I have to speak out for all superchargers, They will never make the power a turbo make! Given the same parameters. They have what I call usable power. Which makes them more ride-able
Look at the times I can do in the 1/4 mile, compare them with a turbo and I bet they are making more hp to do the same e.t.
As far as numbers, it makes 310-320 ish to the rear wheel when a lock up clutch was installed. No intercooler or water injection. It rarely sees a dyno because we tune by data logging.
We have an intake cam on the ex, which is being replaced with a stock cam now, we believe the 2 intakes hurt the power. drop in je turbo pistons, hd valve springs, good rods, bigger injectors and fuel pump.
They are very easy to ride, nothing different from a regular bike except a lot more power! This one is a little intimidating but the street version is smooth, and fast. This one came in with an already 2 mil bore, all we did was put in turbo pistons and he opted for turbo cams, nothing else and it made 256 to the rear wheel.