flags in church

yes PEOPLE fund or pay for their church. tithes, donations, funds, whatever - SOMETHING had to pay for the wood and the heat. I didn't know there was pledge for a christian flag. I go by the BOOK, not people's add ons.

many churches I've visited have an American flag up there IF they have flags up there. The disapperance of this one seems odd. Maybe they took it down to clean it?

I called, they are waiting on email replies. I think I'll email the pastor myself also
i sure hope they didn't remove it for a burning ceremony....I do sound system installations in all denominations of churches and it is very very rare I ever see a flag of any kind in one...usually an alter some holy water maybe an ern, a few statues, some stained glass, oh and some dude names Jesus on a cross, but no frigging flags...your there to worship god not your country...but with all of that said I dont think there is anything wrong with it, only that in the 200 or so churches I have put sound systems in across the country I have rarely ever seen one...maybe they need to replace it with one with the proper number of stars on it.... I here we may be adding 2 more soon!:whistle:
yes PEOPLE fund or pay for their church. tithes, donations, funds, whatever - SOMETHING had to pay for the wood and the heat. I didn't know there was pledge for a christian flag. I got by the BOOK, not people's add ons.

many churches I've visited have an American flag up there IF they have flags up there. The disapperance of this one seems odd. Maybe they took it down to clean it?

Money given to the church is a donationand it doesn't give you a say in how it is spent. Isn't the additionof an American flag in church an "add on" like a pledge to the Christian flag?
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uh yes, the people who are on the church board [usually donating church members] decide how the money is used. i dont work for a church, but if I dont like what they do, I wont "donate"

ok, let me get this strait. I use the term ADD ON in reference to people adding stuff into religious practices having to do with that others guys response, and now having a FLAG in a church is a "Relgious add on" that the church is now forcing on us? I;m not following your logic at all? or are you just pressing random buttons? they usually have fresh flowers in the entry way... shall we throw those into this mix also? :D
I'm thinking the point was that according to the constitution there is supposed to be a clear sepeartion of church and state. Hnaging the flag inside the church could be offensive as it would represent our government lives in our church. That would be a no-no......constitutionally speaking.
uh yes, the people who are on the church board [usually donating church members] decide how the money is used. i dont work for a church, but if I dont like what they do, I wont "donate"

ok, let me get this strait. I use the term ADD ON in reference to people adding stuff into religious practices having to do with that others guys response, and now having a FLAG in a church is a "Relgious add on" that the church is now forcing on us? I;m not following your logic at all? or are you just pressing random buttons? they usually have fresh flowers in the entry way... shall we throw those into this mix also? :D

I dont think you are referring to me, but to clarify, I was not saying that the U.S. flag is being used as an "add on" I do think that the "Christian" flag is
yes PEOPLE fund or pay for their church. tithes, donations, funds, whatever - SOMETHING had to pay for the wood and the heat. I didn't know there was pledge for a christian flag. I go by the BOOK, not people's add ons.

many churches I've visited have an American flag up there IF they have flags up there. The disapperance of this one seems odd. Maybe they took it down to clean it?

I called, they are waiting on email replies. I think I'll email the pastor myself also

let me save some time and I will dissect my own words:

"People Fund" so you are saying that God makes people pay churches in order for them to worship him? What kinda greedy God is that?

"Their church" you mean those people OWN that church? do they pay property tax on it too? does that mean that people that don't own the church can not come in to worship? Man, these christians are snotty!

"Tithes, donations, funds" well which is it? If God rules your life, aren't you balanced enough to get these simple terms strait? A lot of good God does you - you don't even care enough to know how teh money side of churches works or what it is properly called.

"Wood and heat" I thought God provides everything, the church people shouldnt have to. besides, with the lack of taxes, it is pretty much like the government is FUNDING the church to exist anyway. Any why is that? Churches should be taxed like any other business. Who cares if the founding fathers wanted a SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE to keep the state out of church, not the church out of state. That's oldschool thought. Time for new think!

"Didnt know there was a pledge for the christian flag" and you call yourself a Christian. pffff.

"Go by the book" which book? Koran, bible, john smiths personal memoiors? How do you know which one is right? MAybe they are all really made by satan to fool you into going to hell. Why is the universe here? What is the meaning of life??? Since God gives you all the answers, what are they? Share?

"Not people's add ons" oh so when they want to sing a song that is NOT listed in the bible, do you not sing, since that is an ADD ON? I bet you look weird standing there while everyone else is singing.

"Many churchs" Wrong. That other guy installs sound systems in churchs [probably paid for by tax free money that dropped out of heaven since people don't fund a church] and he says FEW churchs have flags. We'll get a list from him of all the churches he has installed, cross ref that with a list of all the churchs you have ever visted and then we can prove christians just make up statistics to fit their twisted world.

"American flags" do all mexican churchs fly an american flag? How about the Ledwevians? The Smatarelleites? The Sneeches? What was the question?

"If they have flags up there" You mean the Bible isn't clear about how churchs should be decorated? Weak!

"The" If you studied English you would know what this word is and how it should be used. Your usage here is bordering on reduntant and therefore nullifys all of your validity for this entire discussion.

"Clean it" how little you know about proper care and treatment of the American flag. Had you known how to properly treat a flag this question would not have even....

... and on and on and and dissecting every word usage and running off on pointless tangents and more and more misdirection. Man, it gets old. And it is ALWAYS the same. Always. Every news group... every opposing opinion.... bla bla bla yadda yadda yadda

BACK ON TOPIC, I will post up what I learn about this situation. It is probably nothing like it sounds. We'll see
uh yes, the people who are on the church board [usually donating church members] decide how the money is used. i dont work for a church, but if I dont like what they do, I wont "donate"

ok, let me get this strait. I use the term ADD ON in reference to people adding stuff into religious practices having to do with that others guys response, and now having a FLAG in a church is a "Relgious add on" that the church is now forcing on us? I;m not following your logic at all? or are you just pressing random buttons? they usually have fresh flowers in the entry way... shall we throw those into this mix also? :D

You said you go by "the Book" not add ons as I dont recall anything about the US flag being in the Book it would be as much an add on as the pledge to the Christian flag, would it not?
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You said you go by "the Book" not add ons as I dont recall anything about the US flag being in the Book it would be as much an add on as the pledge to the Christian flag, would it not?
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HA! Perfect response! Proves the point of my rant [see above]

EXACTLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

all I am saying is that if it doesn't honor God then there really is no place for it in church. I don't think any national flag honors God therefore I can understand why some may want it moved. At worst it could be considered a false idol.
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Is it one nation under god, or one god under a nation.... I'm confused.


all I am saying is that if it doesn't honor God then there really is no place for it in church. I don't think any national flag honors God therefore I can understand why some may want it moved. At worst it could be considered a false idol.
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Not so much. It's not like it's being worshipped
I'm thinking the point was that according to the constitution there is supposed to be a clear sepeartion of church and state. Hnaging the flag inside the church could be offensive as it would represent our government lives in our church. That would be a no-no......constitutionally speaking.

Do what ..... :rofl: Alright the constitution doesn't forbid flags in churches. It does forbid a State sponsored church that all citizens would be required to attend and have membership. Like the Church of England say 300 years ago.
You said you go by "the Book" not add ons as I dont recall anything about the US flag being in the Book it would be as much an add on as the pledge to the Christian flag, would it not?
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The book tells us and I believe it quotes Christ that we should abide by our government because all governments are set up through God. Now I did my own thing with that from memory, and I know what's coming next; a long list of very evil governments.

And then there's little tid bits that not all laypersons understand like give to Ceasar what is Ceasars and to God what is God's.

Anyway debate is great, but the hounding is getting boring and it really doesn't look good guys.
all I am saying is that if it doesn't honor God then there really is no place for it in church. I don't think any national flag honors God therefore I can understand why some may want it moved. At worst it could be considered a false idol.
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God is beyond all understanding, our wisdom is His foolishness or as I've read it folly.