Westboro Baptist Church (WBC)

They are a truly hateful group that do nothing beyond turning an already amazingly difficult situation, like losing a loved one, and make a mockery of lives lost. I hate to hear that they'll be in the area :(

It's a damn crime that they are allowed to do what they do and that it falls under freedom of speech. How quickly they forget that they have that right because of those they disrespect...
These guys are scum. Plain and simple. I am a Christian and I do not call them anythiing close to it. Usually less than flattering words reserved for them. I signed up for the patriot gaurd, thanks for the links to them Bird, and look forward to them protesting anything in my driving range. :laugh:
Some of the love they show:

Norfolk Naval Station - God sinks your battle ships! Hampton Blvd & International Terminal Blvd We will picket your Naval instilation, to wit: God's gonna break your ships! That's right ladies, God fights against your goofy troops on the land, on the sea and in the air. Check it out, now: Psalms 48:7 Thou breakest the ships of Tarshish with an east wind. AMEN!

Oceana Naval Air Station - God Is Your Enemy! Virginia Beach Blvd. & First Colonial Road We are going to saturate all of that area of this evil country, and focusing on your naval bases because in Kansas there are not a lot of those, you know. You know that God gave you the ability to float on water, you unthankful freaks! And now you think that makes you really, really strong. WRONG! That makes you really, really dumb for not being afraid of the God who made you. Then add to that fact that you were given ability to fly Air Planes right off the tops of those ships. God gave you that gift and you hack up a big wad of phlegm and spit in His face early/often. God Is Your Enemy, to wit: 2 Chronicles 25:8 But if thou wilt go, do it, be strong for the battle: God shall make thee fall before the enemy: for God hath power to help, and to cast down. That's right, God built you up for the day that you will fall straight down before your enemy. AMEN!

And my personal favorite:

Portsmouth Naval Medical Center - God Maimed Your Soldiers London Blvd. & Effingham St. We will be there to remind you that God kills and God makes alive, but when God really wants to punish you, God only half-kills you. God is the Great Physician, and if He wanted to heal you brutes - you would be healed. He doesn't and He won't because God Hates the united states military. Judges 5:8 They chose new gods; then was war in the gates: was there a shield or spear seen among forty thousand in Israel? Matthew 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. AMEN!

All these were taken from their website schedule of protests and can be found here: http://www.godhatesfags.com/schedule.html

I know many of you don't hold my liberal views but hopefully we can all unite around hoping these $hit birds all get together and have one big Jim Jones Kool-aid party.
man. they are a mess. i reviewed a bunch of there material and actions out of sheer morbid curiosity. at their MOST BASIC CORE LEVEL, I totally agree with their "most basic premis" BUT the way they are going about... well, just about everything, is TOTALLY WRONG ON EVERY LEVEL. First they are using hate instead of love. They are using PEOPLE INSPIRED tactics. They are twisting scriptures for their own purpose -- a practice MANY groups like to do. it's all just a cover for their hateful ways and I would NOT be surprised in the least if their main guy, Jeff or who ever, was a sex abuse victim by strait and or gays. the profile fits
man. they are a mess. i reviewed a bunch of there material and actions out of sheer morbid curiosity. at their MOST BASIC CORE LEVEL, I totally agree with their "most basic premis" BUT the way they are going about... well, just about everything, is TOTALLY WRONG ON EVERY LEVEL. First they are using hate instead of love. They are using PEOPLE INSPIRED tactics. They are twisting scriptures for their own purpose -- a practice MANY groups like to do. it's all just a cover for their hateful ways and I would NOT be surprised in the least if their main guy, Jeff or who ever, was a sex abuse victim by strait and or gays. the profile fits
I thought so as well, on the abuse thing, so if we both came to that conclusion it must be right :laugh:

Mostly though, I came to the conclusion that he is an a$$hat and an idiot... But I think most people could figure that out.
It's all run by Fred Phelps. It's his "church" and his family running this thing. Meet him and I think you will understand a lot about what they do.