I have figured out what the 'wear' spot is...
I took my bike, put it on the trailer and fully compressed the suspension, then took it off the trailer, lifted it off the suspension and made measurements. Actually, the gap DECREASES when the suspense is UNLOADED (but not much).
BUT I FIGURED OUT WHAT IT IS - It's from putting on and taking off THE TIRE WARMERS...The nylon would be enought to polish that spot out; a tire would leave rubber debris...It's the WARMERS...which is why you don't see it on Charlie or Jay's bike(s)....
P.S. STT Just added a date: 9-10 November at ROAD ATLANTA.....
3T Nov. 16&17 NOLA!
Chris, you gonna have any discount codes? I may have need for one more trip to NOLA for work this year to finish install of phone system...this might work out!
Ok.... The ole lady is in go fast form ready to ROCK AND ROLL sporting a new set of Q3's also..
Is it FRIDAY yet?!?!?!?
Houston, we may have a problem....
My wife's uncle had a stroke and emergency surgery last week. He's on a vent and tomorrow, it has to come off and God's will be done...which may preclude me from going to Barber....won't leave me with a lot of time to try and sell my A slot....
Dang I was hoping you'd bring the pimp bike!
STILL Stuck in St. Louis...If UPS brings my computer part shipped from CO overnight this morning...then I get to come home tonight....I am running out of clothes FAST.