Ping Tuff, he's bound to know.
sorry to threadjack but figured this would be the best place to get help for this particular question...have a friend with a GSXR 1K and this piece under the seat is smoking and causing issues...any of you know what it is? thanks in advance for your help
I think I'D UNPLUG IT!
Now, Semi, you KNOW before anybody answer's this, we are gonna have to see more pics of your friend ???
Charlie, use your newfound super powers and remove the above from the SMACKTALK THREAD !!!!! MY EYES!!!
here is one of her limbering up prior to us going for a ride :semi:
If you every wanted to see the RIGHT way to turn a lap at Barber....
What I notice is just how hard he's charging into some of those turns...holy crap batman....the front end is chipping on the edge of letting go...
As a comparison, the best I can tell his laptime on that first lap was 1:31....and the best we've run is the low 1:40's.....
He is not "Charging" the corners, he is carrying lots of corner speed and using the brakes efficiently to set his entry speed.
He is also on a 600cc bike which makes throttle application easier to manage (Powerband management).
How many times have I mentioned to you about keeping the RPM's up? Listen to how and when this guy downshifts then watch one of your videos and compare. Both you and CharlesBusa could reduce your lap times by comparing your videos and Mimicking his powerband management . This video is almost flawless. Listen, watch and learn!
For Charlie "I'm waiting for a highside" who thinks Powerband Management is controlling the throttle in 3rd gear through every corner, there is a Danny Eslick video where that kid was spinning a GSXR1K rear tire on every corner exit you should watch. Pay attention to where Danny is in the power curve while managing the spin. I've watched it countless times and the proof is in the pudding. You will never find the threshold of tire grip in third gear on a 70 mph corner without a number of highsides. Trust me, i have first hand experience in that department! I can't remember the last time I picked up a highside bike that wasn't in a gear or two too tall for the corner they were in. Not being hard on you Charlie, just don't want to see you with a cast on both arms!
I explain it to guys who want to improve their skills like this: Getting quick is fast! Getting fast is a whole lot harder!
If you notice, the fast guys go fast rarely crash. It's the Quick guys that want to go fast that crash the most. ESPECIALLY those who try to figure it out on their own! :yes:
I can't remember the last time I picked up a highside bike that wasn't in a gear or two too tall for the corner they were in.
ok im trying to learn here, so why is being one gear higher in a corner bad?
how do you know what gear you should be in a corner?
also what year gsxr 1000s are you guys running?