I am also prepping - in the way of stickers.... Keith, remember that stickers=HP and HP=seconds
Custom stickers make more HP
Hey Keith
So, I mounted a new tire last night (this is actually a US NTEC Slick, 200/55). Here is the gap between the dogbone and the tire. I sprayed some flat black paint on the dogbone to see if it rubs again. Also a pic of my chain tension (a quarter turn tighter might be ok and give some extra space). The question becomes HOW could the tire actually rub?
I'm gonna put it on the trailer tonight and compress the suspension to see if it changes...and how much...
Might be that 170 down the front straight at NOLA?
Any results, Keith???
Did you strap it on the trailer? Take it out on I-24 and do 170?
I'll take the Old Girl out for a SPIN!!
If you will come down to Barber, I'll let you take mine for a spin!
Man, you are desperate to get a chance to put a pass on Loomis, aren't you?
I Tried to put it together, to get down to Barber but not going to happen. I'm heading to the Mountains for the Fall Bash, But I'm putting next session together with someone I ride with, So the the plan is to split the cost to get to more tracks.