Tell your bogus bike stories you hear.....

I'm at a contract meeting today,when it was over a guy in a shop across town asked if I really sold the busa.I said yea it bored me and wasn't fast enough :laugh: He points this young kid out and says this guys is nuts on a bike...he fly's.I said yea...I heard that before but never see it backed up.That got this kids attention.

He tells me I should buy a fast bike...I said like what.....he says a 636..I beat gixxer 1000's and busa's all the time [talking straight line] :rofl: he's had it to 183......I said show me the GPS.............what's that he say's ??? So you'll know your true speed I replied...He say's I have my speedo and I've had it to will break 200 with enough room..... :rofl: I said ARE YOU THAT STUPID.... did they know they was racing :rofl: I pizzed him off laughing at him.I said a zx10 won't pull 200 what make you think a 636 will.He says you busa guys are clueless a 636 will beat have no idea....I said kid you better have a big blow dryer on the front of that engine and a serious gear change for your mouth [ he didn't know what I ment by blow dryer :laugh: ]

Same ol crap I hear all the time...when you own or have owned the big dawg...everybody wants a piece....Especially when they know you sold it,their lips starts flapping.Where was they when you still had the beast :whistle:

Hayabusa is the standard of speed.If it wasn't,everybody wouldn't be gunning for it.

The kids name, wasn't owen by any chance.:rofl::rofl:
I have two stories.

1) A guy I worked with had the honda 1800 what ever. I had the 600 radian. He always said we should see which bike is faster. We don't have to mine is. He would say his motor is 3 times bigger. I'd ok lets go.. so he took me up one weekend. That monday everybody was asking what happen. He'd say. I'd beat him if we went for 3/4 mile or longer. All I said was I was only going 125, I still have about 20 more to go before the motor ran out of power.

2) My girlfriend work at the quick shop and her co-worker(mid 40's) just got a m109. Everytime I seen him he would brag about how much faster his bike is then mine. I'd always say let run them and fine out. Then one day we were out side having a smoke and a guy he knew came by. He told his buddy he could beat the hayabusa.. His buddy just laughed. I looked at him and said lets run them. lol:rofl:
I was getting my tires at the shop last year and some guy who didnt know i had a busa (i told him i had a 250) and who was riding a 07 stock, not even the warning stickers off, was telling me how he was just doing 201 on the freeway (the 78...which is super crowded at 3pm, and tons of cops....) saying yeah man, you gotta step away if you see the busa coming through bla bla, its for expert riders..bla of the guys over the counter tells him, your speedo doesnt even go to 190 how where you going 201??? AND to top it off, the conversation started when some guy who was 6 foot something traded in his bike for a 750....traded in an sv650 with a "SPEED LIMIT 245 MPH" sticker on it.....
I was talking to a kid who had an '08 Busa and he is telling me how he was doing 189mph, but he knew it was closer to 200 because the stock tires don't really read the correct mph. ???

I asked him if he had a speedohealer and he said "No, but I know what that is". This is where he lost me and I stopped listening.
Funny what BS some people hear and truly believe, poor kid.
My favorite came from the sales rep at the Harley Dealer who saw me admiring the the V Rod in the show room ( I love that bike:thumbsup:)

Sales man walks up an says:"This is the fastest bike there is"
So I asked " This is the fastest bike here in this show room right???"
Salesman: "No this bike will smoke anything on the road today!"
Me: "Even those rice burners???"
Salesman "Hell yeah anything"
Me "Well start the paperwork, I'll make you a deal I have my Hayabusa in the parking lot, you beat me an I'll buy it right now".
He just turned his head an walked away :dunno:

I like those V Rods really nice bike, but I really don't like the sales tactics :whistle:
My favorite came from the sales rep at the Harley Dealer who saw me admiring the the V Rod in the show room ( I love that bike:thumbsup:)

Sales man walks up an says:"This is the fastest bike there is"
So I asked " This is the fastest bike here in this show room right???"
Salesman: "No this bike will smoke anything on the road today!"
Me: "Even those rice burners???"
Salesman "Hell yeah anything"
Me "Well start the paperwork, I'll make you a deal I have my Hayabusa in the parking lot, you beat me an I'll buy it right now".
He just turned his head an walked away :dunno:

I like those V Rods really nice bike, but I really don't like the sales tactics :whistle:

Now that funny!:rofl:
zx12's were pretty amazing i hear

taken from the following add...kawasaki zx12r

"i have had the bike past 200 mph the bike dosent have a speed cut in it so it will do a top speed of 235 at redline great bike and you will be happy with owning this powerful machine not for beginers it will pull up in all gears if at full throttle no matter if your doing 15 mph or 130 it pulls up"
Long live the king!! I love it when punk kids in their modified tuner cars wanna race when the see that I have a 'Busa. I had a kid once wanna race me when I was eating. I told him I would for 250.00. He said he didn't have the money. I then told him let's race for pinks. He was getting a little nervous and said he just wanted to race to see who was faster. I did ask him what he had done. He had a fully built B16 with a turbo, pushing 9lbs. It was a pretty nice car. He finally coughed up 100 bucks to race. He gave up on the race before he even got out of the intersection. He was really pissed when I took his money!! Everyone with a turbo'd car thinks they are fast and can beat a 'Busa.
No one knows what a BKing is, they assume it is a sporty cruiser with a cruiser motor. I have had it for 8 months now ans I haven't yet had anyone wanting to race. I have had many guys on 600s and 1000s fly past me at 95+ when I'm doing about 60. They scream by and keep going zig zagging between cars. Driving like organ donors.

No one wanting to do a roll on though. Maybe cause I'm heavy and they think the bike is not worth a race........
It was probably bored to a 638~!~ :laugh:

I think that'd be the extra room from the scratch in the cylinder~!!~ :rofl:
Had a Honda civic that sounded stock come up beside me on my 07, Girlfriend on the back she usually likes to go fast, I didn't think nothing of it until I heard him downshift. I tapped my girlfriends leg (the hold on sign) and just stayed beside him still in 6th until about 90 I tap again (she knows whats about to happen:laugh: ) tap the horn and downshift to third and wrap wide open :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Then my ribs start getting this pounding sensation in them until I let up. A few minutes later he catches up and starts to try again, I stick my pointer out and give a no no signal :laugh:
Had a guy at the track last fall come up to me with his fringy leather vest and start asking questions about my bike. I was making passes on the spray, carrying the front almost 600 feet down the track, running low sixes.

He tells me he is going to put exhaust and some other mods to his bike and then he should be able to "hang with me". I grin inside and ask what he is riding, and he points to his 1300 VTX out in the parking lot :rofl:
My favorite came from the sales rep at the Harley Dealer who saw me admiring the the V Rod in the show room ( I love that bike:thumbsup:)

Sales man walks up an says:"This is the fastest bike there is"
So I asked " This is the fastest bike here in this show room right???"
Salesman: "No this bike will smoke anything on the road today!"
Me: "Even those rice burners???"
Salesman "Hell yeah anything"
Me "Well start the paperwork, I'll make you a deal I have my Hayabusa in the parking lot, you beat me an I'll buy it right now".
He just turned his head an walked away :dunno:

I like those V Rods really nice bike, but I really don't like the sales tactics :whistle:

That kind of reminds me of this time I was in the dealership, and this sales man talked a guy out of a CBR 1000 RR by telling him that they had an LE Busa in the back. The guy said "I know a little about Busa's, but not the Limited Editions". The salesman told him "it's a Busa.....JUST THAT MUCH BETTER". The guy said "I,ll take it !!!!!!!"

In August it will be 4 years since I got it :rofl::laugh:
It's these stories that made me stop telling people "I have a Busa" , when I'm not on it. Because don't you notice EVERYBODY not on a bike has a Busa at home ?
It's these stories that made me stop telling people "I have a Busa" , when I'm not on it. Because don't you notice EVERYBODY not on a bike has a Busa at home ?

It is like that. But when you tell them you have a suzuki and they ask what kind you say, a hayabusa. They will be like, no you don't. Reply in sarcastic vioce, yea your right I don't.