The starting problems start!

So is shimming witha awasher the answer to the one of the biggest problem of the Busa!!!! It appears the over heating problems has been written under many different threads. And the fixes range from so many differnet areas. I guess I'm asking can anyone confirm adding a thicker washer or taking off the washer is the fix!!! Please send words becasue I'm so tired of worrying about this issue!!!!

Turbo1!!!! Chime in brother!!!
Ok look i got the same issue I've change everything on this 06 Busa an it's doing the same thing after I drive it for 20 min it will not start until it cools for a hour or so or if I jump it or push it WTF any answers
I have not read every post on this So I apologize if this has been said but sounds like ur fuel pumps not wanting to prime if you are positive it's fuel related also check starter switch mine does that in the heat.. Wierd but ya It happens .
my bike is back together... and starting as cold and HOT also!!!
i could not get a limiter assy as it is b/o in canada for the moment, so heres what i did: take the limiter assy off your bike, take it apart and wheres the crush washers, shim it by adding an extra thick washer put it back together and voila! Worked on mine, my problem was there.

I will really appreciate if any of you guys can point me to where the limiter assembly is. Thanks in advance.
I've been having the exact same problem with my 02 busa also with low miles 5,200mi to be exact. And I checked all that you mentioned also . I also did the 03-07 starter upgrade but still when it gets warm it turns over very slow almost like vapor lock . Thanks for reassuring my I'm not the only one with this problem and hopefully we can clear the problem up and ride with confidence .
I have a -00 with ALMOST the same problem, the starter is slow/fast randomly but it always starts, hot or cold doesn´t make any difference. I upgraded to extremeengines idlergear limiter and that should eliminate the "washer problem" for me at least. I also installed the case saver to feel more secure but i´m parked for the season anyways. Does anyone else get that loud "clanking/whipping" sound when the starter stops? When mine is slow it always stop after 2-5 turns then "clank"! and it starts. The sound can be heard at the 2 second mark in the clip.

Great thread in any case, i gave up today after having this problem for a year, but after finding this thread i´m at it again!:laugh:
ok guys i have the same problem i started a diff. thread about it, i checked everything u guys have...guess what the problem was? THE ECU!!!!!! after i checked all the injectors me and this mechanic i know barrowed a ecu from a 04 busa, its snaps in but is diffrent it started but back fire alot, because 1999 to 2002 are almost the exact same the years after that something about them have a limmiter on them but when i found the rite ecu for my bike it started with know problem. oh then i was tryin to figure out how this happened it was because when i was giving my bike a jump with a car before( car was off) until my girl friends brother came out and started the car before i new it a while ago so over time the ecu was going bad but im willing to bet get a buddys ecu and just try it and see what happens. its worth a try. i wish somebody would have told me before i did all that work taking everything apart and checking everything:banghead: but good luck guys...GOD BLESS
ok guys i have the same problem i started a diff. thread about it, i checked everything u guys have...guess what the problem was? THE ECU!!!!!! after i checked all the injectors me and this mechanic i know barrowed a ecu from a 04 busa, its snaps in but is diffrent it started but back fire alot, because 1999 to 2002 are almost the exact same the years after that something about them have a limmiter on them but when i found the rite ecu for my bike it started with know problem. oh then i was tryin to figure out how this happened it was because when i was giving my bike a jump with a car before( car was off) until my girl friends brother came out and started the car before i new it a while ago so over time the ecu was going bad but im willing to bet get a buddys ecu and just try it and see what happens. its worth a try. i wish somebody would have told me before i did all that work taking everything apart and checking everything:banghead: but good luck guys...GOD BLESS

Did it solve the slow starter problem or the not starting problem or both?
Good for you it´s working again:cheerleader:
Did it solve the slow starter problem or the not starting problem or both?
Good for you it´s working again:cheerleader:

it solved both because for some reason it was so hard to start, because the ecu wasnt telling the injectors when to spray, but the problem now is i have to wait till tomarrow to get an ecu i was using a friends. if u know someone with the same ecu plug it up and see what happens it only takes a sec..
Has anyone else tried the ecu switch? I'm mailing with Karl at extreme engines and judging from the sound of my bike he's almost certain it's the starter clutch.
I am a new member here. I joined specifically because of this thread. I have a 2003 Hayabusa that WAS suffering from the same problem. Starts fine when cold, but tough to start when hot. Or many times would not start at all. Even after a short ride I would have to wait 15 minutes for the bike to cool before it would start again. My symptoms were consistent with what is being described here. I took Oskala's advise about the wires and the connections and here is what I discovered. Do to the placement of the Starter. The wire that connects the Starter to the negative lead on the battery was actually resting/touching the engine. While the bike would run, the heat from the engine would also heat up this wire, increasing the resistance in the wire. This is a heavy gauge wire that I was able move and make sure that it was no longer touching the engine. I no longer have any starting issues due to heat!
This is about random slow cranking, hot or cold making no difference.

I got this problem back this spring again after having the bike on the ctek all winter (a big no no i know now), bought a new battery, same as i bought when when my problems finally disappeared (Bosch M6017AGM CCA 230). Seller said he had charged it for the 2 hours required (i remember charging my last battery for at least 16 hours before using it). Anyway, i listened to the pro and popped the new battery in and got a slow crank right away.

Two weeks of taking the bike apart followed. We found a fried stator connector (fixed) and a broken regulator (mosfet on order), checked the starter gear/clutch (ok), measured cables (ok) but still random slow cranking. I finally put the bike on the ctek in car mode charging 3.6A over night and poof, problem gone. The bike works fine even with the nutty regulator still in and i expect i can skip putting the bike on ctek every night as soon as i get the new reg. So, it was the battery once again.

Edit: After one week with the new regulator and no ctek the bike just keeps starting like it should. The old regulator was charging 14V at idle which should be normal but dropped down to 13.2V at 5000 rpm..
Woho this thread is old. Do you guys still ride old busas? Hehe, mine is 04... love it. However i also have this one issue with engine not turning on when hot. But kind of different from what you all discussing. Problem is when engine is red hod(at normal operating temperature, closer to when the fan turns on). If i turn it off for any reason, maybe even noobie stall haha usually its hard to turn it back on. It crank normal, same speed as when engine is cold. Just will take some time to start at least... aand if lets say it start say quick, i always happen to stall it again lol, either by forgetting i in gear or the side stand is down. And than its at least 3 minutes of starting attempts. Somebody of you guy remember how you used to fix this particual issue?

Lets sum it up, when hot it wont start, cranks at normal speed regardless of hot/cold. Have plenty of electricity, run perfect, this is the only problem. TB's are also synced.