Chris, you'll be glad to know (and Jay you SHOULD be worried) that I pulled my Slicks off tonight and put Q2's on (saving them for Jay/Charlie, and the forecast is...well...not suited for slicks so much...)
Chris, you'll be glad to know (and Jay you SHOULD be worried) that I pulled my Slicks off tonight and put Q2's on (saving them for Jay/Charlie, and the forecast is...well...not suited for slicks so much...)
Now, why did Jay have to go off and say the R word?
I've been talking to Jedi Master Tuf again Jay, we've had a long conversation about some things I am going to practice on this weekend that are designed to help me gain some time....but I'm not sharing with YOU just yet until I have thoroughly
BTW, I am also making a very SLIGHT change
O'reallly.....and, praytell, what might THAT be?
Lord help me, but I sure do enjoy the SMACK
Now, why did Jay have to go off and say the R word?
I've been talking to Jedi Master Tuf again Jay, we've had a long conversation about some things I am going to practice on this weekend that are designed to help me gain some time....but I'm not sharing with YOU just yet until I have thoroughly
Trey are you going to Barber this weekend???
Gain some time? You've got the gain figured out, what you need to do is reduce your time
Chris, you got your bike ready this time? You aren't going to have to drive all over Craigslist/Ebay heaven looking for a part again, are you? Oh, and by the way,
I'll be enroute around noon CST
You boys have fun and keep us up dated with daily post of your activities so the rest of us can be jealous!
Uhg ..Don't jinx me. Everything is dialed in..took out for a few sessions Sunday before last. Gonna sticker it up when I get there (time to ADD some HP) . What time do you think you will arrive?