I had one for 3 years.
It’s a noisey harsh motor, mine had 4 recalls but I think there have been more.
None of the servicing or recalls could be done at my local store, it had to go way East to a “H2 Tech”. My local store couldn’t touch it as they weren’t H2 trained.
Stock they are no stronger than a Gen-3, but they are very easily derestricted. 2 mates had theirs derestricted and had engine failure, there was a 3rd in the shop at the same time. Another crashed due to wheel bearings, another of the several recalls.
Heaps of folk got them derestricted and one of the recalls was for an ECU fix that flashed the bikes back to stock and removed the tunes.
Mine chucked out crazy heat in an Aussie summer.
A brand new Gen-3 and a 3 year old H2 SX SE have quite similar value and performance. When I did the change over my insurance sent me a cheque back for how much lower risk they considered the Busa to be.
Crap to work on, go try removing the ECU !
So glad to be back on a Gen-3.
The only thing I slightly miss are the fractionally higher bars, the factory centre stand like my Gen-1, and the luggage that uses the ignition key and doesn’t need a mounting rack.
The Gen-3 is a so much nicer bike to live with and one I have a lot more faith in.
If the Gen-3 had been anything like the H2 SX SE I wouldn’t be on one now.
Funny, of the 4 or 5 of us locally that bought one, none of us has one now.
A very overrated bike, living of the glory of the H2 / H2R.
One huge benefit of the Gen-3 is it’s NOT a new design, is a well known proven package they tweaked and added to.