**The OFFICIAL TEAM GIXXER smacktalk thread**

Yep, I guess your right but the stand is in the up position doing it!

It's a pity the most that bike gets over is on the Stand :laugh:

Besides... Team Gixxer 2.0 would be just like every movie sequel ever made.... Crappy and no where near as good as the first!!!! :poke:

Depends on the type of movie! :rulez: The movie Alien! A great one! The movie Aliens BETTER!

Matrix and Matrix 2! Both very good! (The Third one they could of done without!) Star Wars... Epic awesome!:cheerleader: Empire Strikes Back... EPIC AWESOMER!:laugh:

So it all depends!:poke::watching:
Time to up the game a bit:

That was just the warm-up lap :rofl::rofl:

Looks like you got a little better at editing than the first time you tried with Tim's pic :laugh:

Oh, now it's game on...I've got some video too....

Edit: Wait a sec, I've got my GoPro on, I was FOLLOWING YOU ON PURPOSE!!!