Suzuki Corporate and the 08 RECALL

In referance to the above posts.

I would think it would not be smart to ignore something that could cause the engine to die.

Here are some scenarios:

1) Popping a wheelie, engine dies, front end slams down hard

2) Comeing up on stopped traffic, engine die, your attention is immediatly focused on WTF happened to my engine!! taking the focus away from the car you are about to rear end

3) In a turn leaning low and taking the turn at a good rate of speed. Instead of guessing what might happen someone just try and it and half way through the turn turn the throttle all the way off without straightening the biike first.

Now imagine that happening as a surprise.

me personally, I dont think I could enjoy riding wondering if and when something like the above might happen.

I suck at gambling and to me not getting something like this fixed would be gambling.

Just my .02 from an 03 busa owner
I just got the call from the dealership, NO BUSA FOR ME. Salesperson said Suzuki sent a letter to the dealership(s) telling them not to release any 2008 Hayabusa's due to TSB/Recall until further notice. No ETA mentioned.

Ok, here it is guys, the official fax from my sources from Suzuki COrp, it states certain batches of k8's with VIN ranges and what they are working on
it is in PDF version, with the specifics


Is that just the ones in Canada that are affected?
No, it must not. I just checked my VIN and it does fall in the range of affected models and I bought mine beck in February in Ct. I'm not going to stop riding though and I will check weekly with the dealer to see what transpires. I think I will test the bikes reaction to the engine shutting off in a leaning corner tomorrow to see exactly how the bike reacts. I'm quite sure the rear tire will not lock up but will continue to roll but slower as the transmission turns the crank and engine over. I want to see if the high compression will keep the engine from turning and then lock the rear wheel. Perhaps I will do this in a straight line first. I will post my findings tomorrow.
I feel for you guys... what a bummer to say the least!

Checked my VIN against the list, and thankfully I'm not in the range.
My '08 was purchased in December in Arkansas, so I wonder if it's a regional thing?? - don't know if this info helps, but just thought I'd offer it.
I got mine about May 22nd in California and mine is not in that range, just past.

If I remember correctly is was mfg'd in March.
Got my Dec. 26th 2007 and I fall in. what? Will the stealership be calling me to get me in for the fix? Get a letter from Suzuki telling me to take it in? I can't imagine if they are stopping sales of them that they would want me to ride it in? At the same time they can't expect me to find a way to get it there? The information above didn't say anything about the fix?
This is just one reason I will NEVER buy the first year of any new model bike
I had a recall on my '00 too, so it's not just first years. Stuff happens with bikes, cars, everything that's mass produced. As long as they recognize the problems and step up to the plate and get them fixed, it's not a big deal. I'd much rather that happen then have them sweep it under the carpet (like some manufacturers).
Even if mine is listed I'm going to ignore it unless I have a problem.

You serious?

Nice blinkered approach to life... i like it  

Lets hope no one has to pull you dead out of a ditch due to you not getting something checked that could be dangerous???

Agreed, thats like seeing oil dripping from your bike and riding it anyways. Or disconnecting the kick stand switch.

Honestly heres your sign.
Ever inspect your bike for it's mechanical condition? The whole thing? Do you have ANY idea what you two are talking about? Do you have ANY idea how anal I am about my bikes?

I didn't think so. STFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All this panic can be avoided by a simple check of the slack on the wiring going down the fairing stay. Loosen up the ties from the left fairing area to the fairing stay and pull a bit of slack toward the stay. Make sure the ignition wiring has a small loop of slack at the bottom of the switch housing.

It's not rocket science! It just take a few minutes and a clue!
Even if mine is listed I'm going to ignore it unless I have a problem.

You serious?

Nice blinkered approach to life... i like it  

Lets hope no one has to pull you dead out of a ditch due to you not getting something checked that could be dangerous???

Agreed, thats like seeing oil dripping from your bike and riding it anyways. Or disconnecting the kick stand switch.

Honestly heres your sign.
Ever inspect your bike for it's mechanical condition?  The whole thing?  Do you have ANY idea what you two are talking about?  Do you have ANY idea how anal I am about my bikes?

I didn't think so.  STFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All this panic can be avoided by a simple check of the slack on the wiring going down the fairing stay.  Loosen up the ties from the left fairing area to the fairing stay and pull a bit of slack toward the stay.  Make sure the ignition wiring has a small loop of slack at the bottom of the switch housing.

It's not rocket science!  It just take a few minutes and a clue!
uhhhh hu hu hu, he said Anal