The Journey of a lifetime and a request to the .org

Here’s a little follow-up on Malcolm’s continuing adventures in South America… Malcolm is now in Central America – not sure exactly where but thus far he’s ridden over 19,000 miles, gone through a set of tires, a clutch and numerous repairs mostly due to either dropping the bike or being hit by cars. Evidently the drivers in many areas of South and Central America are even crazier than the ones we suffer here in the States. According to his daughter Anna, he woke up on a hillside after being unconscious for awhile and all he can figure is that he got run off the road by a vehicle coming the other direction on a narrow dirt road and he supposes that he hit his head in the crash. Fortunately aside from some bumps and bruises he walked away from the incident. He apparently has been knocked off the bike more than once in various cities by wayward motorists but he’s escaped without serious injury. Attached are the most recent pic’s he sent over, I don’t know what beach they’re from but it’s pretty desolate. For those interested Malcolm will be riding through the States sometime next year. I believe he’s targeting doing the coast from SoCal to Canada so if there’s any interest in meeting him give me a shout and I’ll put you in touch.


I am very interested in meeting this man. Keep us posted on his date of arrival and points to meet.
Thank you,
I would fly to the west coast to hear his stories.... do update on times and dates... amazing journey and on a 1/4 liter bike no less... envious...
Truly amazing journey! Can't believe he's been hit multiple times though! Continued safe journey Malcolm!! :bowdown:
This story inspires!

Even with the few negative things that has happened on his journey he still presses on.

Talk about back roads! :beerchug:
Something that doesn't stand out or look too fancy. You want to blend in. Get a good lock! Theft could be disastrous.
Dear .org bretheren I received an update from Malcolm today worth sharing; his message follows. But to those that have expressed interest please continue to monitor this thread and as details emerge I will continue to update. To those interested in meeting Malcolm when he returns to the States I'll coordinate a meet and greet, my thanks to those who volunteer to provide a welcoming committee, you are the best and I know Malcolm will appreciate your efforts.

Hi Jim. Congratulations on your wedding plans, and thanks for your e-mail. Yes, I would like to meet as many of your family and friends as possible as I ride up the western area of America. And, what a grand idea to join me for a spell!
As you know, my timing is governed by the seasons, so I will be some where near Vancouver as the roads become snow free, and I can continue migrating north. Now I am exploring the Yucatan Peninsula, and Mexican Immigration gave me 180 days. I hope the Americans will be as generous when I apply for a visa in Mexico City.
Every day is just great! This morning I visited Mexico´s main Mayan site, and I have been learning much about that ancient civilisation in three countries. It´s so different to the Inca of South America. Tomorrow I think I will head north, to the Caribbean coast, to see the world´s largest flock of pink flamingos.
I will keep you posted, and again, congratulations!

On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 11:54 AM, <> wrote:

Malcolm, how are you? Anna sent me some pictures of you on a remote beach somewhere down there, it looked awesome! I’d love to hear more about your adventure when you have a moment. I’ve been talking with friends and family in California and have several spots for you to stay when you’re out there. My mother and step father live in San Diego and have a very nice home. She said you’re welcome to stay with them when you arrive. I also have several friends there interested in meeting you so plan for at least a day or two while you’re there depending on your schedule. I also have friends and family in the San Francisco Bay area and just north of there that have expressed interest in hosting and meeting you so you’re welcome to visit them as well. Now, for something completely fun and related, I have posted your exploits and some photo’s on a web-forum called which enjoys membership world-wide. There seem to be at least a few folks interested in meeting you when you return and perhaps providing lodging as well so as your schedule unfolds please keep me posted and I’ll promulgate to those expressing interest. If time allows I will fly out to California and perhaps rent a bike to ride and join you for a few days. But, that is predicated upon your schedule and whether or not it conflicts with our wedding plans next September. Hope your journey is progressing safely and you’re in good health. Reply when time allows.
Your friend.
Hello again to my friends in .oRg-ville :laugh: Malcolm is now somewhere on the outskirts of Mexico City, here's his latest update from November 30th:

Tomorrow is likely to be another great day as I explor the remains of the ancient city of Teotihuacan, just north of Mexico City. Started over 2,000 years ago, and in it´s hay day it had a population of about 125,000, it was Mexico´s first great civilisation. But before them were the Olmec´s,and countless other great civilisations and communities in the countries of Central and South America right down to the south of Chile. One thing they had in common was some understanding of the year, and certainly by the date of the Spanish arrival, the 365 day calender had been in use a ling time. Tomorrow in a little annual mile stone for me because it was the 30th November 2008 that I set off from Santiago to the southern tip of mainland Chile to start my ride north to Alaska. The mileometer on my Honda ´Rebel´ reads, 25,475, and what a great ride I have been having over amazing landscapes, through ancient histories, and coming face to face with many people of the 14 countries I have zig-zaged through. To think that I have so much more to see in the coming months is so exciting, and I just wanted to share this moment with you.

That's all for now folks.