White people are just as often a minority in many of these countries...and you dont ever hear white people complain of racism.
You never hear a chinese person blame racism. You never hear it from the japanese, the koreans, the italians, the spanish, the french, the arabs, the swiss, the irish, the australians, - none of those ethnicities cry about racism.
I am still checking my history books, but I haven't found the section that shows where white people were enslaved. The thoughts that black people have are not about being the minority in this country, that can be handled. It is how blacks came to be the minority in this country. It wasn't by choice. We didn't fly over here on Delta. We were brought over here in some fo the worst conditions imaginable then we were bought and sold like chattle (property). And if you don't believe that knowing this info cannot have an effect on your mind you are fooling yourself. Do you realize that the majority of blacks in this country will never know what there true history is. Where they came from in Africa. What tribe they belong to. There is not another race in this world that cannot go back and trace their heritage. Only blacks in this country, unfortunately hold that honor. As I have stated before, it is up to the indivdual to make things happen in their lives but please don't believe that a person can just forget what has happened in their past. Their have been best friends that have lost their friendships because one didn't pay back the money the other one owed them. They could not forgive that person. But everyone expects blacks in this country to just forget what happened. Very hard to do. So when something does happen that may or may not be race related these other things will surface in the minds of blacks.
For your information, BLACK People sold BLACK People as slaves. That's where they came from. Learn your history.
Any black people that came here on ships, came from having been "sold" by a black tribal leader in africa.
As for your statement that whites were never enslaved...ARE YOU KIDDING?
Romans, Chinese, British, Greeks, Egyptians, Norsemen, and a million other "peoples" have been enslaved. Nearly if not EVERY race of people has suffered enslavement.
That includes your "white" or "Europeans or Anglos" as you should refer to them if you want to sound less racist.
You have no beef about slavery, my friend. You or anyone else that is alive today. You sound like the type of person that perpetuates the myth that "your people" are oppressed.
YOU WERENT BROUGHT HERE ON A SHIP. You were BORN HERE and enjoy the freedoms of everyone else here, but you have actually enjoyed a benefit of having been born in the latter part of this century.
Black people have been given the upperhand at hiring and college educations as long as I have been alive.
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
(NAACP) is racist by its very existence.
United ***** College Fund is racist by its very existence.
Black Panthers is racist by its very existence.
These programs are, along with "AFFIRMATIVE ACTION"; which also promotes the minority over the majority in every instance when applicants are equal...COMPLETELY racist by the fact that it determines its decisions based on race.
Black people dominate the sports to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars a year in compensation and endorsements. Black people are in the highest court of the land, and are in the highest positions of the government. Black people are free to do anything and everything they wish.
You are not a victim of slavery. If you want to complain about whoever turned your great great great great great grandpa into a slave...I assure you it was a black man in Africa... and that is fact, not opinion.
I am Italian and I can only find out as far back as my great grandpa, so I dont know anyone older than that...and it hasnt stopped me from functioning in this world.
Why is not knowing your entire lineage affecting your ability to function? I am willing to bet that 90% of people in the world dont know their entire history and family tree.