Tell your bogus bike stories you hear.....

I'm gonna start a new company selling 250mph speedos for 600s! How long do you think it will take me to get rich?:laugh:
Sorry to bring up this thread again but this has been my favorite thread so far and I just heard a new one.
I was at Hardee's the other day in line trying to pick what I wanted, just me, a couple of officers in line and an old guy sitting down drinking coffee (its 1:30 p.m.). Well I hear his voice but don't pay much attention then I realize he is talking to me, he is saying over and over until I aknowledge him, "Those officers ain't got nuttin better to do than follow you around?" The officers who are right beside me just kinda glanced over to me, I think they knew who he was. I just said, "Nah they gotta eat too". Thinking that ended it I ordered got my drink went to fill it, he was at the booth beside the fountain said, "what kinda bike is that?" I just said Suzuki. Well then he starts talking about his nephew who use to have Yamaha something said he was going by his house and couldn't keep the front end down. I just said, "really thats cool those things will fly" as I am walking across the place to sit away from him. This guy starts talking to me across the store!! Says, yeah I set a record back in the day 300 mph in an 1/8 on a street legal bike. Trying not to laugh I just nodded and said oh really what was your time? said I think it was a 6. something I couldn't hold it back I laughed just a little but just said oh wow thats cool, and went back to eating and trying to find something to make ma look busy so he would stop talking. So I am almost finished with my meal and he says, "yeah when my nephew came infront of the house he was going so fast it picked his legs up off the bike and he was just holding on to the handlebars and his body was out flat, he was just lucky enough to be able to loosen the throttle a little so his body would come back down, and I know thats hard to believe but he did it I saw it" I just said, "wow he is lucky" and left it was getting to deep

Sorry so long but it was hilarious because he never cracked a smile:rofl:
I had some dumb **** in a scion TC with an exhaust revving at me at a stop light a couple of days ago. I love how every cager in a 3000+lb car thinks he's fast cause "it's got an exhaust and stuff...":laugh:
I had some dumb **** in a scion TC with an exhaust revving at me at a stop light a couple of days ago. I love how every cager in a 3000+lb car thinks he's fast cause "it's got an exhaust and stuff...":laugh:

Yeah but they are always fun to toy with. Make them think they have a chance then pass them on the back wheel :thumbsup:
Last year, when I first got my 08, two guys on 600s kept riding by revving up. So one day I caught up with them at a stop sign. They ask me to ride outside of town with them. We went about five miles to a road that was about 3 miles long. We turn in and that start riding wheelies down the road. We stop and one kept asking me the usual questions. How fast will it go? I tell him 186 and he laughs and says that he can do that easy. So I say that good. They pulled out and got right on it. I was behind them and passed them both. So I decide to slow down and they run up on me. So I decide to leave them out of sight! They pull up at the gas station while I was filling up. They were telling me how fast my bike was. I just looked at them and told them that their bikes go 186 easily.
Last year, when I first got my 08, two guys on 600s kept riding by revving up. So one day I caught up with them at a stop sign. They ask me to ride outside of town with them. We went about five miles to a road that was about 3 miles long. We turn in and that start riding wheelies down the road. We stop and one kept asking me the usual questions. How fast will it go? I tell him 186 and he laughs and says that he can do that easy. So I say that good. They pulled out and got right on it. I was behind them and passed them both. So I decide to slow down and they run up on me. So I decide to leave them out of sight! They pull up at the gas station while I was filling up. They were telling me how fast my bike was. I just looked at them and told them that their bikes go 186 easily.
