Sunday ride

Kevin, for some reason, Your vids dont work. Quicktime Usually works fine, I dont understand. Apparently I dont have the right Codecs.
...unlike your videos... Kevin did not give us a view of the sky...
There was a Eagle in the sky, and I was trying to get in in the vid.
yeah...thats it, thats it. cam tilted up for a few seconds while I revved it up

Im sure you can get some good shots of the Moon when you get your camera Cecil
some great pics... but really you shouldnt scare folks like that im not the only one that thought that you were the one that crashed.
Looks like there were alot of squids in the vicinity.
Reminds me of a George Carlin bit:

"ever notice that everyone who [rides] slower than you is an @sshole and everyone who [rides] faster than you is a [squid]?"

There were some honest-to-god FAST riders out there and I personally found the experience quite humbling  

For me, and this is just me, there are only two types who concern me:  Self Righteons who decide THEY are the ultimate arbiter of what the appropriate speed is (who, by the way, you can NEVER please, you are always too fast, or too slow) and people who get suckered into riding beyond their ability (I have been this person before - so I understand it).  

The guy who crashed was in the second group.  Good guy, but even he knew that he let himself get goaded into a situation where he wasn't riding within his skills.  I stayed back on that run because I had already had my ego bent a little on the way TO the meet so I already knew what those guys were capable of.

As far as the rest:  For me, and again - just me, motorcycling is the ultimate individualist activity.  I try not to judge folks too hard and only ask of them what I would ask of myself - please don't hurt anyone other than yourself
Looks like there were alot of squids in the vicinity.
Reminds me of a George Carlin bit:

"ever notice that everyone who [rides] slower than you is an @sshole and everyone who [rides] faster than you is a [squid]?"

There were some honest-to-god FAST riders out there and I personally found the experience quite humbling  

For me, and this is just me, there are only two types who concern me:  Self Righteons who decide THEY are the ultimate arbiter of what the appropriate speed is (who, by the way, you can NEVER please, you are always too fast, or too slow) and people who get suckered into riding beyond their ability (I have been this person before - so I understand it).  

The guy who crashed was in the second group.  Good guy, but even he knew that he let himself get goaded into a situation where he wasn't riding within his skills.  I stayed back on that run because I had already had my ego bent a little on the way TO the meet so I already knew what those guys were capable of.

As far as the rest:  For me, and again - just me, motorcycling is the ultimate individualist activity.  I try not to judge folks too hard and only ask of them what I would ask of myself - please don't hurt anyone other than yourself
Well Said...

It's easy to sucked in, ESPECIALLY when you feel you have something to prove on a Busa and your chasing a well ridden more track oriented bike.

It's surprising the amount of preasure that can unintentionally be applied, the amount of self doubt that can creep into your head when an entire group leaves you behind. It takes a mentally strong individual to stick to their own comfort zone, and not get suckered out of their comfort zone.

Well Said TSpoole...

BTW any chance I ran into you out on Patterson a little more than a year ago??? You chased me for awhile then we stopped at the library on that other road?
ENTIRELY Possible.  I don't live too far from Patterson (yay) so I hit that road as often as possible.  Hopefully I was a nice guy, as I am still trying to bring my 'inner jerk' under control.

This may ring a familiar bell - something about "it is not the good inside me that I find myself doing, but rather that which isn't good that I must fight always against" - to paraphrase Paul . .

If you are in the area, and want to ride sometime ping me - for MSN messenger or for email.
The two clips that didn't come out were the one wheelie and the other was a drag race to over 150. I don't know what I did wrong. Maybe God was watching over me so that my wife doesn't get freaked out.  

Always very important................keep your wife in the dark about your need for speed and adrenaline rushes!!!!






I couldn't tell how fast anyone was riding by a picture.   Some just appear to have the squid attire, if you will.
yeah, kiddo had on the boxer shorts, the pants hanging halfway down his butt and a pair of Lugz or Doc Marten's for shoes.  I found one of the shoes about 40 feet from where he was . . . live and learn I suppose ;-)

"Dress for the crash, not for the ride"