The Race Card

Funny Cache, however, I still have never seen it used to describe people in other natural disasters here or after 9-11.

I see everything we do has to be related to hip-Hop or Rap music, huh.
Southside, how is it you say we need to teach our children to not see things the way it used to be and to not be racist or prejudiced against others but at the same time you need to teach your kids about where their distant relatives came from and what they had to go through. It seems to me you are just teaching them to be as angry as you seem to be about something that happened a very long time ago. And by the way, I did not have anything to do with any of the past wrongs done to you or your family and therefor could not have prevented any of those terrible things from happening. Yet you want to blame me for all the problems that black people have today.  <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>Newsflash.......It's not my (our) fault.</span></span>

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So, how about them Devil Rays?
GW it is about awareness not hatred or blame. It is about knowing about where you came from and doing what it takes not to go back.

I don't blame white folks for blacks problems, we do bring some on ourselves. But I do still feel the field is not always leveled in some cases.

None of us contributed to what happened in the past, but we can insure that the injustices of the past are not repeated.

What is really sickening is what I have seen in the past few days of people referring to the people of N.O. as animals and that they all should die. Granted there are some horrible things going on and agree that some people perpetuating the lawlessness should be shot, all of probably 90% of those people are not animals and don't deserve to die.

There a poor whites and hispanics out there too damnit. We as a country need to quit tring to determine whether or not someone is entitled to live or die according to their economic status, level of education, and certainly not the color of their skin.

Why can't we all be guilty of spreading love, nothing more, nothing less.

God said, "Love thy neighbor as thyself" That is it plain and simple.
What is really sickening is what I have seen in the past few days of people referring to the people of N.O. as animals and that they all should die. Granted there are some horrible things going on and agree that some people perpetuating the lawlessness should be shot, all of probably 90% of those people are not animals and don't deserve to die.

... We as a country need to quit tring to determine whether or not someone is entitled to live or die according to their economic status, level of education, and certainly not the color of their skin.

Why can't we all be guilty of spreading love, nothing more, nothing less.

God said, "Love thy neighbor as thyself" That is it plain and simple.
Am I allowed to edit your post somewhat then say

"can we get an amen?"

We as a country need to quit tring to determine whether or not someone is entitled to live or die according to their economic status, level of education, and certainly not the color of their skin.
Nobody is trying to determine wheather someone should live or die based on those things, but the people (wheather black, white, spanish or whatever) who are doing the looting, raping, and shooting at the people who are there to help need to die.
We as a country need to quit tring to determine whether or not someone is entitled to live or die according to their economic status, level of education, and certainly not the color of their skin.
Nobody is trying to determine wheather someone should live or die based on those things, but the people (wheather black, white, spanish or whatever) who are doing the looting, raping, and shooting at the people who are there to help need to die.
If your tired of hearing the race card just stop pulling blacks over Sirissac. This way I think your problem will be Resolved Ha ha ha.
Damn, that’s why I’m having such a hard time with my final police interviews.... I’m to damn "Color blind". You know something; here is the way I look at it. Forget about Black & White - that is just silly. Deal with each person on an individual basis. It doesn’t matter if the person is yellow, pink, orange, black, white, etc. Deal with them according to their actions and attitude & leave color out of it, and I’m guessing the judge in your district will be more tolerant with you, and your evidence in court.

Could it be, that quite possibly the "Black man" has had to deal with so much injustice for so long from authority figures, that it's almost like the guy who beats his dog when he's pissed, yet he wonders why the dog flinches every time the owner moves his hand to get the remote, or pick his nose. And yet you wonder why SOME people of color use race as their defense. Yah I agree people shouldn't use their color as an excuse, but that goes for everyone of every color.

Funny how Minneapolis & St. Paul has become like Germany of the late 1930's. Police everything and everyone. Politically we stand firm on what looks good to society, but you don't have to dig very deep under the political/media B.S. to see a whole different world. Racism still exists, and as long as we continue to fuel the race issue we will fail to realize our strife’s in life are more economical than racial. I could go on for hours on this topic, but I believe a lengthy lesson in sociology would be impractical, and quite frankly I don’t think you would admit to the actual reality of the situation, as your perception to fact is most defiantly biased and askew.

And yes I’m white, thanks for wondering.
I'm not gonna get into the whole racial, slave, white man holding us down, we shall overcome aspects this thread has grown to. I'll simply aim -my- post at the -original- and will more than likely leave this entire thread alone.

Now with that said, Sirissac, here's a shortened scenario of what I once went through.

5 blacks (3M 2F) including me in a car doing 75 on a 70mph limit highway. We get pulled over, and 3 other squad cars fall behind the original. No drugs, guns, or booze in our vehicle nor any in or on our bodies. All of us are asked to step out, we are patted down, asked to remove our shoes, car is searched from hood to trunk, drug mutt called in (of course nothing found), all asked to present ID which is ran in system by the pigs (used to describe them, not you), and after 1 hour and 30 minutes were let go.

Now tell me thats SOP for a violation which merits a warning, and I'll tell you thats BS! (1-5 over limit is warning. 6 and above, actual citation issued in Florida)

BTW, no ticket nor warning was given. Hmmm...

Don't play naive. Just because -you- don't use racial profiling as a motive to pull "certain" people over doesn't mean others in your squad, as well as in other precincts, don't.
    The next thing your going to hear is that the hurricane was cooked up by the white blue eyed devil in some lab in New Mexico and unleashed on a heavily populated black area.  This wouldn't suprise me a bit.
HEY!!! WTF!!!
You ever been down here? You ever been to either of the labs? Have you ever worked in this area?
If not "SHUT UP"!!!!
Don't be bringing New Mexico (where the Hispanics and African Americans are the largest groups in the population) into your little tyrid on racism.
Your little comment has really p!ssed me off this morning.
Damn, now my day has taken a negative turn.... THX!!!
Valium, your our probably not getting that final interview, due to your know it all attitude. If you haven't been a Police Officer, how do you know what situations I may have been in and how I handled them.
I treat every person, black or white, with respect and in a professional manner. When I am off duty, I do the same. Most of the time I don't have any problems .
I have reread my original post, but other than my misuse of wording, which grouped all blacks together, I really don't see the racism. I didn't mean that all blacks use the race card. It is used quite a bit by black people who are in custody or who are being arrested. Most of the time I just dismiss what they say. A lot of them are mad or upset at the time and in a state of denial regarding the charges against them.
I get sick of hearing people using their race as an excuse for negative events or circumstances that are going on in their lives. There has been a lot of that on television lately. It gets old.
You are going to believe what you want to believe and I am not going to waste my time any longer. I am not a racist, nor am I prejudice (sp). The problem is, most of you are not exposed to things that a cop is, so you can't possibly understand. I will save the cop talk for the cops.
The problem is, most of you are not exposed to things that a cop is, so you can't possibly understand.  
Now here is something ironic. You think no one can understand what it's like to be a cop, right? Now take that feeling, and take away the fact that you CHOSE to be a cop, and can quit at anytime you like, if it gets so bad you can't take it. Black people feel the same frustration you cops do, but we can't change our race. We didn't choose to be black, we just are. Next time you feel like whining about how hard your job is, and how nobody else that isn't a cop doesn't understand, think on that for a while.
I think this is not a "RACE" issue. This is an "EDUCATION" issue. The black professors at university were my favorite because they were more tolerant and less arrogant. More "human" if you ask me. I had a blast with my major prof because he would roast us with work during the week and invite us over to his pad for barbeque and football on the big screen. His wife was also an angel with her cooking skills
 Funny thing is - she also has a PhD in engineering

You will get the same response from an uneducated black, white, hispanic, brown, yellow, pink (european
) or whatever race you want.

I should also add "economic conditions" but I felt that it was tied very closely with "education".

I am an Indian...from India...and Brown skinned. Oddly enough - the white people were more "engaging" than the black groups who really refused to open up and welcome me into the fold. This is a "GLARING" difference. It is almost as if it is "uncool" for them to be seen hanging out with a "brown" dude...

I am as american as any of you...dont judge me by what you see in "Indiana Jones: Temple of Doom".

(you have no idea how many people ask me about "Karma" and the "Indiana Jones" movie...."IS IT TRUEEE?!?!?
  " )

Can I get a slushy please.

