The squid next door

WOW - Alot of comments over the weekend.........
I'm so confused - not about the topic - about whether or not to buy lunch for some guy named yahahor!

Thanks for the views people- I think the situation has fizzled out cuz the guy put a FOR SALE sign on the bike. ( i feel sorry for whoever buys it, tho.
thanks again

The problem fixed it self....Personally I would have gone to the cops. I have a neighbor who thought they could cut my cattle fence to try and get "shrooms" from under the piles of crap. Well I tried more than once to tell them that 1) My cows are the wrong cows and eat the wrong food to get the shrooms they were looking for and 2) They were cutting my fence and it was starting to piss me off. I told them my next move was to call the cops. So then I catch them hitting golf balls into my field at my cows....So at this point I am pretty hot under the collar. Long story short talking with guys that have no desire to listen or correct their ways WILL NOT WORK. You should have just called the cops and let them take care of it. Who cares if you are "snitching" or "telling". It is privilage to ride not his right.

I had my brother talk to the neighbors the last time. He told them I now kept a loaded shot gun by the bed and also had contacted the local cops about it. The threat has stopped the golf balls.
Don't go confront him.  Yes, it'd be nice to give a guy a chance.  But honestly, someone acting like that, living like that(no job, supported), isn't going to listen.  The only thing confronting him will do, is to tip him off as to who called the cops on him.

And if it turns into neighbor war, you'll lose.  The guy doesn't even have a job...

Call the cops and let them deal with it.  Its what you pay taxes for.  Cops get paid to deal with trash like that, not you.

As for a second chance.  More likely than not the cops will just talk to the idoit the 1st time, they can't ticket/arrest him for something they didn't see.  Batta bing, there's his chance.  It'll be up to him as to take it or leave it.

yea thats real coooooooool
You realize you contradicted yourself here, then in a later post, resupported your original post that was just contradicted?

WOW - Alot of comments over the weekend.........
I'm so confused - not about the topic - about whether or not to buy lunch for some guy named yahahor!

Thanks for the views people- I think the situation has fizzled out cuz the guy put a FOR SALE sign on the bike. ( i feel sorry for whoever buys it, tho.
thanks again

Well i'm just glad that the situation is resolving itself. It would be a terrible loss for the entire neighborhood to loose a little kid because some jerk is winding up his bike down the street just to wind it up. I'm glad you didn't have to call the cops and cause an even bigger mess. It's amazing how things work out sometimes. And as stated above, hate to be the poor sucker that buys that bike!
Good luck!!!!
Hey, Im always up for some good entertainment...think you can shoot some video of this squid-@ss throwing a fit...and post it up....gota love the entertainment factor since I dont live next to the guy.
Yes the situation has been resolved!
The squidster sold the Katana! yes!
I saw a (Company name here?) Powersports truck there the other day that had a R6 on the back - he must have bought it to flip. Some poor individual will now buy it and be a little disappointed down the road. Well thanks for the replies people.

Now watch , the squid will take the money and buy a faster bike.