Three great TAX waves Coming!

No worries all, Obama wants to pass a VAT (Valued Added Tax) soon. Unfortunately, it will be ON TOP OF your current taxation. Of course, he's not going to try this now...only if they hold onto Congress. So get out and vote.
And worse yet?

Now, your insurance will be INCOME on your W2's!

One of the surprises we'll find come next year, is what follows - - a little "surprise" that 99% of
us had no idea was included in the "new and improved" healthcare legislation . . .
those who backed this administration will be astonished!

Starting in 2011, (next year folks), your W-2 tax form sent by your employer will be increased to
show the value of whatever health insurance you are given by the company.
It does not matter if that's a private concern or governmental body of some sort.

If you're retired? So what... your gross will go up by the amount of insurance you get.

You will be required to pay taxes on a large sum of money that you have never seen.
Take your tax form you just finished and see what $15,000 or $20,000 additional gross does to your tax debt.
That's what you'll pay next year.

For many, it also puts you into a new higher bracket so it's even worse.

This is how the government is going to buy insurance for the15% that don't have insurance and it's only part of the tax increases.

Not believing this??? Here is a research of the summaries.....

as modified by sec. 10901) Sec.9002 "requires employers to include in the W-2 form of each employee the
aggregate cost of applicable employer sponsored group health coverage that is excludable from the employees gross income."

- Joan Pryde is the senior tax editor for the Kiplinger letters.
- Go to Kiplingers and read about 13 tax changes that could affect you. Number 3 is what is above.

People have the right to know the truth because an election is coming in November!

This is what happens when you believe emails you've been forwarded. I'm only gonna go after this part because I'm on my way out the door to dinner and this seems to be one of the main contentions.

Read the article for yourself people. Health Care Reform: 13 Tax Changes on the Way - Kiplinger
He's conveniently omitted the most important part of the statement. Here's the entire statement directly from the Kiplinger letters for those that can't click.

3. A requirement that businesses include the value of the health care benefits they provide to employees on W-2s, beginning with W-2s for 2011.The amount reported is not considered taxable income.

This is what happens when you believe emails you've been forwarded. I'm only gonna go after this part because I'm on my way out the door to dinner and this seems to be one of the main contentions.

Read the article for yourself people. Health Care Reform: 13 Tax Changes on the Way - Kiplinger
He's conveniently omitted the most important part of the statement. Here's the entire statement directly from the Kiplinger letters for those that can't click.

3. A requirement that businesses include the value of the health care benefits they provide to employees on W-2s, beginning with W-2s for 2011.The amount reported is not considered taxable income.


Oh that's GRrrreaaatt....I'm so glad all my worries are over...I'm positive now
taxes will absolutely NOT go up in any way in the comming years...We're saved :cheerleader:

The premise still is relevant regardless of how many :rofl: icons you wish to use :banghead:
As your taxes go up the underground businesses thrive. Being here in Canada I will do mostly anything to avoid paying some of the taxes, They just harmonized our sales taxes to 13% then gave us an adjustment to the new tax in the form of a cheque. So i took my government bribe and went cross border shopping in Buffalo. Thats the one way they can't get my money. Your VAT becareful the uk is already at 17.5% tax on that one. I pay about 33% of my pay in taxes right off the top. Then the rest is paid through shopping and stuff. If you guys don't stop it now your done!
Oh that's GRrrreaaatt....I'm so glad all my worries are over...I'm positive now
taxes will absolutely NOT go up in any way in the comming years...We're saved :cheerleader:

The premise still is relevant regardless of how many :rofl: icons you wish to use :banghead:

The :rofl::rofl:'s are because it amuses me how people like you are overwhelmed by the fact that part of the problem could be them. Are you :banghead: out of frustration because I researched your source and am able to contradict the doomsday stuff you seem to love to post where the only merit it has is measured by how much anger/anxiety/panic, etc. it can generate?
Of course taxes will go up. They always do, they always have, and I'd be willing to put a great deal of money on the fact that they probably always will. I completely agree that its relevant, I hate paying taxes just as much as you, so when you have to lie or manipulate the truth, it compromises your message all the more. This is kinda what I was referring to in another thread regarding the Tea Party. I was simply pointing out that the major source that you cited was completely manipulated to go along with your agenda, which often times seems to be TP's MO. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me you're either you're using false data to try and prove your argument, or it's plain laziness or ignorance by going along with what you hear from an email or some ratings driven gas bag on the television.

It probably doesn't even bother you that you pass along such falsehoods with such zest, does it? And why should it when the sole aim is to stir the pot and get people riled. I'm guessing you didn't even read the Kiplinger article before you decided to post it, which speaks volumes.
I for one am all for stirring the pot and getting us riled. The passivity of the populous is infuriating.

Like you said, III, taxes are going up up up like usual ... UNTIL a breaking or reacting point is hit.

The disconnect between the few legislators and the many subjects is, IMO, akin to gross "taxation without representation" ... a/k/a time for a revolution - be it bloodless or otherwise.

So, thanks for the insights on the Three Tax Waves coming, for starting the dialogue, and for prompting thought instead of just passive acceptance and acquiesence as III seems to otherwise advocate.
May be it's time for government to stop spending gigazillions of dollars on military after a guy who couldnt be caught for so many years and for the 'betterment' of another country. And may be it's time to spend that money for the people of this country itself and not screw them up by increasing tax and all.
The :rofl::rofl:'s are because it amuses me how people like you are overwhelmed by the fact that part of the problem could be them. Are you :banghead: out of frustration because I researched your source and am able to contradict the doomsday stuff you seem to love to post where the only merit it has is measured by how much anger/anxiety/panic, etc. it can generate?
Of course taxes will go up. They always do, they always have, and I'd be willing to put a great deal of money on the fact that they probably always will. I completely agree that its relevant, I hate paying taxes just as much as you, so when you have to lie or manipulate the truth, it compromises your message all the more. This is kinda what I was referring to in another thread regarding the Tea Party. I was simply pointing out that the major source that you cited was completely manipulated to go along with your agenda, which often times seems to be TP's MO. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me you're either you're using false data to try and prove your argument, or it's plain laziness or ignorance by going along with what you hear from an email or some ratings driven gas bag on the television.

It probably doesn't even bother you that you pass along such falsehoods with such zest, does it? And why should it when the sole aim is to stir the pot and get people riled. I'm guessing you didn't even read the Kiplinger article before you decided to post it, which speaks volumes.

??? wow where to start, but I wont waste much time, I'll just keep it short.

You find a line that the original author of the E-mail left off and somehow that
invalidates the entire premise. No I didn't bother to research every line (take notes)
because the premise is sound.

I'll simplify....

If/when tax cuts are allowed to expire, we WILL pay more and it will not help the
economy/JOBS one bit making things much much worse.

ObamaKare will cost us (as in personally and the U.S.) tons of money.

Instead of reduced spending, that even a 3rd grader can understand, the
current Administration will continue to push an additional Cap and Tax as
well as a V.A.T. and that's just for starters.

"Taxes always go up"....No...they don't. Bending over and putting your head
in the sand because that's the way you think it's always been...maybe your
comfortable with that...I'm not.

Spreading Doomsday ??? America is burning around us and we better get our heads out
of the sand...and your Amused..wonderful, must be nice. (The Clam Award is
i think i'm gonna go find an island somewhere:rofl:

Great...take as many Socialist/Progressives with you and leave
America alone. There's plenty of failed Socialist/Communist countries
out there...pick one.

Seriously, when America is gone, where will you go? And if for a MINUTE
you don't think that is happening either,

1-your head is in the sand and/or your still asleep.
2-You are a Socialist/Progressive and part of the problem. (have fun on the island)
Great...take as many Socialist/Progressives with you and leave
America alone. There's plenty of failed Socialist/Communist countries
out there...pick one.

Seriously, when America is gone, where will you go? And if for a MINUTE
you don't think that is happening either,

1-your head is in the sand and/or your still asleep.
2-You are a Socialist/Progressive and part of the problem. (have fun on the island)

Wow wow buddy i'm about as american and proud of this country as they come, but i sure as hell hate seeing it run to the ground the way its going, trust me i see the issues but there is such a small group of us that actually give a damn about the way the country should be run and the future of it that its ridiculous.
So just relax trying to calm the mood a bit
Wow wow buddy i'm about as american and proud of this country as they come, but i sure as hell hate seeing it run to the ground the way its going, trust me i see the issues but there is such a small group of us that actually give a damn about the way the country should be run and the future of it that its ridiculous.
So just relax trying to calm the mood a bit

Your right....I apologize. :spank:
We had BETTER learn from this. The entire voting majority seems to believe in free lunches. Another bunch of dumbadzes think the government can solve all their complaints based on media BS. Yeah, Dubya had his hands full, the USA attacked ???. and I suppose could have done a better job of watching the financial dipsticks hosing up the real estate markets, mostly after some government "improvements" to banking under Clinton. Boy, the grass sure is greener here....:banghead: I think people better start "pulling their freight" and the Government can just knock off the SOCIALIST takeover. We have other CHARITIES.