The Unthinkable Happened Today

Should of had a high power gun with a scoop and then your bike would still be there good luck bro getting it back sorry to hear this
Any more insight on this? I hope they skin the thieves and tie them to an ant hill. :devil:

Actually just got done talking with investigators and they believe that they have identified ther perps. I've always wanted to say that! :laugh: Anyway, having identified them and because of the 3 letter agencies involved they are backing off and checking where the bikes are being taken and who is buying the them or the parts. Not sure how long that will last, but the end is near!
Actually just got done talking with investigators and they believe that they have identified ther perps. I've always wanted to say that! :laugh: Anyway, having identified them and because of the 3 letter agencies involved they are backing off and checking where the bikes are being taken and who is buying the them or the parts. Not sure how long that will last, but the end is near!

Good to hear.
Hopefully your bike is still in one piece.
Holy sh*t Ken! This is unbelievable! I mean I don't even know what to say?? Dude....I seriously hope you get her back and are riding again ASAP You know we want to see you smiling and, happy at the Fall Bash. So my prayers are with you.

We need to bring back public floggings! Lil F*ckers~! :guns: :evil:
no security on premisses. You didnt go after them,with cell phone in hand. You just watched???? I would have bolted down there myself. Sorry to hear about this though.
I PUCKING HATE THIEVES... they should be :spank: then :firing:
Dude. so they know who they are now? they gonna try to get the bike back or is it now gone for good but they are gonna try to bust them?
Dude. so they know who they are now? they gonna try to get the bike back or is it now gone for good but they are gonna try to bust them?

They are gonna go after the bigger fish. They have to see where the 19 bikes have been taken before they know anything else or determine the exact steps to take.
that staight up sucks! i hope they nab the bastids and shutdown there operation quick before someonelse falls victim to this. i would be in "rough shape" if that was mine without a doubt. hopefully you will pick up another one and put this behind you.
Don't talk about it anymore and let this thread die until after investigation completes and arrests made; would hate for it to get compromised because we are talking about it here (might even recommend Admins shut it off for awhile or even hide it); Once they are busted you let us know and provide links if you get them. Make sure you go to court so that you can eyeball them and let them see you do it. Stealing from a bunch of pissed off soldiers is suicide.
When does your insurance pay out? In my experience (my mom's a geico employee) you usually have a check in a few days if you accept their initial offer.
Ken, Sorry to hear this. I hope you get some satisfaction knowing they will be caught. Hope it all works out for you.
Thats ballsy right there. To steal from Ft. Bragg property. I wonder if caught if they could charge them with a federal crime. it was on goverment property.

I'd also say with the amount of bikes being stolen its somebody on base.