The hypocrisy of the anti-gun crowd exposed (video)

Still waiting for the context on this's as biased and slanted to present only one side as the actions you're complaining about.
Still waiting for the context on this's as biased and slanted to present only one side as the actions you're complaining about.

the "context" of this video is this...we are individuals in the media and often seen as "role models" in society...USE GUNS AND VIOLENCE TO MAKE MONEY!!! yet when not on the stage/screen/pulpit we OPPOSE anyone DOING WHAT WE DID , HAVING ANY BLAME IN THEM DOING WHAT WE DO (lead by example??), AND SHOULD HAVE ALL GUNS REMOVED FROM THEIR POSSESSION, ALONG WITH LAW ABIDING CITIZENS!! this is hypocrisy at its finest. the pope doesn't dance with the strippers in public then chastise you for being a sinner!!! why can people not see this two faced bs that media and the "elite" are throwing in your face and rase the flag of BS!!
An industry only gives its consumers what they want. end of story. the real complaint you should be having is why we as a society have decided that rampant violence is what we want to pay for.
An industry only gives its consumers what they want. end of story. the real complaint you should be having is why we as a society have decided that rampant violence is what we want to pay for.

Because hollywood and video games have glorified it.. We are all talking in circles... Chicken and the egg.... But please spare me from the commercials where the actors and actresses have glorified guns and death and then stand there with a serious face like they have no part in putting those thoughts into people's minds.. I would rather see someone that has been a victim of a shooting or an athlete stand there and ask me when is enough.....
Very good point Capt! I only think that the problem is more complicated than most people are letting it on to be. It's not really about guns at all in my opinion, its in the overall lack of maturity in American society and our very values system, which for several decades has been systematically dumbed down and turned more and more from "brother helping brother" to "dog eat dog". Sadly, it seems we are reaping what we've been sowing in the values of our youth.
lets face it, guns are what criminals use to committ crimes.

Your words not mine. So how do you protect against criminals. Since you are not talking about prevention.

My opinion, the best protection against a criminal, if he's armed with a gun, bat, or knife is a loaded large ammo capacity gun.

Georgia Mother

Oh and she almost ran out of bullets, You probably guessed, I'm not for ammo limits in magazines . By the way, side note, why doesn't everyone know about this story? ???

:spank: lol.... I dont disagree that Hollywood sensationalizes violence to draw crowds. MMA fights are violent to and draw crowds but if an MMA fighter made a stand against Domestic Violence would we say "U fight for a living so how could you be against beating the chit out of ur wife when u get mad?"

lets face it, guns are what criminals use to committ crimes. I hardly think that criminals use guns to committ crimes because they seen them in Hollywood movies....:whistle: look at the movie "The Town". it involved lots of guns with bank robberies but it was based on a true story. great movie with lots of violence but its a true depiction of how crimes are committed here.

do criminals commit crimes with knives and bats? sure, but its pretty rare. street robberies, bank robberies, car jackings, home invasions, store robberies, domestic murders, cop killings, burglaries, drive-by's, school killings, spree murders, murder for hire, etc.... almost always take place with GUNS.

Hollywood making movies about the realities that take place in our country every single day in every single state is simply factual. just because an actor participates in a movie using a gun doesnt mean he or she supports that every Tom, Diick and Harry should have a gun. so if a Hollywood actor played a role of a terroist would that mean they support terrorism?

if an actor uses cocaine in a movie roll does that mean he or she supports illegal drug use???? again, its a reality in our society that drug use is everywhere but it doesnt mean they support people becomming coke-heads.
Very good point Capt! I only think that the problem is more complicated than most people are letting it on to be. It's not really about guns at all in my opinion, its in the overall lack of maturity in American society and our very values system, which for several decades has been systematically dumbed down and turned more and more from "brother helping brother" to "dog eat dog". Sadly, it seems we are reaping what we've been sowing in the values of our youth.

Everyone knows it's complicated. But the anti-gun people are the one's trying to simplify it into it's only the "GUN GUN GUN". The Pro 2nd Amendment people are fighting back because they KNOW it's NOT just the GUN GUN GUN.
Still waiting for the context on this's as biased and slanted to present only one side as the actions you're complaining about.

Obviously you never saw the original video this one is in response to?
I have to say I agree with what most people have said. And I know this isn't the direct point of this thread, although it is where it's heading. I like action movies, the amount of gore doesn't matter to me. I didn't have a tv in my house till I was about 17 (parents choice) which means my mom couldn't be lazy and let tv babysit me. Why should a kid be playing call of duty? You have to be 17 to buy it. Same with the movies. I see a lot of friends with kids that include their kids in the movies and games because they want to partake, and aren't willing to give it up or moderate themselves.

Although I do think tv, and game violence can make the wrong impressions (if you let it) I don't think it is to blame. You can teach a kid the value of life, gun safety, and right from wrong. But you can't fix crazy.