When im in my Camaro I don't brag about beating mustangs. If I wanna pit myself against an equally base priced vehicle "NEAR" the same weights, with being a mid-ranged sports car. I have either a Mustang another Camaro or a Firebird. Sure I can go find me some schmuck in a Vette or Viper and try my luck at the strip. Then it just depends if my setup is better than theirs, well along with traction, reaction times, temps, blah blah blah......
Granted where I was at when I ran the car all the time, pretty much all I could find were Mustangs.. I was an outcast.
I'll give you this though. Friend of mine Bruce Thistead had a cherry 89 fastback.. That was a fast little beast he had. He and I are prolly around 50-50 win loss against each other.
So anywhere just to prove you correct...
I was in my Camaro and I beat MULTIPLE Mustangs.