Should Bots and 2BB have graduated High School...
With honors even....
Should Bots and 2BB have graduated High School...
Train A leaves a station traveling at 60 miles per hour. Six hours later train B leaves the same station traveling in the same direction at 80 miles per hour. How long does it take for train B to catch up to train A?
Well let’s see train A has a 360 mile head start so if you divide that by the difference in speed of train B which is 20 mph you get 18 -which is the number of hours it would take to make up that difference and at 1440 miles!
Consequently to check if you take 18 x 80 = 1440 ^^^^^^ 18 x 60 = 1080 + plus the original 360 mile head start you get to 1440 so Eighteen hours is how long!
Do you think we should send Vabs and Tuff for a few counselling sessions?
Do you think we should send Vabs and Tuff for a few counselling sessions?
Can I have another question?
Nope means yep...
Go ahead Lurch...Bots is listening...
via Samsung Galaxy SIII
Get your own thread..
Why does Bots hate Harley's and .357 Sig so much. Both are high quality items?
THIS is her own thread. She started it.
When will Suzuki release a Gen 3 Busa?
When will Suzuki release new colors for the Busa?
Train A leaves a station traveling at 60 miles per hour. Six hours later train B leaves the same station traveling in the same direction at 80 miles per hour. How long does it take for train B to catch up to train A?
Well let’s see train A has a 360 mile head start so if you divide that by the difference in speed of train B which is 20 mph you get 18 -which is the number of hours it would take to make up that difference and at 1440 miles!
Consequently to check if you take 18 x 80 = 1440 ^^^^^^ 18 x 60 = 1080 + plus the original 360 mile head start you get to 1440 so Eighteen hours is how long!
This thread will probably become as long as the SMACKTALK thread......