+100 ...was thinking this kid sure thinks a lot of himself... ???
how do you figure that?
+100 ...was thinking this kid sure thinks a lot of himself... ???
I like the idea of a pic of wife by the speedo to keep the speed down on the streets. Do some track days and drag strip to get your speed fix.
I may sound like one but you would be hard pressed to find another 24 yr old that has accomplished what i have.
not into turns but i love to drag race thing is with my work schedule i can oly go 2-3 times a year. Thats just not enough lolThe wife pic on the speedo is a great idea i will do that and i think that just might work
This is where I got that from....
When you were called a normal 24 yr old this was your reply
Your reply suggests you think you are better than "normal 24 yr olds".
I don't know your schedule or what all your work hours are but I am sure there are some test and tune nights you could make it to over the summer. Usually covers my urge for speed.
I want you to know I wouldnt do this for just anyone but I also am concerned with your safety,
I am willing to trade you my car that is sure to slow you down so that you can sleep at night knowing that you will live to drive another day.
(( Note this is not the actual car ) Mine is missing a door ( Passenger side so not to worry you wont fall out ) It also has 3 flat tires ( helps to keep you going slow ) 3rd gear is out, ( Not like there was much of a difference between 2nd and thrird ) The back glass is missing, ( Not like you need one, all the bugs come from the front ) No rear seat, ( Its not like your going to find any freinds that would ride around with you in it ) There may be 6 or 7 other issues OK OK 9 or 10 but just remember its all for safety.
I can paint it blue if you wish.