The first part is basically talking in circles. What's your point?The media openly lies about the president... academia has been brain washing our youth into thinking America is an evil country with an evil history of slavery... which it is... however... Even the founders of our country debated slavery issues back when this country was founded... Hollywood has been tamping down the truth with revisionist history for decades... and on and on it goes. Now we have black lives matter on the back of NFL players helmets. Where does this domestic terrorist group gets it support? From the left, from the democrats, from Hollywood, from the mayors and governors that let the burning and looting of their cities. Keep defending the destroyers of this uniquely American culture and country... its your choice.
A portion of the populace, liberal or conservative, tend to get emotional, hence the BS fighting, riots and looting. That does not take away from the fact that there has been social injustice in this country and elsewhere, since before the days of slavery. The movement basically says that has to end now. It's not only NFL; it's NBA, MLB and NHL. When you say terrorist group I'll give you the benefit of doubt that you're talking only about rioters. Don't fault the movement because of them; no one wants violence except the people causing it. The rest of us want everybody to have equal rights.