You won't let me follow you, you always just TAKE OFF...
I said follow someone FASTER always helps
You won't let me follow you, you always just TAKE OFF...
You'll pop mid 1:40's easy man.... just stay smooth and following someone a little faster ALWAYS helps
I said follow someone FASTER always helps
Having said that, where that pic of my lap timer again?
Good luck Sketch...I hate to tell you how much I paid for mine with 1200 miles 3 years ago....
I want it and I don't even need one.
There ya go Chris..you said you were looking for a 1K....
I'm not so sure about the used market, it's sure not that good for Harleys and Blue Hayabusa's at the moment....
Guy is on the way today to pick mine up for $7800 OTD. Not too bad considering I paid $10,400 for it 5 years ago.
Coming from north of Nashville
Guy is on the way today to pick mine up for $7800 OTD. Not too bad considering I paid $10,400 for it 5 years ago.