Three great TAX waves Coming!

Prolly should move elections to Saturday morning say 7am, so the working guys can vote, dumbadzes won't get out of bed for it, turn the whole game around. :laugh:
Prolly should move elections to Saturday morning say 7am, so the working guys can vote, dumbadzes won't get out of bed for it, turn the whole game around. :laugh:

SOOOO True. Kinda reminds me of the 'polls'...the only people that are getting polled are those who are sitting around at home during the daytime (i.e. not working)....
Democrats are horrible at economy.

They cant seem to draw the conclusion that they need to stop hurting private sector business and HELP them alot.

Public sector jobs are paid through taxes, so increasing those jobs hurts tax revenue.
Private sector jobs increase tax revenue because they are paid through the business, not taxes, and are taxed income.
The more private sector jobs you have, the more tax revenue you receive.

I dont think that our government understand the correlation between tax revenue, PRIVATE SECTOR jobs, socialist programs like welfare.

They talk about how the government created jobs with the census workers and the unemployment rate went down....but how does that really help? We used tax dollars to pay that employment and thus spent more money paying wages than collecting in taxes...that is a deficit. Imagine if every person in the country had a job....but it was all government jobs...who would pay the wages?

For some reason, government keeps passing legislation hurting the private sector businesses and thus private sector jobs....but we are suppose to be helping the in the hell?

We need to wipe the slates clean of all these politicians and get some real THINKERS in there that understand economy

Not to mention, if there was some kind of control on government spending and held people accountable for their own actions (99ers that dont look for jobs), we wouldnt need to tax our citizens at ridiculous rates...
Who covers costs easier?


When people spend money in private sector, it allows for expansion, more jobs, more tax revenue, more stability.
Unfortunately I didnt add in my picture the $ that the Gov pisses away on socialist programs that encourage dependency.
And as long as 50% of the population benefits from those programs (as they do now) you will never see them vanish completely.
If I went into detail on ObamaCare you would all call me a liar. So, I will let it just do its thing for the next 5 years. Be ready to go to Thailand at your expense to have surgery in a short time. Get on the Govt waiting list and die before you get surgery! The Obama plan is for more of those greedy old geezers to just hurry up and die. They are sucking up all the money and the young need it. So, the new idea, be patriotic! Die now for your country, leave the next generation better off!:cheerleader:
This is essentially the economic strategy of the Democratic party.

Government knows better than YOU.

Obama stated that with Obamacare when he was ramrodding it through Congress. (paraphrased since I don't have time to dig up the direct quote right now) The people may not be for it now, but they will thank us in a few years when they realize we know whats better for them than they do.
PARTICULARLY the military.

ok, let's cut your salary 35% "bro". i earn my meager pittance of a paycheck, thank you very much. we are currently in a time of war, and you want to cut military spending?
ok, let's cut your salary 35% "bro". i earn my meager pittance of a paycheck, thank you very much. we are currently in a time of war, and you want to cut military spending?

You cut my salary 35% and yours IS cut 'cause the sweat of the private sector pays for the ever-increasing gov't payroll.

Yah yah "a time of war" ... sure - we've been waging war for a decade now, and the "we're at war" excuse for raising taxes and having absolutely no accountability for government spending has grown weary a LONG LONG time ago.

You personalize and completely miss the point. I am 110% for huge cuts in our military spending. Here is a prime example of WASTE:
- individuals with government jobs get fully paid/funded furloughs (as in a year off of their typical job) so they can join the reserves and get paid an additional full salary and pension.

I would like we taxpayers to be paying much less for policing the world and imposing a democracy that hardly works at "home." Let the UN and Nato and Israel start footing the bill for god's sake. We are being sucked dry.

While I will be the first to admit that we spend far too much on frivolous pursuits, it is somewhat misguided to assume that our massive military budget did not only help to win a World War, but also stave off an ever encroaching Soviet Union. Ask any historian and they will tell you the fall of the Soviet Union stemmed from economic pressures brought to the forefront by our heavy military spending during the Cold War.
The truth of the matter about winning the Cold War was that we BROKE the Soviet Union before we BROKE ourselves. While the defense budget has been excessive during the last 10 years mostly in operational dollars, traditionally Defense brings more payouts to the economy as a whole than many other programs. Military Jobs/Defense Jobs/ least people are WORKING for this money rather than GIVING it away for NOTHING. The US gets a pretty decent bang for it's buck in defense spending.

There is no doubt that our defense budget needs to shrink in these economic times, and the DoD knows it. Operational funds have taken a lions share of the budget instead of R&D and new weapons systems programs. Gates is making proposals already. However, I caution that drawing defense down too much, or to just use that money to fund more social programs, would also be a mistake. The US has several times in the past slashed the defense budget too far, with disasterous results in the grain of TF Smith (Korea), or after Desert Storm. We don't need to starve defense so much that our global rivals think we are weak...I served during 2 big drawdowns and it did take a while to climb out of it.

P.S. I'd take anything the "Stockholm International Peace Research Institute" published with a grain of salt.