The Org Family Travel Program...

Location: Mishawaka Iindiana...just off the 80/90 toll road..near Notre Dame and about 2 hours from Chicago....acehole and semi stayed here this past summer...and my dogs didnt even bite them either:laugh:

Bike Storage: Garage with alarm
Sleeping accommodations: Private Guest room
Dinner provided: can be...
Multiple nights available: Yes
Contact info: PM on the board or e mail,
This is the format I'm going to use. It can be opened with Office or OpenOffice. Each state will be on a different page and sorted by city, so you can quickly search by state and city. Any suggestions?

Anyone who wants your information included please PM it to me directly. Include and email address and I will email out the updates every few weeks.

Mods and Admins: Please edit out the email addresses that were posted so those users don't get anymore spam.
I would like to request that anyone who wants to be on the emailing list, please include the following information to me in a PM:

Member Name:
Real Name:
Bike Storage:
Number of Nights:
Preferred Contact Method:
Phone Number: (Optional)

Phone numbers and real names will only be released to the email list members. After the first version is sent out multiple people can keep it updated so the list won't get trapped in limbo if life gets in the way.
Hey, Shannon...this is indeed a great idea.

I am wondering about the inherent safety of everyone, though. Permit me to expound.

You would be opening up your home and providing access (to your life) to people who might not be everything they say they are...on the internet.

I've hosted numerous .oRgsters at my place, but not after having some casual conversations with them, and doing a little checking-about...talking to other .oRgsters who have some history with them. Likewise, I've been a guest at .oRgster's homes and I know they have had a level of comfort in bringing me in.

Don't get me wrong...I'm all for the idea...but everyone should appreciate that there are 'really nice' people on the internet who would gladly take you for whatever they could...and not think about it again (not saying anyone here would do that...just sayin').

Fantastic idea...everyone just needs to be REALLY careful. We've seen some whack-jobs come and go...

+1 Remember CAP Got some Death Threats and I think Someone Here had Pictures of there Kids Posted up in BAD Websites
I totally agree with you. My husband and I were talking about the same thing. Of course I would not be very comfortable with someone who just signed on with 23 posts and no one on the board to validate character. I mean, to see someone on here with a good amount of posts and has also attended some rides/meet up's in my eyes is a little different. It is meant to be used at your own discretion of course.

You Mean no one Ever Told you the Story about Doyle and his "SPECIAL FRIEND" (Invisible) that Rides with him all the time :whistle:

Member Name:
First Name:
Bike Storage:
Number of Nights:
Preferred Contact Method:
Phone Number: (Optional)

Phone numbers and real names will only be released to the email list members. After the first version is sent out multiple people can keep it updated so the list won't get trapped in limbo if life gets in the way.
What a great concept! Kinda like me opening up my garage and equipment for Stampede folks.

Robert, you're a sick puppy, BTW if I stay at anyone's pad I'll need twin beds, one for my little friend. I would never ask him to sleep in my bed. Doyle
no Private Guest Room available but anyone headin around Northwest PA is more than welcome to use my couch for awhile.

Dinner Provided- YES
Multiple Nights- YES

PM for contact
Posted via Mobile Device
Good idea, but as was mentioned above.. be careful..


Location: Highlands Ranch Colorado - just south of Denver proper. Know every corner and canyon in this state and a lot of roads in the surrounding states

Bike Storage: Garage
Sleeping accommodations: Private Guest room
Dinner provided: Only if you buy the beer
Multiple nights available: Depends
Contact info: PM on the board
I like it. :beerchug: I just wish i had some accomadations to offer. My place, not so much, but my gf lives next door (yes, its as convenient as it sounds). Im pretty sure we could find an open couch for a weary travelin Org-ster. Ill check with her tomorrow, just in case and get back to Tru with info. I wonder if I could work my way down to the Spring Bash with this? :whistle:
In the same boat as a lot of folks but I do have a spare room that i have my computer in. Can throw the air mattress up for anyone who needs a place to stay for a little while and then there's also the couch :poke:
Your gonna have to put the bike in the side yard (gated and blocked by a jeep nobody is getting anything outta there unless they move the car and the jeep and my 12 gauge) or out front no garage. Hell my bikes not even garaged here :laugh:.

Dinner or lunch or breakfast is well whatever you can throw together from the fridge but it's usually got the essentials for any or all of the above. I'll not be handing any open info here I'll pm it I already get enough weird stuff in my spam folder
Please, if you want to be added PM the details to me so I can add it to the list. I will email the updates out to everyone on the list that also provides me an email address.

Also, if we can get verify a "Members Only" download, I will be happy to provide the spreadsheet for that purpose. Members that are willing to provide a phone number need to be provided some privacy from lurkers and banned personnel.