Westboro Church plans to protest funerals of Arizona shooting victims

The fact of the matter is people died and that cannot be changed.
I do not own a gun nor do I want to. I have no need to. My rights my rights! you all scream,
What about the rights of the 9 year old that is now dead?
I do not understand the reasoning behind wanting to own a gun. They are made for a specific purpose. Do not hand me that target practice BS. Yes Blanca I understand the philosophy of guns don't kill people, people kill people. So, do we get rid of people? You can have all the laws in the land, as long as there are hand guns/rifles, we will have more terrible tragic incidents to live through and cope with.

I'm not looking for a pissing match with gun owners, I have friends that own and carry, super responsible individuals. I just think there is a better way to avoid such tragedies.

We have a name for people who are against responsible gun ownership. "VICTIM"
The fact of the matter is people died and that cannot be changed.
I do not own a gun nor do I want to. I have no need to. My rights my rights! you all scream,
What about the rights of the 9 year old that is now dead?
I do not understand the reasoning behind wanting to own a gun. They are made for a specific purpose. Do not hand me that target practice BS. Yes Blanca I understand the philosophy of guns don't kill people, people kill people. So, do we get rid of people? You can have all the laws in the land, as long as there are hand guns/rifles, we will have more terrible tragic incidents to live through and cope with.

I'm not looking for a pissing match with gun owners, I have friends that own and carry, super responsible individuals. I just think there is a better way to avoid such tragedies.

You have no need to have a gun? Did you find a way to carry an armed police officer around with you at all times?
I ordered 6 more 30 rd mags today, because I can (at least for now)....
I agree with all that you have said.....

However christianity has long history of forcing its views upon people by questionable methods.

what we may see as indecent, these WBC do not. They are in fact on a mission for thier god.

Who is to say they are wrong?

so burning in hell for supporting the gay agenda is too far?

Let me be the one on this forum to stand up and denounce this group. Since I hold the same religious doctrine (Baptist) I can assure anyone that reads this forum that nowhere in the Baptist Doctrine will you see anywhere that what WBC proclaims is the truth.

The Baptist doctrine is absolutely founded on the bible, we believe that the bible is the inspired word of God. I have said this before folks..... we have been commanded to love each other, to try to preach the gospel. I don't hate people for being gay or not agreeing with what I beleive. My God has told me through his word (the bible) that I am to love my enemies or those that don't believe and to let God work through me in my actions and my life. WBC is doing nothing more than claiming that they are something that they are not. They can claim they are a Baptist Church, no one can take that from them but they are no more a Christian church than I am a doctor or a lawyer. I can make false claims all day long but the proof is in the actions or the fruit of the person. I challenge anyone that agrees with WBC to show me in scripture where it says to do the things they are doing.

If you were to just read the bible and take just the scripture that you want you can make it say just about anything you want. Just because this group is taking a bible and proclaiming they are spreading Gods word does not mean they are. The bible also tells us to hold each other accountable and that there will absolutely be false teachers, those that lead people away from truth. The bible also tells us specifically that we are to teach from the bible and not to make up our own interpretations. You have to look at the bible as a whole, you can't just pick and choose the verses you like because it fits your needs.

So afterhours I could see where someone could see that people on this forum that are constantly speaking to situations with God and govt now look to be wanting something different. As a Christian and a believer what I want is the Truth of Christanity to be in our country not a basterdized version made from an extremist group of people that go directly against what I believe.

We speak about the Muslim etremest all the time and how we wish the moderate Muslim would speak up against the radicals... You can take it to the bank on this post that I am standing up against the WBC and will use the bible as a tool to prove why they are wrong....

Let me know if any of you have any questions...

You have no need to have a gun? Did you find a way to carry an armed police officer around with you at all times?

Do you need a gun or an armed police officer with you at all times?:poke:

In the last 24 years i have only been in 2 situations where a weapon might be needed, but I carry one all the time anyway.:whistle:
Do you need a gun or an armed police officer with you at all times?:poke:

In the last 24 years i have only been in 2 situations where a weapon might be needed, but I carry one all the time anyway.:whistle:

My point was that he said he had no need for a gun and I was stating that a reason for needing one was that nobody can carry an armed officer with them at all times. Point being that if you want to protect your family and self there is no better way than to be armed yourself.
My point was that he said he had no need for a gun and I was stating that a reason for needing one was that nobody can carry an armed officer with them at all times. Point being that if you want to protect your family and self there is no better way than to be armed yourself.

I know, I was just having fun.

I hope I didn't upset you.:beerchug:
The fact of the matter is people died and that cannot be changed.
I do not own a gun nor do I want to. I have no need to. My rights my rights! you all scream,
What about the rights of the 9 year old that is now dead?
I do not understand the reasoning behind wanting to own a gun. They are made for a specific purpose. Do not hand me that target practice BS. Yes Blanca I understand the philosophy of guns don't kill people, people kill people. So, do we get rid of people? You can have all the laws in the land, as long as there are hand guns/rifles, we will have more terrible tragic incidents to live through and cope with.

I'm not looking for a pissing match with gun owners, I have friends that own and carry, super responsible individuals. I just think there is a better way to avoid such tragedies.

I use a handgun all the time for target shooting, in fact I just went today, its a great time, also called a hobby, just like riding a motorcycle is a hobby.

Guess what both kill people, oh crap, we better ban bikes to.
On the issue of religion - I think we'd all be better off if we looked inward and always strived to better live out own lives as opposed to demanding others do what we think they should be doing. In the end - that's why we are here in the US - the freedom to believe as we wish. All other freedoms have limits - but between yourself and God you are free to believe as you wish.
You have no need to have a gun? Did you find a way to carry an armed police officer around with you at all times?

No sir I do not have the need nor have I found away to be in police presence 24/7.
What I can say is I act and carry my self in a respectful manner and conduct my public business accordingly.

I do not know you nor know anything about you or where and what you do that you would feel the need to carry a handgun.
Let me be the one on this forum to stand up and denounce this group. Since I hold the same religious doctrine (Baptist) I can assure anyone that reads this forum that nowhere in the Baptist Doctrine will you see anywhere that what WBC proclaims is the truth.

The Baptist doctrine is absolutely founded on the bible, we believe that the bible is the inspired word of God. I have said this before folks..... we have been commanded to love each other, to try to preach the gospel. I don't hate people for being gay or not agreeing with what I beleive. My God has told me through his word (the bible) that I am to love my enemies or those that don't believe and to let God work through me in my actions and my life. WBC is doing nothing more than claiming that they are something that they are not. They can claim they are a Baptist Church, no one can take that from them but they are no more a Christian church than I am a doctor or a lawyer. I can make false claims all day long but the proof is in the actions or the fruit of the person. I challenge anyone that agrees with WBC to show me in scripture where it says to do the things they are doing.

If you were to just read the bible and take just the scripture that you want you can make it say just about anything you want. Just because this group is taking a bible and proclaiming they are spreading Gods word does not mean they are. The bible also tells us to hold each other accountable and that there will absolutely be false teachers, those that lead people away from truth. The bible also tells us specifically that we are to teach from the bible and not to make up our own interpretations. You have to look at the bible as a whole, you can't just pick and choose the verses you like because it fits your needs.

So afterhours I could see where someone could see that people on this forum that are constantly speaking to situations with God and govt now look to be wanting something different. As a Christian and a believer what I want is the Truth of Christanity to be in our country not a basterdized version made from an extremist group of people that go directly against what I believe.

We speak about the Muslim etremest all the time and how we wish the moderate Muslim would speak up against the radicals... You can take it to the bank on this post that I am standing up against the WBC and will use the bible as a tool to prove why they are wrong....

Let me know if any of you have any questions...


Good post Cap,
While to some I may seem to be anti christian, my true hatred is for those that use the word of god as a tool. Faith is not a weapon to forward thier personal and political agenda.

I applaud you in denouncing them, as radicals and extremists.....I have not seen much of that from church leadership, or even elected officials.
No sir I do not have the need nor have I found away to be in police presence 24/7.
What I can say is I act and carry my self in a respectful manner and conduct my public business accordingly.

I do not know you nor know anything about you or where and what you do that you would feel the need to carry a handgun.

So do you think that those people shot shot did not carry themselves in a respectful manner and conduct their public business accordingly? I'm sure they did, it's called being in the wrong place at the wrong time.....that you cannot control.

Think if those people would have been carrying, odds are alot less people would have been shot if a stand up citizen would have been armed and took care of the shooter.
Think if those people would have been carrying, odds are alot less people would have been shot if a stand up citizen would have been armed and took care of the shooter.


The time it took for this guy to get knocked to the ground, someone grab the gun, and the little lady to get the magazine could have been cut down dramatically and possibly have saved some lives if someone were close enough and had the courage to SAFELY (considering the number of people around) take him down with another firearm.
Think if those people would have been carrying, odds are alot less people would have been shot if a stand up citizen would have been armed and took care of the shooter.

+1, i totally agree:thumbsup:
and on a personal note- i like guns. i wish they were like drivers licenses: everyone gets a class and a gun if they meet some requirements...
this would take some effort to be workable, but you get the idea...
I have said this before, but When has saying something in bad taste been illegal? Sadly we must suffer idiots like the WestBoro moron so we can continue to speak freely. It was a great tragedy, what happened in Arizona, but to further legislate our personal freedoms away by creating laws restricting where some one can protest is the bigger tragedy.
Sadly when we make laws like that we also take away the ability for good and decent people to stand up and show people how a true American should act. unfortunately it takes people like the Westboro to bring about people like the Patriot Guard Riders.
So do you think that those people shot shot did not carry themselves in a respectful manner and conduct their public business accordingly? I'm sure they did, it's called being in the wrong place at the wrong time.....that you cannot control.

Think if those people would have been carrying, odds are alot less people would have been shot if a stand up citizen would have been armed and took care of the shooter.

BTW interesting note I saw, I believe 3 people were carrying at the scene and none took action and fired their weapons. Let me see if I can find it again.
So do you think that those people shot shot did not carry themselves in a respectful manner and conduct their public business accordingly? I'm sure they did, it's called being in the wrong place at the wrong time.....that you cannot control.

Think if those people would have been carrying, odds are alot less people would have been shot if a stand up citizen would have been armed and took care of the shooter.

This can be a double edge sword.

BTW interesting note I saw, I believe 3 people were carrying at the scene and none took action and fired their weapons. Let me see if I can find it again.

This actually can lead to another problem. When several strangers are carring and one of them take out the bad guy, one of the others may try to take him out. I have actually seen this happen.