Tell your bogus bike stories you hear.....

Maybe someday I'll get in on one of their rides and I can get to see for myself how awesome a 92 horse 800lb motorcycle truly is.
Lemme give u my description, LoL... You ever watch a 1/4 mile race when the car missed 2nd and 3rd gear, and decides to pussyfoot it the rest of the way? Well, maybe that Harley would stand a chance against him... :laugh:
Rode the Busa to work one day last year and one of the guys from one of the other reserve centers was there for the weekend(I am Active reserve and we have dets in 3 locations). I pull up and he said, that's a 750 with Busa fairings right? I was like yeah, sure is. Then I asked him, what you ride? He response was, I don't have a bike right now, but my buddy has a, and that's when all I started to hear was, blah, blah, blah.
i've seen a 750 with a busa motor, but never a 750 with busa fairings

One of the best sleepers I saw was a friend who had a 700 Triple Kawi 2 stroke, on a 500 frame. I had the 500, and this guy would blow everyone, light to light,
But that was back in the late 70's.

Still fun to watch,:laugh:
One of the best sleepers I saw was a friend who had a 700 Triple Kawi 2 stroke, on a 500 frame. I had the 500, and this guy would blow everyone, light to light,
But that was back in the late 70's.

Still fun to watch,:laugh:
My friend did a 750 motor and shoved it in a Katana frame... 15lbs of boost and a small shot. Made people look twice at a "Kan-o-tuna".
You know how the story goes, you are getting some gas and some idiot walks up to you and starts chatting to about how nice your bike is. I had a guy start chatting me up about my 'Busa and then he started telling about how nice hie GSXR 1k was. I was being polite and asked him what happened. He told me he laid the bike down at about 160mph. I took one look at him and called him on his bulls#$t. He had no scars anywhere visible. He was wearing shorts and a short sleeve shirt when I talked to him. He said he had on pants and a leather jacket. I just laughed and got back on my bike and went on my way. It just never amazes me anymore.
I was in a Cycle Gear once buying a pair of gloves. The salesman came over and started telling me about my bike (he knew what I rode cause it was sitting out front). He went on and on about how big, heavy, and slow a Hayabusa is. So I asked him what he rides, and of course he rode a 600. At first I played it off like he must be kidding around, trying to stir me up or something, but this guy was dead serious, he KILLS Busa's all the time, they ain't got nothin' on him. He said that a Busa is too heavy to accelerate as quick as a 600, and it will only go 186, whereas his 600 has no problem going faster than that.

I asked him if he had his bike there, and of course he didn't. Some biker, he works at a bike shop and doesn't ride to work on a nice day. I have found that I get very little crap from anybody when the bikes are there, but let there be only one or none of the bikes there and the BS gets deep fast.
My sister's boyfriend has a Road King. He has a group of friends that ride various models of Harley. They are a pretty tight clique, they go on dinner rides a few nights a week in the summer, and ride together on weekends.

One Christmas, I was invited to ride my bike in a Christmas parade with their group. I accepted the invitation and when the day came, we were all lined up waiting for the parade to start, when one of the guys comes riding up on his bike grinning ear to ear. He had been to the Harley dealer to run his bike on the dyno that morning. This guy has the bike everybody else in the group envies, with many thousands of dollars in extras and motor work. As he was riding up to us, he was yelling something at us. As he got closer I started to understand what he was saying, he was telling everyone he had made 92 horsepower! He then proceeded to describe to the group what it was like to ride a bike with that much power. The description was pretty colorful, I don't believe I would have described the acceleration of a Hayabusa quite the way he was describing this Road King.

As he told his story, he just kept looking over my way. I guess he was looking for a reaction, but I gave him none. To be honest, I was hoping that when the parade was over the group would be going for a ride somewhere. I was planning to give him my reaction then, on the highway. But it didn't happen. Instead, he shouted to everyone along the parade route that he had made 92 horsepower, and when it was over the group just parked and visited. Maybe someday I'll get in on one of their rides and I can get to see for myself how awesome a 92 horse 800lb motorcycle truly is.


I ride with my dad and his cruiser buddies alot I hear these stories all the time, its alot of fun to listen and since they are all pumped from telling the story they are usually more than willing when I say lets try it. Last time a guy was talking about his new harley and how fast it was dad kinda leaned over and said, "don't make it look too bad, I like those" I just laughed a little and didn't try him for good ol' pops sake :laugh:
Worked with a guy this past week, he seen some pics of me drag racing on my wall and he told me he has a stock 20?? ZX-14 with gears and went 210 mph... No, I could not help myself, I told him he was full of sh!t. :moon:
One of the best sleepers I saw was a friend who had a 700 Triple Kawi 2 stroke, on a 500 frame. I had the 500, and this guy would blow everyone, light to light,
But that was back in the late 70's.

Still fun to watch,:laugh:

Hmmmm...I was talking bikes with my Dad recently and he was reminiscing about his time in Singapore and Malaysia during the late '70s/early '80s. A friend of his had one of those Kawasakis...the old man said it just smoked everything on the road.

It's funny talking to him, though: he still thinks that Ducati are the last word in performance... (He hasn't ridden anything made after 1985.)

He thinks Honda only make commuter bikes, and Suzukis are "unreliable".

I don't know how else to word it. if somebody has a car, they always saying how they beat a mustang. if some one has another brand of bike, they seem to always say they can beat a busa, do you see where I'm going with this? the busa and mustang is what everybody compares there rides too, do you see what I'm saying now???

The difference being that there are plenty of cars that will beat a Mustang, but the list of production bikes that will beat a Hayabusa...?

Maybe someday I'll get in on one of their rides and I can get to see for myself how awesome a 92 horse 800lb motorcycle truly is.

Typical Harley owner, though. "LOOK AT ME!! LOOK AT MEEEEEE!!! I HAVE A HARLEY!!!! EVERYONE GIVE ME ATTENTION!!!!!!!"
Had a guy tell me one time

"unless you have a TRE there's no way you could take me, because your Busa is restricted to 186 mph., and my 600 isn't !!" :thumbsup:
I had this one guy that needed a fairing for his 06 busa...we'll call him MikeSomething. We agreed on a price of $225 to his door. Being a nice guy this guy I know...uh real well...3 day aired the fairing to Jersey so he could have it for Christmas. Much to this guys surprise MikeSomething shafted him and never paid him a penny. He says he sent a money order but it musta got lost in the mail....oh yeah and his girlfriend threw away his receipt for the money order so this guy is just SOL. But the good thing is MikeSomething got a like new fairing for $ doesn't matter that people think he's a douchebag or not because his bike looks good now. Bogus story.....uuummm....don't count on it thats just the way he rolls!!!.......DOUCHEBAG!!!!:cussing:
As much as that sucks... You might want to tell "your friend" to exercise more caution when making his business transactions.
you're right...he now trusts no one AND requires payment up front. Its just a shame theres people like that in this world. Being a nice guy doesn't always pay...thats for sure!!!