??? how can you sleep getting tattoo's on your face and around your eyes?????????
since she is suing him I would tell her to come back and get the other side done and if she could fall asleep for that procedure then he will pay to remove as many as she wants, if she can't fall asleep then she pays
Her potential employment opportunities have been significantly reduced.
Her potential employment opportunities have been significantly reduced.
Yes, I believe she is left with about 3 job opportunities now.
1. Stripper
2. Crack head
3. Keynote speaker at high school graduations speaking about how your decisions will be with you for the rest of your life.
Ont he plus side... She really wasn't much of a looker to begin with, hollow vacant eyes, unremarkable face, no real character at all.... Now? Well at least now she's got character!
ok lets say there's a language barrier. Let's say she did fall asleep. No matter what she walked into the establishment and wanted something tattoed on her face. What did she want on her face? Either way she's a butter knife in a draw full of steak knives.