The election is over

That time has come and gone. It mattered up until about 10 days ago. Regardless, what was brought to light was debunked and thrown out of court, and what wasn't, well mainly wasn't because it doesn't exist. The Dominion software scenario, for instance. Who knows who started that one but the company that handles the software for dominion doesn’t have servers in Germany. The army, which supposedly snatched it, denies any such mission rather than no comment or calling it classified. Lies? Sounds familiar. The whole world is out to get Trump or more likely the other way around.
Are you saying it cannot be appealed to the SC? Interesting... a lower court having a final say in a case that has evidence still being discovered. Yes... move along here.... nothing to see... especially after midnight... I guess one side doesn't want full disclosure of the facts.

I was wondering... When Biden said, paraphrased "we have assembled the largest voter fraud organization in history"... what did he mean by that?
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He misspoke and left out the words ‘to confront’ in front of voter fraud. The fraud he was referring to is Trump's attempts to suppress votes in areas he knew he wouldn't do well in. The real question is why would someone want to make it difficult to vote? Pretty obvious man. Sounds like you're running out of ideas.
Those that read only the headlines regardless of the source are doomed to ignorance.

On Amy Barrett. I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt. I don't agree with her much, mainly same sex marriage, but beliefs and policy are one thing and ethics another. What I've heard of her statements is that she's on the level.

I maintain Trump should not have nominated her so close to the end of his term. Mitch McConnell blocked Obama from doing the same, saying, and justly, that the people's vote should have a say in the filling of the vacancy. Hmmm. That from our Senate Majority leader. Geez.
Those that read only the headlines regardless of the source are doomed to ignorance.

Wow watched video he was really struggling to speak.

Wow watched video he was really struggling to speak.

Anyone who has dealt with stuttering speech struggles to speak.
On Amy Barrett. I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt. I don't agree with her much, mainly same sex marriage, but beliefs and policy are one thing and ethics another. What I've heard of her statements is that she's on the level.

I maintain Trump should not have nominated her so close to the end of his term. Mitch McConnell blocked Obama from doing the same, saying, and justly, that the people's vote should have a say in the filling of the vacancy. Hmmm. That from our Senate Majority leader. Geez.
Well Red... consider which justices align their decisions with the wisdom and spirit of the Constitution / Bill of rights and which justices align themselves with the leftist socialist marxist left wing extremist that want to change this country into a socialist state.

The President's responsibility is to keep that bench full with 9 justices sitting on it. This way if a crucial constitutionally based decision needs deciding the court can take it up and vote on it like it just did with churches in New York against the governor Cuomo's totalitarian edict.

Merrick Garland was another left leaning judge based on his prior rulings. Maybe you want a leftist judge on the bench... I know I don't want one... I want America to stay as constitutionally aligned with the freedoms and liberties it was born with... while others say... we don't like America... we want something else. The people that want something else can find a country more to their liking... nobody is stopping them from leaving this country.
We don't care if he said stupid things in the past... what matters is what happens now and going forward... pissing contest are for has beens. One thing for sure.... if Biden is installed... not only will he keep saying dumb shitt.. he will carry out the dumb ideas that other people tell him to do... it's what a dog faced pony soldier does. China Joe isn't presidential in anyway that would be considered impressive. Joe should have retired after the VP gig where he enriched his family at tax payer expense.
No matter what he says, nothing, and I mean nothing would ever compare the utter, stupid, dumb arse drivel that trump has let flow from his mouth as verbal diarrhoea.

Disinfectant injection anyone?
You would have to be a friggin idiot to follow that advice... obviously, you didn't... anybody that did wins a Darwin Award for killing themselves. So, your point is taken... however, much more is at stake here than one mistake. The left wants to take President Trump out by any means necessary.... do you know what that means? Obviously, you don't have a clue... for if you did you wouldn't be hyper focused on one gaff.

Keep sucking down the lies.... until you figure out what's good for America you will suffer from TDS like the leftist Marxist fools that think we are all stupid sheeple that need to herded around at their direction.
Now put your mask on and go to bed.
You would have to be a friggin idiot to follow that advice... obviously, you didn't... anybody that did wins a Darwin Award for killing themselves. So, your point is taken... however, much more is at stake here than one mistake. The left wants to take President Trump out by any means necessary.... do you know what that means? Obviously, you don't have a clue... for if you did you wouldn't be hyper focused on one gaff.

Keep sucking down the lies.... until you figure out what's good for America you will suffer from TDS like the leftist Marxist fools that think we are all stupid sheeple that need to herded around at their direction.
Now put your mask on and go to bed.

Hehe.. Trust me, you don't want to see the mask I wear to bed.. It's quite striking in leather and chrome studs.