Supreme Court rules 8-1 in favor of Westboro Church

You obviously don't know about them... they have been denounced over and over and over. Reporters, companies, law enforcement, judges, normal citizens have all spoken out against them. They don't have supporters they sue for their money. In the story that was linked it mentioned that father of the marine that sued them. Not only did the father lose the case against them but this family (the church is made up of only family members) counter sued the father and won a 5 million case against him...

The sue people to get their money to pay for the things they do. I could be mistaken but I believe the church is made up of some 18 attorneys and their children and grandchildren....

There are thousands of bikers from the patriot guard that show up at every event they protest...


Phelps kids are attorneys....

and yes they have won some money from Albert Snyder, but they will never get that.

So my question is, where is all the money coming from. Even if they are funded it themselves by thier law practice....we could protest them just like any other business. Make clients not want to use them.

thse people have to travel, protest at the airports...boycott the airlines.
these people have to stay in hotels, protest at the hotels, boycott anyone that allows them to stay at thier hotel.

they may have "some" money...but they are small potatoes when compared to the financial resources and power of the major churchs in this country.
As much as I hate those fools (and look up the biblical term for fool), they still have the right to run their mouth. Tinkering with the first amendment is asking for trouble, as someONE then gets to decide what can be said and what can't. Next thing, Tea Party Protests would get banned.

Having said that, there are still consequences, and this 'church' (and I use this term very loosely in the case) and it's members have to accept the consequences, like a fat lip. If Fred Phelps showed up at my kids funeral, it would be worth the assault conviction (not that any judge or jury would impose it) to punch him right square in the mouth. It did not make unconstitutional the protest permitting ordinances that cities/minicipalities have in place to allow for some distance between the protesters.

The court still has to work thru 1st Amendment vs. the child porn pukes.

It was unfortunatly the only decision the court could make without legislating from the bench. Let's see if they have the balls to do the same when Obamacare gets in front of them.

Actually, the first Amendment does not support this. The Bill of Rights were written to add protection for the People against the Government. They were added

By itself, it does not address protections of the People against the People.

First Amendment
Congress shall make no law

respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;

or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The right to peaceably assemble goes with the right to petition with the intention of redressing grievances with the Government. Protesting an individual's funeral is not with the intension of redressing a grievance with the Government, or the individual for that matter. The Tea Party protests mentioned above do fall within the protection as they are with the intension of redressing a grievance with the Government.
Phelps kids are attorneys....

and yes they have won some money from Albert Snyder, but they will never get that.

So my question is, where is all the money coming from. Even if they are funded it themselves by thier law practice....we could protest them just like any other business. Make clients not want to use them.

thse people have to travel, protest at the airports...boycott the airlines.
these people have to stay in hotels, protest at the hotels, boycott anyone that allows them to stay at thier hotel.

they may have "some" money...but they are small potatoes when compared to the financial resources and power of the major churchs in this country.

You are correct, why aren't the local churches showing uop at the funerals blocking access to the protestors? What would happen if their church was surrounded by 10,000 loud voices?
Phelps kids are attorneys....

and yes they have won some money from Albert Snyder, but they will never get that.

So my question is, where is all the money coming from. Even if they are funded it themselves by thier law practice....we could protest them just like any other business. Make clients not want to use them.

thse people have to travel, protest at the airports...boycott the airlines.
these people have to stay in hotels, protest at the hotels, boycott anyone that allows them to stay at thier hotel.

they may have "some" money...but they are small potatoes when compared to the financial resources and power of the major churchs in this country.

there are several articles out there about this. Many discussions about companies that have been sued and out of court settlements..

He was also a very successful civil rights attny in the 60s too.
You are correct, why aren't the local churches showing uop at the funerals blocking access to the protestors? What would happen if their church was surrounded by 10,000 loud voices?

I was thinking the same thing. Every Sunday when they hold services 1,000's of people show up with American flags and sing AMAZING GRACE and our National Anthem, over and over. Use bull horns anything to make it so loud they can't hear themselves think! I wanna puke everytime I hear that "female dog" bellow out her foul rendition of the Star Spangled Banner!
A couple of things...

1. The patriot guard does not protest! They do not even face the Westboro members. They do not even give them the smallest consideration, they look to the family and the procession when the cars come by, holding American flags and standing at attention.... In times when the protesters can get close enough the Patriot Guard will start their bikes (mostly Harley Davidson) and rev the engines to block out the protesters noise that they make. On a mournfull day that a soldier is buried the attention should be on the deceased and the family not the protesters. This is the reason that you don't see people lined up at this church screaming on bullhorns, you give them the attention that they desire... My father goes on an average of 3 funerals a week burying a veteran that has served our country....

How do we honor those that have died the best, we should teach our kids the difference between what is right and wrong, how to honor those that have served this country so well and how to deal with conflicts better than we have.

2. Here is an great example of some kids that are honoring our service members past and present.....

Tussing Kids

God Bless our soldiers...

I need to get in on this Patriot rider thing...

It will at least make me feel better to do something rather that just wanting to slaughter every one of those idiots

Edit: Just emailed my "State Captain" for the patriot guard riders and registered on the website. Hopefully I can do a ride soon
I need to get in on this Patriot rider thing...

Let me tell you about the Patriot Guard..... These are Great Americans... my dad is 72 yrs old and he goes on an everage of 3 missions a week. It really doesn't matter what the weather is, he went out two weeks ago and when he left it was 31 degrees, he believes it's a small sacrifice to honor those that have served.. On the flipside he has gone out at 105 and stood in the heat for hours..... Here are just a handful of pics that have been sent to me by other guard riders my dad rides with...



This is a picture of an escort they did a few months ago, Uncle Steve was in the front on this in his Patrol Car... The Texas Patriot Guard escorted the soldiers body through Texas to the state line and the Oklahoma group picked it up and went the rest of the way with the procession....




This one is hard for me to look at... The patriot guard stayed at this graveside for I believe it was a week. The wife of the veteran that was killed in Afghanistan would not allow the rest of the family to put a headstone on his grave... The Patriot Guard stood watch over that grave until a headstone was put in place. Someone was there at attention 24 x 7 for a week.... Dad was tired and worn out, you have never seen more tenacity than from my father....















This one is hard for me to look at... The patriot guard stayed at this graveside for I believe it was a week. The wife of the veteran that was killed in Afghanistan would not allow the rest of the family to put a headstone on his grave... The Patriot Guard stood watch over that grave until a headstone was put in place. Someone was there at attention 24 x 7 for a week.... Dad was tired and worn out, you have never seen more tenacity than from my father....

Thats incredible. I am going to so look out of place being so young and on a busa :laugh:. But I really dont care because its the purpose behind it all. I have friends forward deployed to Afghanistan and many more are going in the next year
Americans do not stand together anymore. Everyone is for themselves. We ALL need to be a team and stick together (this isn't politicaly correct, but look at the Mexicans, NAACP, the Chinese that come here, the Indians, and every other culture that is infiltrating America), they stick together for their cause! We need to do the same!!!
Actually, the first Amendment does not support this. The Bill of Rights were written to add protection for the People against the Government. They were added

By itself, it does not address protections of the People against the People.

First Amendment

The right to peaceably assemble goes with the right to petition with the intention of redressing grievances with the Government. Protesting an individual's funeral is not with the intension of redressing a grievance with the Government, or the individual for that matter. The Tea Party protests mentioned above do fall within the protection as they are with the intension of redressing a grievance with the Government.

I like ur argument either it wasn't used or SCOTUS didn't agree
Americans do not stand together anymore. Everyone is for themselves. We ALL need to be a team and stick together (this isn't politicaly correct, but look at the Mexicans, NAACP, the Chinese that come here, the Indians, and every other culture that is infiltrating America), they stick together for their cause! We need to do the same!!!

When we stick together for our cause it is called Racist. Just sayin....
Captain thanks for providing some information on the Guard its a very good cause. I was unaware that they always faced away from the protesters. I need to get involved.
Captain thanks for providing some information on the Guard its a very good cause. I was unaware that they always faced away from the protesters. I need to get involved.

They only go when requested by a vets family they never invite themselves, they never confront Westboro, they are nothing more than a group of Americans making a wall to seperate a greiving family from some people insistant on trying to emotionally hurt others...
They only go when requested by a vets family they never invite themselves, they never confront Westboro, they are nothing more than a group of Americans making a wall to seperate a greiving family from some people insistant on trying to emotionally hurt others...

Extremely admirable. I started reading their website, I must say the pictures are rather moving.
The hardest test of free speech, is in the defense of the fundamental right of its use by those whom we wish to silence most.

Our liberties do not come easy or fairly....

The Ku Klux Klan, and many other similar racist groups opperate under the same protections..

Is it fair... never, is it nessesary, absolutly...