Tell your bogus bike stories you hear.....

I don't know how else to word it. if somebody has a car, they always saying how they beat a mustang. if some one has another brand of bike, they seem to always say they can beat a busa, do you see where I'm going with this? the busa and mustang is what everybody compares there rides too, do you see what I'm saying now???
I got a mustang, but my main baby is a ws6. anyway no offense taking, Just making sure everybody understands what I'm saying.:beerchug:
I don't know how else to word it. if somebody has a car, they always saying how they beat a mustang. if some one has another brand of bike, they seem to always say they can beat a busa, do you see where I'm going with this? the busa and mustang is what everybody compares there rides too, do you see what I'm saying now???

When im in my Camaro I don't brag about beating mustangs. If I wanna pit myself against an equally base priced vehicle "NEAR" the same weights, with being a mid-ranged sports car. I have either a Mustang another Camaro or a Firebird. Sure I can go find me some schmuck in a Vette or Viper and try my luck at the strip. Then it just depends if my setup is better than theirs, well along with traction, reaction times, temps, blah blah blah......

Granted where I was at when I ran the car all the time, pretty much all I could find were Mustangs.. I was an outcast. :whistle:

I'll give you this though. Friend of mine Bruce Thistead had a cherry 89 fastback.. That was a fast little beast he had. He and I are prolly around 50-50 win loss against each other.

So anywhere just to prove you correct...

I was in my Camaro and I beat MULTIPLE Mustangs. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
When im in my Camaro I don't brag about beating mustangs. If I wanna pit myself against an equally base priced vehicle "NEAR" the same weights, with being a mid-ranged sports car. I have either a Mustang another Camaro or a Firebird. Sure I can go find me some schmuck in a Vette or Viper and try my luck at the strip. Then it just depends if my setup is better than theirs, well along with traction, reaction times, temps, blah blah blah......

Granted where I was at when I ran the car all the time, pretty much all I could find were Mustangs.. I was an outcast. :whistle:

I'll give you this though. Friend of mine Bruce Thistead had a cherry 89 fastback.. That was a fast little beast he had. He and I are prolly around 50-50 win loss against each other.
So anywhere just to prove you correct...

I was in my Camaro and I beat MULTIPLE Mustangs. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Haha, my area is populated by mustangs also, me being one of them, but I to have put the smack down on them with both of my h/c ws6's:laugh:
1st story was my first race, When I moved into my last neighborhood there was a guy with a Harley Night train that had motor work done, Beautifull Bike and sounded awesome. When I brought the Busa home he was like WTF why didnt you get a Harley. and went on too tell me and the neighbors how I had messed up and that his Harley could take me, We went for a ride one day, At the stop sign he looked at me, nodded and took off like a bat out of hell, Once he got across the intersection I took off, Unfortunatly for him more like a swarm of bats out of hell, Went by him so fast it litteraly looked like he was going slow, I stopped at the next stop sign and when he got there he just looked over and said
( Holy ---- ) Turned out to be a stanup guy and let the whole neighborhood know what happened. ( Never challenged me again )
Im in...Alex and I are ready to leave from the gas station today and a guy walks up and asks about our Chatterbox headsets.

Guy: "What are those things"
Alex: "They are like walkie talkies. We can talk to each other"

Guy: "I had me a 92 Busa when I was 15"
Me: "Nice"

Guy: "Wrecked it going 110 into a turn and got thrown 50 ft up into a tree"
This unexpected comment will make you spit your drink out if you are not ready for it!
Me: "Wow you are lucky to still be around"

Guy: "They replaced both my knees.....uh know."
Me: "Wow"

At this point Alex is just about laughing out loud and I'm doing my best to not.

Me: "Guess we better get on down the road"

Made for a good laugh for us.
Sometimes they end up the other way...

Raced an ‘03-04 Yamaha YZF-R1 Super Bike… - Rennlist Discussion Forums

This car was running 550ish rwhp by some trusted friends. No reason in the world for them to fabricate anything and there were quite a few witness's. In fact, I believe it was written about on a bike forum afterwards.

I currently have an 89' 928 with 756hp (crank) but can't seem to find a bike or anyone else for that matter to run against. It still gets a bit squirrly @ about 70mph in second with 295 rear tires, an auto and a modified (70%) limited slip under pure acceleration when the supercharger hits it's delta. It has a Vortech V7-Ysi spinning as fast as it can providing 15.5psi on a 99% stock 5L 32 valve V8. No, it will not see the track. If I were to put slicks on it I would be showering the crowd with axleshafts and torque tube...the tires are the fuse. It's not made for the strip and to do so would make it self destruct. It does have a top speed in the 220+ mph range.

I am sure there are some turbo Busa's out there that will hand it it's ass but it will embarass a stock superbike. Can you see why I bought a Busa' for a daily rider? It's an addiction, this speed thing. My Triumph Daytona 1200 with only 160hp just wasn't cutting it.
ok, i didn't really have anything for this thread until last night at the bar. hanging out with a couple friends just shooting the breeze, and this flanel clad inbred walks up and says "you guys gotta get the F out of here, we're settin up for line dancing." and i just looked at the guy like, who says that to customers in their bar? anyway, i guess he knew one of the guys we were sitting with, and they start talking pickups. now i don't know what this hillbilly does for a living, besides procreate with his sister, but he's talking about how "they" put 20k under the hood of a cummins, and now it's the fastest thing ever, and they put 40k in a new super duty and it "won't flip". they were going down the road, sliding 90 degrees sideways back and forth, then he "ripped the e brake" (don't know how the hell you do that in a super duty, i mean, it's a pedal) and 360'd 8 times to a stop. i walked out right then, i swear i didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or kill the moron to keep the gene pool a little cleaner.
ok, i didn't really have anything for this thread until last night at the bar. hanging out with a couple friends just shooting the breeze, and this flanel clad inbred walks up and says "you guys gotta get the F out of here, we're settin up for line dancing." and i just looked at the guy like, who says that to customers in their bar? anyway, i guess he knew one of the guys we were sitting with, and they start talking pickups. now i don't know what this hillbilly does for a living, besides procreate with his sister, but he's talking about how "they" put 20k under the hood of a cummins, and now it's the fastest thing ever, and they put 40k in a new super duty and it "won't flip". they were going down the road, sliding 90 degrees sideways back and forth, then he "ripped the e brake" (don't know how the hell you do that in a super duty, i mean, it's a pedal) and 360'd 8 times to a stop. i walked out right then, i swear i didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or kill the moron to keep the gene pool a little cleaner.

You need a new bar:poke:
ok, i didn't really have anything for this thread until last night at the bar. hanging out with a couple friends just shooting the breeze, and this flanel clad inbred walks up and says "you guys gotta get the F out of here, we're settin up for line dancing." and i just looked at the guy like, who says that to customers in their bar? anyway, i guess he knew one of the guys we were sitting with, and they start talking pickups. now i don't know what this hillbilly does for a living, besides procreate with his sister, but he's talking about how "they" put 20k under the hood of a cummins, and now it's the fastest thing ever, and they put 40k in a new super duty and it "won't flip". they were going down the road, sliding 90 degrees sideways back and forth, then he "ripped the e brake" (don't know how the hell you do that in a super duty, i mean, it's a pedal) and 360'd 8 times to a stop. i walked out right then, i swear i didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or kill the moron to keep the gene pool a little cleaner.

I bet this guy said the same thing :rofl::rofl:

Hey, he lives in Montaaaaana, what do you expect? I grew up in N. Idaho and spent a lot of time over there. He's pretty much nailed the locals. It took me a lot of time and travel to break out of the flannel/gun rack mode. Thank god my sister was ugly, never got the urge. I thought beer cans (Coors mainly, none of that fancy Coors Light stuff) were an appendage you were born with attached to your hand.
beat this
[FONT=arial,helvetica]Since this article was originally published, the SR-71's speed record has been broken by NASA's X-43 Hyper-X experimental aircraft. This unmanned vehicle was designed to test an experimental engine called a scramjet at speeds ranging from Mach 7 to Mach 10. At the X-43's cruising altitude of 100,000 ft (30,510 m), these Mach numbers correspond to speeds of approximately 4,750 mph (7,640 km/h) to 6,750 mph (10,855 km/h). [/FONT]
Was riding yesterday...pulled into a mountain top vista point...two other bikers were there. One guy, with a Honda 600 CBRR something or other, claimed he had hit 170 several times, and top speed was 220+.

I just smiled and said, " they'll all go fast enough to kill you, if you're not careful."

Got back on my 'Busa and left.
I honestly had a guy bragging around town that he rolled my turbo.....on his wing!!!! I just rolled my eyes... whatever d00d.

also had a kid tell me his uncles gixxer 750 had the front come up at 193 mph otherwise he would have hit 200..... I don't even listen anymore.


That's going to hurt some fork seals when she comes down...
Well my brother worked at a local bike shop and one day he said there was a father and son in the shop and one of the other salesman was with them, as my brother walked by all he heard was
" So this one is the busa killer?" - kid
"Yep its the busa killer" - salesman
apparently it went on for a while and they never once tried selling him the busa
Just the busa killer (zx-14)

Living in a small town every hillbilly that has flowmasters or a k&n airfilter or the tornado thinks that they can race bikes its so funny that now i actually just laugh at em.....

One of my fav vids sure its a repost but its fitting

I love this thread lets keep it goings 20k+ members there has got to be more stories out there
My sister's boyfriend has a Road King. He has a group of friends that ride various models of Harley. They are a pretty tight clique, they go on dinner rides a few nights a week in the summer, and ride together on weekends.

One Christmas, I was invited to ride my bike in a Christmas parade with their group. I accepted the invitation and when the day came, we were all lined up waiting for the parade to start, when one of the guys comes riding up on his bike grinning ear to ear. He had been to the Harley dealer to run his bike on the dyno that morning. This guy has the bike everybody else in the group envies, with many thousands of dollars in extras and motor work. As he was riding up to us, he was yelling something at us. As he got closer I started to understand what he was saying, he was telling everyone he had made 92 horsepower! He then proceeded to describe to the group what it was like to ride a bike with that much power. The description was pretty colorful, I don't believe I would have described the acceleration of a Hayabusa quite the way he was describing this Road King.

As he told his story, he just kept looking over my way. I guess he was looking for a reaction, but I gave him none. To be honest, I was hoping that when the parade was over the group would be going for a ride somewhere. I was planning to give him my reaction then, on the highway. But it didn't happen. Instead, he shouted to everyone along the parade route that he had made 92 horsepower, and when it was over the group just parked and visited. Maybe someday I'll get in on one of their rides and I can get to see for myself how awesome a 92 horse 800lb motorcycle truly is.