Telephone solictors


Hayabusa Immortal
Donating Member
If your gettin as tired as i am of being bugged by telephonies then you may wanna try this

another thing I do is this :
Answer the phone with anything other than "hello" - most auomated systems are programed to hear " hello " this will result in a pause before you are connected to an operator. During that split second pause I hang up, or if they get through that I speak over the top of them and say something like Thanks for calling ... click. Or thanks for calling and interupting my dinner ... click... u get the idea.

Just thought I would pass this along - K
Hey link wouldnt post! anyway web site is
Good ideas, Hawaii.. Might I also suggest keeping an air horn next to the phone and when you determine it's one of 'em, give 'em a good long and loud blast.. that oughta do it too!
Ha ha!

I tell them I'm gonna put my wife on the phone and then give it to my son. He is 16 and he has a great tim with them!
The "no call list" in Colorado is great!!!!! Telephone solicitors aren't allowed to call's a law that was passed here over a year ago. Now the only time my phone rings is when it's someone I know!!!!!