The Recommend a BEER thread.

If i was going to drink it would be Crown or nothing.
no beer
The best beer to me is Ice cold , someone elses and FREE
If I make it to June 23 will be 4 years without I think I may be missing some fun but I dont remember:beerchug:
If I make it to June 23 will be 4 years without I think I may be missing some fun but I dont remember:beerchug:

congrats! :thumbsup: I think the most fun is watching the ones who make a fool of themselves, although in the past I've been that fool:whistle: I don't want my kids to see that side, so I usually volunteer as the d.d. to avoid the temptation and come across as the responsible one:laugh:
Blue moon and yes with an orange:laugh: long trail, And when I drink like it's my job, coor's light. I don't feel as bad in the morning.