Suzuki Corporate and the 08 RECALL

Well, I know I am waiting on the 09s now.


this sorta sounds like much to do about nothing. I mean in the big picture. It is a new bike and with that some recalls are almost certain. hence why i never buy the first year of anything. nonetheless this isnt much and if this is the worst of it then thats good i think
you know this stuff happens all the time on cars.... not a big deal at all..  TSB's (formerly called recalls) are required by DOT on stuff like this is all..
FYI: TSB's (Technical Service Bulletins) for the auto industry anyway should not be confused with a recall previously called campaigns in the 80's... I should know, I have written dozens of TSB for General Motors in my 25 year employment.

TSB's differ from recalls in that they are not considered safety or emissions issues and they usually apply only when a vehicle is in its warranty period (whereas a recall is "open" until the work has been performed). TSB's frequently (but not always) address a recurring problem and include illustrated instructions for repair, a list of the parts needed, the warranty status and the labor charge. TSB work is not performed free of charge, recalls are and many times the customer is compensated for the inconvenience (by the selling dealer) with free oil changes, future purchase discounts and I have even seen ball game tickets.

A recall requires the manufacturer to notify the current owner of the vehicle my mail. A lack of response will initiate additional notifications until the work is performed.
I'm a little concerned that where not getting the entire story yet.... IF Suzuki is willing to halt sales on the 08 Busa because of this unknown condition! I'm worried/concerned..
Talked to SUZUKI dealer here in CANADA. T.S.B is on ignition wire routing POSSIBLE wire short . SUZUKI will release the determined fix JUNE-6.
Well for squirts & giggles I called 3 dealers around me & asked about this issue.
All 3 service mangers didnt know what the h*ll I was talking about.

There on the floor ready to be sold here.
all the 08s out there does anyone know anyone who has had this reported problem.Mines has never had a problem and I ride the hell out of it.
I just got the word last night, my 08 is on hold for an "unknown" issue. My dealer is frantically trying to get it to me or another to replace it. Hopefully they get this figured out soon.
Well just contacted the manager at the dealer I bought it from and this is what he emailed back to me.

"Never heard of this re-call. But we have NOT stopped selling them."
I stopped and talked to the dealership where i got mine Twiggs Cycle (Hagerstown,MD). They said they just got the notice today, and they have stopped all shipments and sales of busa's. The notice only said not to sell any busa's, more information will be provided. They didn't seem to be to concerned about it.