The Church of Oprah exposed

the concept on tithes is to give the first 10% to God. What I stated was if you give that 10% faithfully from the start, the accumulation of wealth beyond that is for you to handle as you believe is right

well i know that...I thought the comment was driving another point on i guess. along that line though, we, or at least I don't know if oprah tithes or not...
I never have been much of an Oprah fan....but watching this makes me realize just how much of a fruitloop she is..

I'd say her $ have gone to her head in a big way...

Amazing stuff...
That wasn't quite how I stated it, it makes me zero difference how much money she gives, I could care less because I won't be in line to receive any of it. But I do believe it speaks volumes when someone has that much money and doesn't help those less fortunate. I'm not talking about distribution of wealth by some government requirement or handing out $100 bills on the street corner, I'm speaking about giving to charity and worthy causes such as red cross, cancer research etc., programs that aren't tied to politics and rely on public donations to continue doing work for the community.

Let's face it, Greed is what is sinking this economy today. Corporations demanding higher profits at the expense of employees, oil corporations making record high profits, utility companies paying off politicians for rate increases the list goes on.

When someone has billions and only gives less than 3% to help out humanity, there is a certain amount of greed there. No one person will ever need that much money. Call it what you will but I believe it is right and proper to help those in need. We have members here that help out other members, does that make the org a center for wealth distribution? Every person is entitled to their own opinion.

Actually there are only two things that affect the economy. Greed is one of them, fear is the other. In fact that's really the basis for everything in life. It is both a positive and a negative.

It's greed (the want of something) that drives people, companies and institutions to take risks, produce products and buy things (spend). Fear, (losing something, going broke) counteracts greed. Fear stops risk taking, investing and buying.

What keeps someone from buying a particular stock? Fear! Fear of losing their investment. Why do they buy it? Greed! Want to make money on it.

Fearful people don't buy, they sell. Greedy people buy in hopes of making a killing.

Fearful companies don't innovate and produce new products because they don't want to lose money. They develop and design products out of greed, the desire to get rich. Suzuki would not have built a Gen 2 Busa if they thought they were going to lose their azz on it.

Fear and greed check each other in the market and seek to balance each other. Creates a market cycle when one exceeds the other, it peaks or valleys. Sometimes it may seem flat for a period, but eventually someone gets greedy or fearful. It's dynamic, provides the best and results in the worst.

For some reason we seek to punish those that have been sucessful risk takers and innovators. That's jealousy. That's what makes people rag on Oprah for only giving away 58 million a year. It's what makes people despise Big Oil and seek to create windfall profit taxes.

NOBODY likes being told what to do with their money. Dosen't matter if you have a dollar or a billion. No one ever blasts the guy with a dollar, it's the people that have less that are suggesting to those with more it's not enough.

I know that everyone is going to say they aren't jealous and don't care what someone does with their money, but if your thinking Oprah should give more then your putting her down or anyone else, your jealous.

Not to worry though, jealousy drives greed and will make you take a risk to make more money, at least until fear sets in.
you have christmas plans? dunno if you have any fam up here. Welcome to my place if you're not doing anything, have a room you can stay at if you want to drink:beerchug:
I think Karen may head for Detroit to her sisters... (that woman is whacked, I stay away from her and her deadbeat hubby).. If I have kitchen done, maybe will do :) your wife wont beat me for picking on Opey Winfey? :rofl:
I think Karen may head for Detroit to her sisters... (that woman is whacked, I stay away from her and her deadbeat hubby).. If I have kitchen done, maybe will do :) your wife wont beat me for picking on Opey Winfey? :rofl:

my wife doesn't watch oprah :laugh: too loopy for our taste
Actually there are only two things that affect the economy. Greed is one of them, fear is the other. In fact that's really the basis for everything in life. It is both a positive and a negative.

It's greed (the want of something) that drives people, companies and institutions to take risks, produce products and buy things (spend). Fear, (losing something, going broke) counteracts greed. Fear stops risk taking, investing and buying.

What keeps someone from buying a particular stock? Fear! Fear of losing their investment. Why do they buy it? Greed! Want to make money on it.

Fearful people don't buy, they sell. Greedy people buy in hopes of making a killing.

Fearful companies don't innovate and produce new products because they don't want to lose money. They develop and design products out of greed, the desire to get rich. Suzuki would not have built a Gen 2 Busa if they thought they were going to lose their azz on it.

Fear and greed check each other in the market and seek to balance each other. Creates a market cycle when one exceeds the other, it peaks or valleys. Sometimes it may seem flat for a period, but eventually someone gets greedy or fearful. It's dynamic, provides the best and results in the worst.

For some reason we seek to punish those that have been sucessful risk takers and innovators. That's jealousy. That's what makes people rag on Oprah for only giving away 58 million a year. It's what makes people despise Big Oil and seek to create windfall profit taxes.

NOBODY likes being told what to do with their money. Dosen't matter if you have a dollar or a billion. No one ever blasts the guy with a dollar, it's the people that have less that are suggesting to those with more it's not enough.

I know that everyone is going to say they aren't jealous and don't care what someone does with their money, but if your thinking Oprah should give more then your putting her down or anyone else, your jealous.

Not to worry though, jealousy drives greed and will make you take a risk to make more money, at least until fear sets in.

I like that...i'mma steal that speach from you and use it as my own someday.:thumbsup:
I cannot stand Oprah, but why is it that people think this way? Just because she is filthy rich doesn't mean that she should be required to give her money to others. It's hers, she made it so she can do with it what she wants.

I'll be damned if I ever give any of my money to people who dont deserve it.

That's fine and I agree with you.
I'm sure that you will not put yourself forward as a humanitarian or someone who does a lot for others, like she does.
She isn't as generous as everyone makes out....all I'm saying.
If I had billions like her, I WOULD NOT donate it to any charity. I would pay my tithes and the rest goes to my children and their children and so on.

Okay, I lied. I would donate to the Hayabusa charity.:laugh:

I dont trust any "charity",they are all corrupted,if I had that kind of $$ I would definately help others but id do it on a personal level

My church would get 10% and only charities I checked out myself would get a penny. What a headache that much money would bring.

As far as her "religion" goes. It doesnt surprise me. She's the most powerful woman in the world and unless she had a strong relationship with the Lord there is little chance of it not going to her head.
I am not a big Oprah fan, but you need to do a little more research into the Secret. It is not "Occult driven" It is a law of attraction. If you think positive and you stay an a positive course, positive things happen to you. You attract or notice positive things in your life. A great book about this is written by Napoleon hill about Carnagie during the great depression. It is more related to theology. If you believe in god and the ideas based on the bible, you can believe in following a higher being, doing positive things and doing the right thing, you will stay on track to be a good person and a successful person. I am a firm believer in you reap what you sow. Alot of famous, successful people swear by these laws of attraction. A lot of books are written on similar traits such as 7 habits of highly successful people, Think and grow rich, and so on. Anyone that is highly successful in life believes in these habits and traits.
I can't believe this thread exists, whats worse is I am posting on it, I may be gay, ops, that was the other thread. I will settle for crazy.

Gay flu thread, Oprah threads..... hhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeelllllllllllllpppppppp me.

I need a motorcycle thread quick.........:rofl:
I am not a big Oprah fan, but you need to do a little more research into the Secret. It is not "Occult driven" It is a law of attraction.

It's not OCcult, it's A CULT. They explained on the show that The Secret allows you to align yourself with invisible wavelengths of things that go right and control your destiny. Or something like that. THAT is cultish. Like eliminating the tiny aliens covering your body PHYSICALLY in Scientology. Do those aliens take cash or something? ? nothing wrong with being positive, but there's something wrong with following something because you are desperate to follow something... ANYTHING. It's just this minutes fad
It's not OCcult, it's A CULT. They explained on the show that The Secret allows you to align yourself with invisible wavelengths of things that go right and control your destiny.that's crazy! almost as crazy as allowing a holy spectral entity to enter your being and granting you everlasting life. Or something like that. THAT is cultishthat IS cultish. Like eliminating the tiny aliens covering your body PHYSICALLY in Scientology.or cleansing yourself of sin with the blood of a wood workier Do those aliens take cash or something? ?god does:thumbsup: nothing wrong with being positive, but there's something wrong with following something because you are desperate to follow somethinglike a magician... ANYTHING. It's just this minutes fadmaybe if oprah starting killing non believers and forcing her way into everyones household she could be the biggest hit since...dare I say, Jesus?

God is not jelous of HER. He's jelous of us worshiping other "gods". I'm not gonna beat my head against the wall disputing truth from fiction. I'll speak the truth and do my best to show my friends and family the right way. If they dont listen than the blood is off my hands. I'm quite frankly exhausted with it

Romans 14:11 (King James Version)

11For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.
God is not jelous of HER. He's jelous of us worshiping other "gods". I'm not gonna beat my head against the wall disputing truth from fiction. I'll speak the truth and do my best to show my friends and family the right way. If they dont listen than the blood is off my hands. I'm quite frankly exhausted with it

Romans 14:11 (King James Version)

11For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.

Why do you bother Chris? Honestly? Why? The Great Commission? That's great and all but it gets to a point where others can start bringing you down. Help the ones you can bro.