The Party\'s Over


I think Motorcycleworld is the first major mag to start the ZX12 hype. The Hayabusa's 15 minutes of fame are over. The sportbike magazines need a new hero every year. Of course this has little to do with the relative merits of the Hayabusa and the ZX12 - its just show/advertising business. Last year it was the R1, this year our beauty, and Y2K the ZX12 (unless the RC51 and, more likely, the 929 rack up some impressive numbers.)
I think I will keep my partying with Hapo and Dirty Pete. Besides Dirty Pete is getting a High Pipe. For that matter Jim Beam Distillery is sending a Supertanker to Maui for Pete's Dakar Busa Party. The party is not over by any means, now it's just a matter of who is hard core.

"If you can't hang with the Big Bus, Get off the Road" :)

Oh, Y2K RC51 will be a big suprise. HRC race kits are produceing 170 hp, same as Foggerty's WSB Ducati not bad for a bolt on.
Oh blew it Sherm. Now Todd and Kawbuser are going to have to spend countless hours babbling about how this is all nonsense and it isn't really happening. Then other people will have to chime in and it will be like a group therapy session for the denial club. Honestly....some of you guys are embarassing....
What happens with stock bikes doesn't matter much to some of us.

Those of us who love the Busa's unique personality and care about riding the bike with the biggest and smallest numbers will just keep ratcheting up our Busas with tuning and bolt-ons to stay ahead of the stock ZX12's numbers and the numbers of whoever comes after that.

Until the Busa has to be wound up so far to beat the best stocker that the expense and maintenance are just not worth it anymore. Then the Busa goes to stud pasture like any former world champion and we get a new horsie.

As we all know, there are people out there who are on the street with "old" bikes that'll do 225 mph (Super Bike mag "In Search of the World's Baddest Street Bike."

I just don't want a bike with a shorter wheelbase and a peakier mill for what I do on the street...or on the track for that matter. This bike feels great to me and I stick with bikes I love for a long, long time.

I leave the party with the one that brung me.
Kninjanight you are still doing halucinogenics because you are still caught out on something that still does not exist for a intents and purposes.

Suzuki rolled out the Busa in Spain last year, stock bikes no Yosh pipes. No toasted clutches, only mechanical issues were tires being cooked off quick. They invited all the major journalists from all over the world to preview and ride the bikes. First they spent their day at the track and then they cruised up the Spanish countryside at warp speed. Every one of them were amazed at the bikes high speed handling ability and the monster torque. (enough said cause we all read this a year ago).

Kawasaki has two bikes in the US and the other Red one has become a parts bike.

I welcome the ZX12, but they are not here yet for the masses or for press evaluations either. All we have been getting is Kaw's marketing group at work. Lets see one of these bikes take on a R1 or 996 on a road course or is a bike only worthy when it shifts a couple of gears down a quarter mile.
A few comments:

Sherm - We (I) know you were just trying to point out and prepare us for the coming hype. I checked out the article you provided the url for and you are correct about the hype. MCW is already proclaiming the 12 as the fastest bike ever based on the runs made on the prototype. They then go on to compare those runs made on the prototype by professional drag racers to the best that they (MCW) could do on their particular stock test Busa rather than use the best numbers ever posted by a professional (9.53) on a stock Busa. Most of here are aware of what they are doing and the validity of such claims. And we can expect it to get worse before it gets better but when the actual production model is released to the mags they will be forced to post the times acheived by their own riders. (the same ones that tested a stock Busa)

Jeff has a point as well - it's been nothing but talk andd hype for months and months and months with nothing to show for it but trash talk and arguments while we Busa owners continue to enjoy the real thing. I think Jeff summed it up best when he said that we are tired of having this green crapped shoved up our butts. If the 12 is supposed to be so great then why do so many greenies (like the one above in this thread) feel compelled to send SO much time on the Hayabusa web site spewing green garbage day after day after day? You would think they would be content to let the real bike do the talking for itself instead of blowing green crap up our butts? I bet I'm not alone when I say that I just don't really care what the real production 12 finally ends up running anymore. Yes I will continue to stay informed about ALL of the new sportbikes that are produced. And yes I will along with Kawabuser continue to expose purely manufactured BS posted on this site with known facts that we can back up. I also realize that there are some posters (posers?) that don't come to for the reason that it was intended but instead are here only to antagonize. Rules and guidelines of the web site be damned they will post whatever nonsense is required to belittle/insult Busa owners. They hate the Busa because it is an awesome bike and its not their brand. They hate those that love Busas. They aren't here to 'discuss' a mutual attraction to sportbikes or contribute anything meaningful or helpful. This is something we are all going to have to deal with. I am going to try and deal with the BS posting in a less personal way because I no longer believe it is personal. I just happen to own a Busa and I just happen to be one of the Busa owners that refutes manufactured BS with known documented fact. Therefore I am a target for the undesirables mentioned above. It would require a lot of time and restrictions in order to filter these bogus greenies.[not all greenies are bogus] If it were up to me I would probably require proof of Busa ownership in order to post to this site thus creating a pure Busa owners site but this is probably not realistic and perhaps a bit drastic. Why the 12 people(no owners yet) can't stay on their site and the Busa owners can't stay here is beyond me. Guess it's just not as much fun dumping on fellow greenies as owners of 'other' brands? Where do they get the time to do this?! Don't these people work for a living? Today I've been minding my own business (working) up to my neck with one of our unix servers that threw a rod and I get a few minutes to sneak a peak at I see that some 'dumb uptight greenie broad' as FC would say is taking cheap pot shots at me. She doesn't know me nor do I know her. I don't recall ever making any comments at all towards her directly. WTF? Take a ride, get laid, go to a movie, get a job - SOMETHING other than trash people on a site devoted to that which you don't know. I'm done being nice and trying to reason with these DF's. They aren't here to be reasonable or learn anything. They only crawl out from under their rocks long enough to hurl dung and then scurry back under. I'll continue to post facts that I can back up but I won't be beating my head against a brick wall any longer by trying to discuss facts with these dung chuckers. Watch them turn different shades of green now.

I feel better now. Thanks! :)
Frustrating isn't it Todd? Only on the net and not at any other "party" in any country on Earth can vicious little crashers walk in and spew all over the guests with absolutely no fear of reprisal fom anyone.

It's like you're drinking beers and hanging around bikes in the garage with buddies and a pack of teenage punks strut in and start laughing at your bikes, the way you dress, your intelligence, your house, the pictures on your wall, your tools, then drink your beer, smash the bottles on the floor and walk out.

And there's nothing you can do!

It's a phenomenon that defeats our long-learned instincts. Conventional reactions don't work at all. So we're all developing new coping mechanisms and I think you've made a good start with that post. could happen only on the web.
It is winter and many a Hayabusa will be hibernating in their cozy little garages, while a whole new batch is on a container ship from Japan. Spring will come and we will wake with some new parts and pieces, as for the new Busa'a being broken-in they will reap our efforts in the aftermarket now with things sorted out. These new Busa will not cough and sputter like some of ours did, no they will find a marketplace full of life enhancing goodies.

So we will have to watch out for ZX12's loosing control at high speeds as their third one has already proven. That should be fair to say since they are resting their laurels on the remaining green one's proven performance.

Three bikes come in to a room, one crashes, second one needs parts, and the third one is canabalized. Not bad one out of three remains, sounds like "hell is on wheels".

ZX12 is a dollar($1500)more and a year late!

The only thing I fear is one of those things wobbling and tying up the highway, while they clean up the mess.
Last year I was an R1 forum regular. The R1 owners main reaction to the Hayabusa was that it is fat and ugly (this was long before anyone actually saw one in the flesh). "Uglybusa" beacame the standard nickname for the GSX1300R. Maybe we need a nasty name for the ZX12. How about "GANGREEN". This won't make the production bike any slower or faster but it may help us strain our juices.
I don't really have a problem with the bike itself - it's the people pushing it down our throats till we gag. I can think of several descriptive terms for them. :)

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 17 November 1999).]
First and foremost I want to thank Kawabuser and Todd for proving my point.

DP read my above post. Now read a paragraph from your 1,281st post.

“It's like you're drinking beers and hanging around bikes in the garage with buddies and a pack of teenage punks strut in and start laughing at your bikes, the way you dress, your intelligence, your house, the pictures on your wall, your tools, then drink your beer, smash the bottles on the floor and walk out.â€￾

Now DP let’s make pretend that you have the ability to discern between someone violating your physical property and committing a felony (your fantasy world) and someone typing on a bulletin board expressing their opinion(the real world). Do you think that maybe you are getting a little carried away? Maybe adding a little more drama to the scenario? This is even more idiotic than your “hate posterâ€￾ response.

As for Todd…….what can I say… did exactly as I predicted. Your response was atypically long, befuddled and pointless. Other members who want to have a laugh should read your post out loud using a whiney voice. I guarantee you will laugh your *** off. The fact that your bike may no longer be the fastest stock machine on the road is obviously upsetting you. Hopefully you will get over it....but I doubt it.

Kawabuser. I pity you because I know that you think you are funny but your humor is just…..well…..your humor is just stupid. Read your post that has the “It is winter and many a Hayabusa will be hibernating in their cozy little garagesâ€￾. “Cozy little garagesâ€￾? That is really sweet…You really aren’t funny at all and some of your posts are almost painful to read.

Now that I have hit the idiot nest with a stick I will just watch the three of you buzz around and call for censorship like you always do. DP is probably calling the police right now to have me arrested for
“hate postingâ€￾.
A lonely child speaks.

Is consorting with people who dislike you as close as you can get to having friends? I will admit to keeping you around to study you. You're interesting, like a nerd that hangs around hoping to get slapped by a boy on the hockey team.

The ZX-12 can "Talk the Talk" but will it be able to "Walk the Walk" ???? Let's just wait and see, time reveals all secrets.

P.S. I'm lonely when I look back and can't see anyone!
Oh Ninjaknight you mean man, you might hurt these inocent little lambs feelings here you brute. You just ruin their site with your harsh words, but never fear they will group together and overcome all evil, beware.
Thanks for proving my point Ninjaknight. Your pitiful attempt to disparage those who have done nothing to you indicates problems that go further than your disagreement with our opinions. Hard to believe you could be so disillusioned yet you continue to frequent HAYABUSA.ORG. Are you going to be our website NAG? Do you secretely desire your own BUSA?
Some of you gals (Ninjaknight) are embarassing. You should learn to keep your mouth shut once in a while instead of constantly sowing discontent.
Guys, I'm not saying one bike is better than another - just that the press hype will be moving on to another bike for Y2K and that the Motorcycle World article is the first evidence I've seen of it.

I don't think the Japanese sportbike designers are capable of product stagnation. Ride what you like but don't expect it to be proclaimed Best in Show for more than one riding season (if its Japanese, the 916/996 seems to be able to turn the trick).
Party? Here is what I call a party...... riding my Hayabusa all this season, and up until next year when the zx12 will finaly hit the streets here in the USA.

Then I'll still be having a party, riding my busa.

Funny how you can't ride all the "hype" on the zx12 that we have heard for the past few weeks.
Having owned a ZX6, ZX7, ZX9, and ZX11 when they were the fastest bikes around, and now the Abuser, ( I give all my bikes a nickname)
I must admit that I bought the Abuser for it's speed. What I got was the first bike that really handles, is very confortable and doesn't have a bland personality.
My ZX11 was known as the Beast and appropriately so.
I have grave doubts that the ZX12 will be the first in a long line of Gangreens to be a great bike.
but then there is an outside chance.
Till then I'll reserve any conclusions. While I enjoy the best bike to come along in a very very long time !
In more eloquent and famous Words...
It aint over til it's over.........
It's not over untill the fat lady sings......

[This message has been edited by BJ (edited 18 November 1999).]

[This message has been edited by BJ (edited 18 November 1999).]

[This message has been edited by BJ (edited 18 November 1999).]
Dirty Pete, hockey is a mans game and I doubt
the Kninja has ever stepped onto the ice. He is an outcast from so his comments are a little weak.

At least in my cozy little garage there is a real bike. And in your cold shed the best you can do is warm your hands with that Kawasaki pin-up above the sheep.