passing day. This is a LEGAL discussion. My being a CHRISTIAN does not preclude me from being able to discuss real world legal and political positions and ideas. "WE" don't just live with our heads in the sand and our eyes on heaven
just like the other 3/4's of Americas moral and religious values... Marriage is about to be "ho'd" out too...... (seems to me marriage "was" a religious institution)

Govt needs to back away slowly and let the "masses" vote on this.. how dare CA override a public vote on this subject...

Back on subject? Sure I think we should just be able to marry any other member of the opposite sex we like for the tax break
It is no different than any other business doing things for tax breaks...
maybe I shouldn't have mentioned the gay marriage thing - My topic has NOTHING to do with that

I understand that you would remove your potential aspersion to the gay-matter from this thread if you could. Possibly, you'd relaunch the subject without that 'thought-sparking' revelation if it was possible/worthwhile. Just want you to know that I understand what you've said previous in this thread (quoted).

On this subject, however, I have a perspective I am compelled to share with everyone. I don't know why; and I hope I don't regret it.

We are told (some government stat) that 10% (give or take) of the population is gay. How accurate that is, is anyone's guess.

Regardless, it translates easily to probability.

Probability is that 10% of a:

-military platoon or ship's company...
-town/city/zip code
-or members of any .oRg-anization...
(you get the idea)

...could also be of that genetic pre-disposition.

So, I agree with your assessment that you probably shouldn't have made reference to the gay-matter, especially if it was not your intent, simply because among us, there may exist that very 10%...and far be it from me to separate (or elevate) myself from any of my brothers/sisters. Anyone who shares this ('busa) passion with me I hold in high regard and treat with deference and respect.

I know there are people here who will disagree with me. It's o.k. We all have the right to think our own thoughts and hopefully, the maturity and gentility to keep them from our lips, to keep the harmful/hateful ones from the eyes/ears of those who may be adversely effected by them.
well, I think my idea is pretty sweet. ima start "popping the question", so to speak, to a few female friends and video tape their horrific facial expressions! ... yeah... everyone needs a hobby
I know there are people here who will disagree with me.  It's o.k.  We all have the right to think our own thoughts and hopefully, the maturity and gentility to keep them from our lips, to keep the harmful/hateful ones from the eyes/ears of those who may be adversely effected by them.
Are you one of the 10%
I know there are people here who will disagree with me.  It's o.k.  We all have the right to think our own thoughts and hopefully, the maturity and gentility to keep them from our lips, to keep the harmful/hateful ones from the eyes/ears of those who may be adversely effected by them.
Are you one of the 10%
Why? You lookin' for an escort to the prom?
My point is, maybe YOU are one of the 10% and I wouldn't want anyone to slight you.

No, I'M happily married, but thought the well written poetic part equated to what a "stereo typical" gay person would write.. in short, it was a joke
No, I'M happily married, but thought the well written poetic part equated to what a "stereo typical" gay person would write.. in short, it was a joke  
1. Good one!

2. Thanx for the 'well written' compliment. Poetic, even! Very cool; I'm published. Read:;f=6;t=93240;hl=

3. And so, if genteel/educated/eloquent = gay, then I'm queerer than a $3 bill...I guess.


Whoa...did I say that out loud?
Marridge is giving the licence for two people to desroy each other then trusting each other not too.