The end is near

You should go seek some expert advice. Go speak with yourself for a bit, then come back and tell us what you think.
Hi. You do not think that this could not still happen. Is Biden trying to make it harder for Trump when he takes over? What Biden and Harris let happen at the boarder help the USA in any way?
Hi. You do not think that this could not still happen. Is Biden trying to make it harder for Trump when he takes over? What Biden and Harris let happen at the boarder help the USA in any way?
Hi. I look at the worst that could happen. Than I hope for the best. When I was in the bird I would look to see where the VC could hide. Than I would light it up with my M 60.
Hi. I look at the worst that could happen. Than I hope for the best. When I was in the bird I would look to see where the VC could hide. Than I would light it up with my M 60.
The inflow of illegals in mass quantities was planned in advance for the eventual deportation plan ( by a new administration ) that is another cost on our country that we can't afford to pay the bill on unless we borrow more money. We will still have plenty of "got aways" that will get to stay as that will become another source of illegal cash flow enabled by all the phoney IDs and sanctuary places that can hide illegals in plain site. ( if a person was never vetted or given some kind of ID when they entered this country illegally then how are you going to deport them when they can now produce a foreign ID they acquired after getting here? ) The monolithic forces that oppose America have many ways and means to undermine our sovereignty and legal system of this country when it comes to immigration. How many businesses do you see in your local strip malls that say Immigration in Spanish? These businesses have connections and have a niche market supplied by the Dems policies.

If the country goes to hell ( the powers that be find a way to crash this nation because they have done it before ) and the democrat socialist party flourishes again like it has for decades then we will become the crap hole country that the dems / socialist / uni party dream of.
The inflow of illegals in mass quantities was planned in advance for the eventual deportation plan ( by a new administration ) that is another cost on our country that we can't afford to pay the bill on unless we borrow more money. We will still have plenty of "got aways" that will get to stay as that will become another source of illegal cash flow enabled by all the phoney IDs and sanctuary places that can hide illegals in plain site. ( if a person was never vetted or given some kind of ID when they entered this country illegally then how are you going to deport them when they can now produce a foreign ID they acquired after getting here? ) The monolithic forces that oppose America have many ways and means to undermine our sovereignty and legal system of this country when it comes to immigration. How many businesses do you see in your local strip malls that say Immigration in Spanish? These businesses have connections and have a niche market supplied by the Dems policies.

If the country goes to hell ( the powers that be find a way to crash this nation because they have done it before ) and the democrat socialist party flourishes again like it has for decades then we will become the crap hole country that the dems / socialist / uni party dream of.
I wager you voted for Trump?

If so, why don't you give your rhetoric a rest, sit back and see what he will do?

His platform included closing the border and evicting why don't you take a break knowing he has been elected.......unless you don't believe he can get it done that is.....

Oddly enough, the US has survived and flourished even through many democratic administrations and I'll bet it does again....
The inflow of illegals in mass quantities was planned in advance for the eventual deportation plan ( by a new administration ) that is another cost on our country that we can't afford to pay the bill on unless we borrow more money. We will still have plenty of "got aways" that will get to stay as that will become another source of illegal cash flow enabled by all the phoney IDs and sanctuary places that can hide illegals in plain site. ( if a person was never vetted or given some kind of ID when they entered this country illegally then how are you going to deport them when they can now produce a foreign ID they acquired after getting here? ) The monolithic forces that oppose America have many ways and means to undermine our sovereignty and legal system of this country when it comes to immigration. How many businesses do you see in your local strip malls that say Immigration in Spanish? These businesses have connections and have a niche market supplied by the Dems policies.

If the country goes to hell ( the powers that be find a way to crash this nation because they have done it before ) and the democrat socialist party flourishes again like it has for decades then we will become the crap hole country that the dems / socialist / uni party dream of.
Hi. If we reallt want dieversity we have to help and protect the future great American cituzens criminals. It look like our governor Maura Healy of MA will step up and do it.
I wager you voted for Trump?

If so, why don't you give your rhetoric a rest, sit back and see what he will do?

His platform included closing the border and evicting why don't you take a break knowing he has been elected.......unless you don't believe he can get it done that is.....

Oddly enough, the US has survived and flourished even through many democratic administrations and I'll bet it does again....
Because Zerks doesn’t care about this country, only about spouting hatred and fear. His last post is a perfect example and he’s not alone, either. He is greatly outnumbered by a country that sits in anticipation of the incoming administration. For the most part we’re calm and un Zerks like. There’s still partisan flare ups but I believe it will die of starvation as more and more don’t take part. You were spot on about the different administrations, almost a perfect blend of democratic and Republican leadership. It keeps the country balanced and lends to the fact that the United States has one tendency: to flourish.
We’ll be fine.
Because Zerks doesn’t care about this country, only about spouting hatred and fear. His last post is a perfect example and he’s not alone, either. He is greatly outnumbered by a country that sits in anticipation of the incoming administration. For the most part we’re calm and un Zerks like. There’s still partisan flare ups but I believe it will die of starvation as more and more don’t take part. You were spot on about the different administrations, almost a perfect blend of democratic and Republican leadership. It keeps the country balanced and lends to the fact that the United States has one tendency: to flourish.
We’ll be fine.
Hi. Have anyone heard this speech by Harris? The end was cut off
Quote [democracy can be complicatedbut we believe in democracy and the right of everone to have there voices heard it"s all right and I have fought for many who have harmed other human beings] the rest was cut off. Did she finely tell the truth?
Hi. If we reallt want dieversity we have to help and protect the future great American cituzens criminals. It look like our governor Maura Healy of MA will step up and do it.
Most of your posts are about illegal immigration. For the most part they are people that come here hoping to improve their lives; the type that take charge to change their life. I find them and this country a good pairing. You apparently don’t.
Did she finely tell the truth?
Dude. It’s finally. Please learn English or at least give a damn.
Her next sentence was about fighting against cartels. She merely misspoke and forgot the word against in the prior sentence. Wouldn’t it be awesome if everything we said made the news? In your case some English teachers might have a seizure drinking their morning coffee.
I wager you voted for Trump?

If so, why don't you give your rhetoric a rest, sit back and see what he will do?

His platform included closing the border and evicting why don't you take a break knowing he has been elected.......unless you don't believe he can get it done that is.....

Oddly enough, the US has survived and flourished even through many democratic administrations and I'll bet it does again....
Until the new AG starts taking out the garbage in DC... until the mass deportation rounds up and sends people outside our borders, until anchor babies and all the other nonsense is reversed as to what determines is a person is here legally or not... not much will change.

We have about a million legally processed foreigners come into our country each year. These people become legal because they followed the immigration laws that the Federal Gov put in place to protect our country from those that wish us harm or just won't assimilate to the standards this country put in place for immigrants to migrate here legally.

One thing I am certain of... those leftist Marist types in political and bureaucratic positions will slow walk and impede the process that is being put together right now to insure our immigration system works in the manner it was originally intended to be when set forth by law.

You seem to be convinced that America is flourishing.... hmmm... if that is the case then how come the interest on the debt alone is over a trillion dollars a year? How long have we been borrowing money we can't repay? Put that number on a scale that proportionally matches the budget at your house, or anybodies house on a regular income level.

Tell me how long it would take before the point of no return ( the debt will never be repaid ) is a reality?

It appears to me a digital reset is coming... what does that look like? It could be blockchain tech centralized world wide system where all the money goes digital and because it is open source the transparency of the deficit will reveal that America went past the tipping point of financial solvency and in reality is bankrupt. In other words, were broke and the big banks end up controlling all the money and in effect run the world on a level of control unmatched in history. If America cant pay back the lenders, bond holders and other obligations then how will our debt ever be repaid?

Whenever troubling economics get out of control the wars get started...

It doesn't matter who I voted for... elections are simply a way to convince people that their vote matters. The elections are really just barometers for the powers that be to determine the sentiment of the people they rule over.

To witness what the political powers that be have rammed down our collective throats the last four years is simply amazing. Anybody with a brain would not have done the things this administration has done... it has been about as unconstitutional as it can be. The pendulum will start to swing the other way... lest see how far it goes... Meanwhile, the leftist marxist sociopaths will still be looking to eliminate (kill) people that threaten the power they have and or take away their power they want.

Had Matt Gatz ( sp error ) become the AG you can bet a big target would be applied to his back... kinda reminds me of when Biden said we need to put Trump in the bullseye.
Until the new AG starts taking out the garbage in DC... until the mass deportation rounds up and sends people outside our borders, until anchor babies and all the other nonsense is reversed as to what determines is a person is here legally or not... not much will change.

We have about a million legally processed foreigners come into our country each year. These people become legal because they followed the immigration laws that the Federal Gov put in place to protect our country from those that wish us harm or just won't assimilate to the standards this country put in place for immigrants to migrate here legally.

One thing I am certain of... those leftist Marist types in political and bureaucratic positions will slow walk and impede the process that is being put together right now to insure our immigration system works in the manner it was originally intended to be when set forth by law.

You seem to be convinced that America is flourishing.... hmmm... if that is the case then how come the interest on the debt alone is over a trillion dollars a year? How long have we been borrowing money we can't repay? Put that number on a scale that proportionally matches the budget at your house, or anybodies house on a regular income level.

Tell me how long it would take before the point of no return ( the debt will never be repaid ) is a reality?

It appears to me a digital reset is coming... what does that look like? It could be blockchain tech centralized world wide system where all the money goes digital and because it is open source the transparency of the deficit will reveal that America went past the tipping point of financial solvency and in reality is bankrupt. In other words, were broke and the big banks end up controlling all the money and in effect run the world on a level of control unmatched in history. If America cant pay back the lenders, bond holders and other obligations then how will our debt ever be repaid?

Whenever troubling economics get out of control the wars get started...

It doesn't matter who I voted for... elections are simply a way to convince people that their vote matters. The elections are really just barometers for the powers that be to determine the sentiment of the people they rule over.

To witness what the political powers that be have rammed down our collective throats the last four years is simply amazing. Anybody with a brain would not have done the things this administration has done... it has been about as unconstitutional as it can be. The pendulum will start to swing the other way... lest see how far it goes... Meanwhile, the leftist marxist sociopaths will still be looking to eliminate (kill) people that threaten the power they have and or take away their power they want.

Had Matt Gatz ( sp error ) become the AG you can bet a big target would be applied to his back... kinda reminds me of when Biden said we need to put Trump in the bullseye.

Brevity is your friend.....typing a short story isn't getting your point across any better than a simple paragraph....

If the US is in such a deplorable state and at the tipping point of no return, why do people still want to live there?

Why do you who has the knowledge and insight that most don't still want to live there?
Hi. Have anyone heard this speech by Harris? The end was cut off
Quote [democracy can be complicatedbut we believe in democracy and the right of everone to have there voices heard it"s all right and I have fought for many who have harmed other human beings] the rest was cut off. Did she finely tell the truth?
Isn't the election over?

Didn't Trump win?

Why then are we still discussing the losing party?

Time to move on, look forward and not dwell on the past....
Isn't the election over?

Didn't Trump win?

Why then are we still discussing the losing party?

Time to move on, look forward and not dwell on the past....
We still have PA counting votes for the purpose of manufacturing more votes for the losing side in a lesser political race.

Yes, Trump was declared the winner... but the leftist marxist are still going to fight as hard as they can against everything he attempts to change back to the ways a USA Constitutional Republic is to be governed.

Didn't you catch Kamala's speech? She said the fight isn't over yet... You forget they still have the MSM and the 5 corporations that work lockstep, Big Academia, Big Pharmaceutical, The FDA, and the MIC as supporters of anything they want to see happen. This is where some of the impetus for the wars we have right now.

More than happy to look forward... certain endeavors of mine have good momentum right now and I am excited about all of it.

However, the forces of evil still see us as useless eaters and still want to do a major population reduction. It's coming out in bits and pieces as legal actions have been going on for years as it is with RFK suing Big Food for poisoning our country with stuff that is illegal in Europe and other places. These people never quit until you make them quit. The covid vax is being revealed for what it really was and it wasn't what "they" said it was. Fauci should be charged with genocide as well as those that enabled the process... it will come out... but until then you and many others just can't believe anybody today could be that evil. I mean, how long ago was it Kamala and the MSM Dems were calling Trump... Hitler?

Was it 2 weeks ago?
Excellent question

You’re on a roll Bee, don’t stop now lol!!
Bastions of negativity live in the past quite a bit. I’m with you, concentrate on where we’re headed.
Because they don't see the big picture... they are focused on what they can get... free housing, free medical, the opportunity to drop anchor babies that eventually leads to chain migration... Let them come.... if it's so good have a 100 million imported... only 5 or 6 times more than the ones Biden imported with the open border invitations... more is better, right? lets not be concerned about which jail system some of them came from... they reinvented themselves now... they must all be saying... we broke your laws but now we are honest... yeah... let the world come here... why not? Millions of open acres are room enough for all that want to come here.... damn that wall thing.... we know wall don't work... people just go under around and through them... it's stupid. Let them build their empires right here like they have been doing for decades anyway... they can even burn the flag if they want to... yeah, we want more of those people here to give them whatever they want... especially if we can train them to vote democrat... bring em!
You have no clue whatsoever about the social dynamics of having immigrants in our country.
damn that wall thing.... we know wall don't work.
Really, not much of a clue about how to speak either. Maybe one of the immigrants can tutor you.
You have no clue whatsoever about the social dynamics of having immigrants in our country.

Really, not much of a clue about how to speak either. Maybe one of the immigrants can tutor you.
What I do know is when an immigrant enters this country lawfully it shows they have respect for our laws and the sovereignty of this country.
This also means they have been vetted and have some kind of alliance here and the means to be self sufficient for the time needed to establish themselves in all the ways lawful immigrants do.

Tell what's missing here.

Just like the citizens of this country are in part responsible for how this country is run through all the political and local activity. By the same standard, how about the illegal immigrants fix what's wrong with the country they live in? This country is already dealing with a system / culture that is being manipulated in ways never seen before in history. The divide and conquer strategy is a time tested method to break a countries society down into manageable pieces.

Calling the kettle black here? Tell me what isn't known about how people should immigrate from one country to another.
Tell what's missing here.
Ethics. People come here desperately trying to make their life better. A great majority of the illegals. I’d bet for most of them, entering or staying illegally is the only law they’ve broken. Keep your opinion. I’ll keep mine.
Ethics. People come here desperately trying to make their life better. A great majority of the illegals. I’d bet for most of them, entering or staying illegally is the only law they’ve broken. Keep your opinion. I’ll keep mine.
Tell that to the families of murdered victims that were in no way doing anything to anybody.

Tell me what the acceptable limit of illegal immigrants murdering legal US citizens is.

Tell me how many rapes, car accidents resulting in death of bad injuries and drug running along with all the other detrimental behaviors that you seem to think is acceptable.

You can't allow millions of illegal aliens to enter a country, any country, and expect all of them to be safe to live amongst us.

I take it you are ok with providing all the cost of living necessities for people that enter this country illegally.
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Tell me what the acceptable limit of illegal immigrants murdering legal US citizens is.
There is no acceptable level. Immigrants commit crimes at a lower percentage than citizens. I’ve posted links, we’ve talked about it endlessly.
There is no acceptable level. Immigrants commit crimes at a lower percentage than citizens. I’ve posted links, we’ve talked about it endlessly.
You just confirmed that you are pro murder in the case of illegals being here illegally... so, yes... it endless stupidity with you.

I guess "libtard" is a real word now.