The world's most ridiculous-looking Busa

I'm not sure what's worse...the Busa, or the fact that it's fetched 28 bids so far?!

damn, woman!.. I was getting ready to write THIS SAME THING EXACTLY!..

..this is weird.. ..spooky..
I've only got ONE PHRASE.....

would this be Thomas the CHooChoo Trains alter Ego???

I don't know what is scarier???... the fact that it is Blingy,
the FACT that someone would actually put A F**IN DVD SCREEN in the TANK. I could see it now, well Officer I was watchin Independence Day and I didn't see that kid crossing the street. UhhhHH Yuccchhkkk!!! Garsh!! (Goofy)

Also WHY WHY WHY would you need double discs on an axle that has no WEIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That tire probably SMOKES EVERY TIME you touch the pedal.

This does not look good for New York, Sorry guys.
This bike receives the coveted "SITE" award (Sock in the Eye)
Because of this I might have to find my old Emoticon.


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This is the perfect example of someone with too much time and money on their hands. This cat could have shot me some ends for a new helmet, chrome wheels, 4 to 1 pipe, and the cost to turn my 2 car garage into a 3-car, so my bikes won't take up so much space.

So in the future, everyone give to the needy and not the artistically challenged !!