The son is not the father.....
If my son were to get a speeding ticket, would people look at distain at me?
There are most likely unflattering videos or pictures of many children of politicians, where are those? These things pop up at the most opportune times it seems.
Not that I'm a Trump fan but look at all the women who were coming out of the wood work saying he sexually molested him....all of them were looking for fame and money.
What you fail to realize is Hunter is compromised and has been involved in questionable financial activities related to Joe Biden's Chinese business contacts. This isn't a speeding ticket we are discussing here. The goal of the Chinese CCP is to overtake the world. They declared that in the late 1940s. They have all kinds of ways to blackmail politicians here and abroad to gain leverage and control over elected officials.
As far as what Trump did... hmmm... this is old news... Of course... maybe you like the way Stormy Daniels and Micheal Anenadi handled themselves... I think Avenadi is still sitting in jail as we speak and Brian Stalter of CNN thought he was great presidential material during that period where he appeared on TV over 130 times saying how he was going to beat president Trump in the next election. Another total clown show...
What I like best about the woman around president Trump was when he debated Hillary in 2016 and invited Paula Jones and other women attacked by Bill Clinton to sit on the front row where Hillary could see them face to face... that was priceless!.
Of course you aren't a President Trump fan..
Why would you want a depleted military restored and fully funded to protect us?
Why would you want lower taxes?
Why would you want immigration reform?
Why would you want more secure borders?
Why would you want Nafta repealed and a more favorable trade deal with Canada and Mexico?
Why would you want NATO partners to pay their fair share for the defensive power we support those countries with?
Why would you want the statues not to be torn down?
Why would you want prison reform for non violent prisoners?
Why would you want business zones introduced in our inner cities with programs to teach people how to gain job skills?
I have more but... as you said.. you are not a president Trump fan... so... I am sure China Joe and that other useless leftist extremist that still has not resigned her Senator position will be looking out for what is best for America.
My only real question is... do you want a guy that can do the job or a guy that is controlled by the CCP?