I stand corrected. Please forgive my assumptions. You're possibly the only one here that would have been handy to have around in this situation.
But I hear this outcry for everyone to carry a handgun every time something like this happens and it totally misses the point. The ONLY western country this happens in regularly is the US (one notable exception recently of course). Why is this? Are there more nutjobs here than in Europe? Are people here naturally more violent? Of course not. There is one and only one difference and that's the ease of obtaining weapons here. If any moron who loses his job and wants retribution can walk into a WalMart and buy a handgun what do you think is going to happen?
I do see your point though.. I don't agree with all gun laws like the one here in AZ that anyone can CC without a permit (real limited as to where you can but still possible). I think only trained individuals such as military and LE as well as those who have taken the CC course should be allowed to carry. I'd feel very uncomfortable in a situation like that and some half wit just decides to play one man army and try to take someone out and possibly injure a bystander in the process. But I can also see the other side of the spectrum and if more people were allowed to carry it might discourage those who have plans like this.. it's a twisted world we live in.